Biography of Eli T. Brand, M.D.

Dr. Eli T. Brand, president of the Lindell Hospital at 3766 Lindell boulevard in St. Louis, was born in Bonne Terre, Missouri, December 12. 1883, his parents being George W. and Mattie (Boyd) Brand. The mother died in Bonne Terre in 1913, and the father is still living in that city. For many years he was engaged in stock raising but is now living retired. Both he and his wife were native Missourians. Dr. Brand was one of a family of five sons and four daughters. He attended the schools of his native town and in 1904, having determined upon … Read more

Biography of Lemuel R. Jones

LEMUEL R. JONES. Among the most esteemed and respected citizens of the town of Western Grove there is not one who has been a more faithful soldier, a more pleasant or agreeable member of society, or a more thorough and sagacious business man than Lemuel R. Jones, who is now notary public and postmaster at that place. His life of industry and usefulness, and his record for honesty and uprightness have given him a hold upon the community which all might well desire to share. He is a native of the State of Missouri, born in St. Francois County, February … Read more

Biography of K. Ellis Sherrill M. D.

K. Ellis Sherrill, M. D. A physician and surgeon of finisbed ability and wide experience practicing at Formoso, Doctor Sherrill located in Kansas about two years age, having previously practiced in Missouri and Arkansas. He was licensed to practice by the Missouri State Board of Examiners in 1911, by that of the Arkansas Board in 1912, and by reciprecal privileges now had the right to practice in about forty states of the Union. Doctor Sherrill was born at Bismarck in St. Francois County, Missouri, April 7, 1873. His paternal ancestry is of English descent and was established in old Virginia … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of Thomas R. Cundiff

Thomas R. Cundiff came to California in 1874, and the next year located in Riverside. Upon his arrival he sought work as a nurseryman, and first worked for Mr. Carleton, and then Mr. Russell. He soon became familiar with horticultural pursuits, and purchasing a team and wagon engaged in improving and planting orchards and orange grove lands for non-residents. He worked for several years at this, and some of the now finest fruit groves in the colony were those he planted in the early days, among which may be noted the groves of Peter Suman and Henry Jaracki, on Brockton … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Alexander Ramsey

HON. WILLIAM ALEXANDER RAMSEY. This able associate  the Shannon County Court, from the Western District, is a native of Stanley County, N. C., born in 1845, and a son of Sanders Taylor and Leah (Light) Ramsey, who were also born in the Old North State, where they lived until 1846, when they removed to Tennessee, and four years later to Alabama, and two years from that time to Iron County, Missouri, where Mr. Ramsey died in January, 1894, aged about seventy-five years, and his wife in 1866, both having been members of the Southern Methodist Church. Mr. Ramsey was a … Read more

Landers, Wilbur Paul – Obituary

Island City, Oregon Wilbur Paul Landers Wilbur Paul Landers, 96, died in Wenatchee, Wash., Oct. 15. Funeral services will take place at the LDS Church in Island City at 1 p.m Saturday. Viewings will be from 3 to 7 p.m. Friday at Loveland Funeral Chapel and noon until 12:50 p.m. Saturday prior to the funeral. Burial will be at the Grandview Cemetery following the services. Arrangements are under the direction of Loveland Funeral Home and Telford’s Funeral Home. Mr. Landers was born Aug. 21, 1910, near Leadwood, Mo., to John and Essie Landers. His family moved to Oregon when he … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert L. Coleman

HON. ROBERT L. COLEMAN. It is the men of broad and comprehensive views who give life to communities and build cities-men who have foresight and energy, pluck and push to forward their enterprises and still retain an untarnished reputation through it all. Such a man is Hon. Robert L. Coleman, now circuit clerk and recorder and ex-representative of Carter County. He was elected to his present responsible position in 1890 by the Democratic party, of which he is a zealous member. Previous to this, in 1886, he was elected school commissioner, held that position two years, and was elected to … Read more

Biography of Victor Craig

Victor Craig, of England, came to America in 1760, and settled in Maryland. He had four sons, William, James, Robert, and Samuel. William and James lived in Albemarle County Va. Samuel was drowned in the Susquehanna River. Robert was a soldier of the revolutionary war. He was married first to Susan Carter, of Virginia, who was afterward killed by the Indians. She lived nine days after having been scalped. Mr. Craig was married the second time to Sarah Ellington, of New Jersey, by whom he had-John, David, Victor, Jonathan, Jacob, Cynthia, Nancy, and Sally. Mr. Craig settled in Montgomery County … Read more