1894 Michigan State Census – Shiawassee County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Antrim Township – John Q. A. Cook, Thomas W. Clay, Charles Rogers, Samuel Miles, George G. Harris, John C. Adams, William H. Adams, Lorenzo Buck, William Hutington, Frank B. McCumber, James Norton, W. S. Jacobs, Austin Trowbridge. Bennington Township – C. L. Dean, Edwin Pasco, Harrison Bailey, E. Townsend, Eli McClain, J. S. Lewis, Jerome Markham, J. Kenney, M. H. Seeley, Edward Hackett, George H. Brock, Gideon Whiting, Jerome B. Hath, William Brooks, Anson Howe, Edwin Hoard, Leonard … Read more

Ormsby, Mary – Obituary

Died, in Corunna, Aug. 18 [1889], Mary E. wife of Morris Ormsby, aged 59 years. She had suffered from rheumatism for the past six years. Shiawassee American, August 28, 1889 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Sylvester Lyman

Sylvester Lyman deceased. American biography has always been considered to be of the greatest interest, far outranking in this regard the same study in any other country. The cause of this is the large proportion of self-made men in our population, men who have plucked the flowers of success from the thorns of difficulty. Mr. Lyman, the subject of this memoir, illustrates this fact. He was born at Westhampton, Blandford County, Massachusetts, February 26, 1826. At the age of fourteen years his father moved his family to Shiawassee County, Michigan, where Mr. Lyman assisted in the farm work for some … Read more

Ormsby, Luna Halstead – Obituary

Mrs. Luna Ormsby, known as ‘Grandma Ormsby,’ died at the home of her son, Morris Ormsby in Corunna, Nov. 9, [1883] aged nearly 80 years. She came to Michigan 26 years ago. [Luna was married to Philander Ormsby.] Shiawassee American, November 21, 1883 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman