Thorpe, Frank – Obituary

Graveside funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Summerville cemetery for Frank Thorpe, 79, who died earlier this week at the Pythian Home at Vancouver, Washington, where he had lived the last several years. The service of the Knights of Pythias was used. Mr. Thorpe was born July 7, 1866 at Seymour, Iowa, and came in this locality when a small boy. He was in business here for many years and later moved to his acreage a mile from Alicel on the old Summerville road where he lived until going to Vancouver. The deceased leaves no known surviving relatives … Read more

Bills, Roy – Obituary

Roy Bills was born in Seymour, Iowa, November 27, 1881, and was therefore 25 years old on the day of his death. He came to this city with his parents in 1897. Prior to his death he held a position of trust in the Post Office. He was a boy of good habits and his death is mourned by a large circle of friends. he leaves a father, mother, sister, brother and other relatives in this city who are grief stricken in losing one who had barely started on life’s journey. The funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church … Read more

Biography of Shepard Keene Linscott

Shepard Keene Linscott. The late Shepard Keene Linscott, who was born March 6, 1887, and died December 11, 1905, represented in the best sense the highest type of American manhood. A farm near Chesterville, Maine, was the place of his nativity and he was the only son of Shepard and Esther (Keene) Linscott. The house in which he was born was built by his grandfather, Samuel Linscott, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age, Shepard Keene Linscott left the parental roof and became a pioneer farmer of Henry County, Indiana. Realizing the importance … Read more