Biography of Joseph R. Smith

Joseph R. Smith. The record of continuous service in the office of probate judge in Kansas is held by Joseph B. Smith, of Iola. The people of Allen County first elected Mr. Smith to handle the delicate responsibilities of the probate office in 1894. The term is for two years. Every succeeding two years the people have had an opportunity to express their judgment of Judge Smith’s administration, and every time, apparently regardless of political party fortunes or other considerations, his ability and varied qualifications have received the stamp of approval and in 1916 he was re-elected for the eleventh … Read more

Biography of Edward Everett Wall

Edward Everett Wall, water commissioner of St. Louis, who has ever met the requirements of his public position in an eminently satisfactory way, was born at Cambridge, Saline county, Missouri, August 15, 1860, and is a son of John and Mary (Gault) Wall. The father, born in 1819, went to Saline county, Missouri, in 1833, his father there entering three hundred and twenty acres of land, a greater portion of which constitutes the farm now occupied by two of the sons of John Wall. As a member of Doniphan’s regiment John Wall served through the Mexican war and afterward crossed … Read more

Biography of James L. Reat, M. D.

James Lee Reat, M. D., one of the most distinguished physicians and surgeons of Illinois, and who has been long and honorably connected with the professional and industrial interests of Douglas County, was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, January 26, 1824. The Reat ancestors are traced back to Scotland, where the name was pronounced in two syllables, with the accent on the last. Two brothers emigrated to this country during the war of the Revolution, one of whom espoused the cause of the rebels, the term by which the patriot colonies were then known, and served through that struggle with … Read more

Caudle, Berkley – Obituary

Memorial Services Held At Lostine Memorial services for Berkeley Caudle who passed away at Wallowa Memorial hospital Wednesday, Saturday 22, were held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Christian church in Lostine, under the direction of the Booth-Bollman Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert John officiated. With Miss Martha Crow at the piano, Mrs. Orval McArtor sang “Under His Wings”, and she and Melvin Crow sang “Beyond The Sunset.” Pallbearers were Wm. E. Williams, Orval McArtor, C.F. (Bud) Wynans, Kenneth Keeler, Crawford Oveson and Howard Williamson, with internment in the Lostine Cemetery. Omitted from the list of survivors in last weeks … Read more

Hibbs, Martin R. – Obituary

Two Victims in River Mystery Martin R. Hibbs and Also Unknown Man Found Dead on River The body of Martin R. Hibbs, Snake river rancher, was laid to rest Monday afternoon in the Enterprise cemetery. He was a victim in a mysterious Snake River tragedy believed to have been enacted a week before in which two men lost their lives. The identity of the other victim is not known but is believed he was Joe Anderson, a prospector who had been staying on the Hibbs ranch a couple of weeks or more. The ranch is on Granite creek about a … Read more

Biography of John Russell Stewart

John Russell Stewart. As a citizen who for many years was closely identified with journalism and local affairs in Champaign County, the people of this section feel a corresponding interest in the personality and career of John Russell Stewart. As supervising editor of this publication, the publishers feel that this interest should be gratified by the inclusion of a brief personal biography. He was born on his father’s farm in Butler County, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1840, a son of William and Eliza Jane (Gibson) Stewart, who were both of direct Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Stewart received his education in the local … Read more

Biography of Roger E. Zombro

Roger E. Zombro is one of the live and enterprising business men of Champaign, and after a number of years of practical experience as an employee graduated into the ranks of independent merchants and now conducts one of the most popular men’s furnishing goods stores of the city, drawing his trade from the best classes of people. Mr. Zombro was born at Midland City, Illinois, October 16, 1880, a son of Jacob W. and Mary M. (Cheney) Zombro. His parents were both born at Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Jacob Zombro spent the last twenty years of his life in the insurance business, … Read more

Biography of Colonel Elhanan John Searle

Soldier, jurist and publicist, a man of many attainments and widely diversified talent, was Elhanan J. Searle, the subject of this sketch. He was born January 18, 1835, at Royalton, Ohio, coming to Rock Island County with his parents when about two years of age, and died at Rock Island, August 18, 1906. Colonel Searle, or Judge Searle as he was perhaps more familiar known throughout Rock Island County, received his education at the Rock River Seminary, an institution located at Mount Morris, Illinois, and after completing his studies in that school, which was largely preparatory in its scope, he … Read more

Breshears, W.R., Mrs. – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Mrs. W.R. Breshears Dies at Hospital Mrs. W. Reuben Breshears of Wallowa died Friday morning, April 10, 1942, at the Enterprise hospital where she had been a patient for the past week. She was sixty five years of age and had not been well for a long time. Mrs. Breshears was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, and from there moved to Springfield, Illinois. She was married in 1905. The family have been residents of Wallowa county for twenty-five years and have lived in the town of Wallowa for the past eight years. Surviving, besides her husband, are four children, … Read more

Biography of Fred G. Palmer

Fred G. Palmer was chiefly responsible for the establishment and upbuilding of one of the leading industries of Kansas City, Kansas. This is the Kaw Boiler Works Company. Like many other concerns that now wield a large influence in a city’s industrial life this business started on a small scale. Mr. Palmer was associated with exmayor T. B. Gilbert in organizing the business in 1905. They started making boilers and other equipment of that class in a rented building. The partnership was continued by these two men for six years. In 1911 the Kaw Boiler Works Company was organized and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Curtis

Charles Curtis, farmer; P.0 Oakland; born in Oakland, Coles Co., Ill., Dec. 5, 1841; his father died when he was an infant, and he continued to live with his mother until her marriage with John Dollar, with whom he then lived until the spring of 1862, when he enlisted in the 63d I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union; he was in many severe battles, among which were the siege and capture of Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta, and was with Sherman’s army through Georgia, spending the Christmas of 1864 in Savannah; then north … Read more

Biography of Judge Joshua J. Walton

JUDGE JOSHUA J. WALTON. – This eminent jurist and public leader of our state was born April 6, 1838, at Rushville, Illinois. At the age of two years he was taken by his parents to a new home near Springfield, Illinois. After a brief sojourn there another move was made, bringing the family as far west as St. Louis, Missouri; and in 1842 they moved on to Keosauque, Iowa. In 1849 the plains were crossed with ox-teams, on the route via Salt Lake City; and the journey was brought to an end at Frémont, California, a place at the junction … Read more