Biographical Sketch of John McBride

John McBride, farming and stock; P. O. Arcola; was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 10, 1840. He married Miss Annie P. Koymer Dec. 1, 1864; she was born same place, Dec. 1,1847; they have one child, viz., Minnie. He lived in New Jersey until he was 24 years old, when on being married he came to Illinois and settled in North Okaw Tp., of Coles Co.; in 1867, he moved to this township and settled near his present place, to which he came in 1874; he has been Collector in this township one term he owns eighty acres … Read more

Biography of Jacob V. D. Annin

Jacob V. D. Annin, farmer, deceased; in the early part of the seventeenth century, there emigrated from their native land of Scotland, one John Annin, with his family, and settled in the beautiful State of New Jersey, where he erected a log house, in which he and his family lived for many years; and if it be asked, How came his lot to be cast in that fertile valley, far from the land of his birth? the answer is to be found in the terrible story of the religious persecutions that, in the latter part of the seventeenth, and the … Read more

Biography of James W. Eaton

JAMES W. EATON A TRULY representative Albanian who has contributed largely to the architectural adornments of the city of his adoption, and whose name will always be favorably associated in the construction of the new capitol, is James W. Eaton. His life is specially interesting and instructive as presenting the more solid characteristics which are essential in the formation of a type of true manhood – a type which will ever be a blessing to any community. He was born at Somerville, N. J., not far from the city of New Brunswick, on the 22d of August, 1817. His ancestors … Read more

Biography of Luther Cortelyou

Luther Cortelyou was for many years one of the prominent grain merchants of Kansas, and in later years had given his chief attention to the management of the Farmers State Bank of Muscotah, of which he is president. Mr. Cortelyou had resided in Muscotah for nearly thirty years. His family is a prominent one in Atchison County, and his son Peter J. is now postmaster of Muscotah. Mr. Cortelyou was born in Somerset County, New Jersey, December 23, 1851, and is descended from some of the original stock of the Jersey Coast. His ancestors were both Dutch and French. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel A. Annin

Samuel A. Annin, farmer, S. 23; P. O. Oakland; born in Somerset Co., N. J., Nov. 8, 1836, where he attended school until 1850, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in Wyoming Tp., Lee Co., where he assisted his father in farming until January, 1852, when he located in East Oakland Tp., and engaged in farming, which business he has since followed, living upon the old homestead where his father first located in 1852, during a period of nearly thirty years; he, with his younger brother, owns some 400 acres of land, which is will improved, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Martin W. Annin

Martin W. Annin, carpenter and builder, Oakland; the subject of this sketch is the son of J. V. D. Annin, whose biography appears in this work, and whose genealogy is given for four generations past; he was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 5, 1831, where he engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he went to Brooklyn, N. Y., and learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 20 years of age, when he emigrated; with his parents, and located in Lee Co., Ill., in 1850, remaining here a short time, when he went to Peoria … Read more

Biography of John V. Cortelyou

John V. Cortelyou, who took the chair of German at the Kansas State Agricultural College in 1904, was at that time only recently returned from Germany. Professor Cortelyou holds his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Heidelberg University, though he is an American by birth and training, and represents a long and interesting lineage of some of the old Dutch families of New Jersey. He was born on a farm near Harlingen in Somerset County, New Jersey, September 19, 1874. He is a son of John G. and Mary (Van Zandt) Cortelyou, both natives of New Jersey and in both lines … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. V. W. Annin

J. V. W. Annin, farmer; P.O. Oakland; born in Somerset Co., N. J., July 29, 1841; he emigrated with his parents when he was 9 years of age, and located in Wyoming Tp., Lee Co., in 1850, living there until January, 1852, when he removed with his parents to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., Ill., where he has since continued to live; he, with his brother Samuel, own 400 acres of land, among which, is the old homestead, upon which they settled when they first located here nearly thirty years ago; while they own the above property in company, each … Read more