Biography of John S. Phelps

JOHN S. Phelps; This well-known citizen of the State of Missouri was born in Sunburn County, Conn., December 22, 1810, and came of English stock, his early ancestors having come to this country from England and settled in the State of Massachusetts some time prior to the year 1630. In about 1633 they migrated to Connecticut and founded the town of Windsor, where the family became well known and many of its members attained posi-of prominence. His father, Elish Phelps, was a distinguished lawyer, who for many years held a front rank at the bar of Hartford, and he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Captain Samuel Hayes

(III) Captain Samuel (2), son of Samuel (1) and Elizabeth (Willcockson) Hayes, was born in Simsbury, March 26, 1730, died in Granby, December 25, 1801. In the Simsbury records he is designated captain. In 1753 he erected a substantial dwelling-house at Bushy Hill, two miles west of Salmon Brook, which he and his descendants occupied for nearly a century. He was a selectman of Simsbury, 1774, and of Granby at its organization, 1786; represented Simsbury in the general assembly, 1778; served as deacon of the church at Salmon Brook from 1786 to ’80. He possessed superior physical strength, excelled in … Read more

Biography of George Hayes

The surname Hayes is the plural form of an ancient word, Hay, or Haw, which means a fence, a hedge or a boundary, also a space enclosed, as a park or field. Its derivation can be traced to many European languages wherein both the primitive and secondary meanings are precisely the same. From this simple root have sprung the names of Hay, Hayes, Haywood or Heywood, Hayland, Greenhays and many others of a similar character. The name of Hayes is to be found both in England and Scotland, but is far more common in the former than it is in … Read more

Some Descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor, Connecticut

Some descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor Connecticut

Some descendants of Thomas Rowley of Windsor. Thomas Rowley. Thomas Rowley (Rowell) a cordwainer, was in Windsor Connecticut as early as 1662, and Simsbury Connecticut by 1670. He died 1 May, 1705/8, estate inventory dated 1 May 1708. Married at Windsor, 5 May, 1669 by Rev. Wolcott, Mary Denslow, daughter of Henry, Windsor, born 10 Aug. 1651, died at Windsor 14 June, 1739, ae 91. Mary was admitted to Windsor Church in 1686. Thomas served in the Colonial Wars. On the list of those who gave to the poor. Contents: Book Notes:

Biography of Hon. John S. Phelps

The prominence, both State and national, of this most distinguished citizen of Greene county, may well serve as a reason why this sketch is given at greater length than that of other citizens mentioned; however, even this is but the merest outline of a life whose long public service makes up a history which would require a volume in itself, if given in a matter anything like that merited by the distinguished subject. John S. Phelps is the son of Elisha Phelps, and was born in Simsbury, Hartford county, Connecticut, December 22, 1814. The father, Elisha, was a lawyer of … Read more

Ambrose Todd of Huntington CT

Ambrose Todd6, (Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 7, 1764, died July 25, 1809, married Lavinia, daughter of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Lavinia Jarvis of Cheshire, who was born Oct. 5, 1760, died Oct. 26, 1841. Mr. Todd graduated from Yale College in 1786. He was an Episcopal clergyman, having been ordained Deacon by Bishop Seabury of Connecticut, June 1, 1789. He was rector at Simsbury, Granby and Huntington, Conn., where he died and was buried. The inscription on his Tombstone in Huntington is as follows: “This Monument is erected by the Episcopal Society as a Testimony of Respect … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Timothy Thompson

Timothy Thompson came from Simsbury, Conn., in 1803, and cleared the farm now owned by his son, Daniel C. In 1805, he brought his family and continued his residence until his death, in 1837, aged fifty-five years. Seven of his children are now living, two in Cambridge. His wife, Tryphena Barber, survived his death thirty-five years, dying at the age of eighty-five.

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Hayes

(IV) Simeon, son of Captain Samuel (2) and Rosanna (Holcombe) Hayes, was born in Simsbury, February 17, 1768, or January 17, 1769, and died in Plattsburgh, New York, August 18, 1841. In , 806 he removed from his native state to Plattsburgh, where he engaged in farming and also turned his attention to mechanical pursuits. He was a mechanical genius and an inventor, and at different times worked at wagon-making, shoemaking and coopering. Above all he was a man of unsullied integrity and deep religious principle. He married (first), March 22, 1790, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Israel Holly, a Congregational … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Hayes

(II) Samuel, son of George and Abigail (Dibble) Hayes, was born in Simsbury. 1699. He was granted sixty acres of land in Simsbury, 1723; was on church covenant with wife in 1739, and served as tythingman in 1751. He must have lived to an unusually advanced age, as there is on record at Granby a deed, executed March 7, 1787, in which he conveys property to his son Silas. He married, in Simsbury, July 16. 1719, Elizabeth Willcockson (Wilcox), probably a daughter of Samuel Willcockson, of Meadow Plain, Simsbury, granddaughter of Sergeant Samuel Willcockson and great-granddaughter of William Willcockson. of … Read more