Biography of Joseph Cook Bunten, M. D.

Joseph Cook Bunten, M. D. Since 1915 the medical profession at Douglass had been capably represented by Doctor Bunten, a young physician and surgeon of thorough training and capabilities and already well established in practice. He is a native son of Kansas, and had shown those traits and talents which have been distinctive of the Scotch people and also the enterprise of the typical Kansan. Doctor Bunten was born at Scranton, Kansas, January 27, 1891. His grandfather, John Bunten, was born in Scotland at Irvine, April 7, 1830. He came to this country in May, 1885, locating at Scranton, Kansas, … Read more

Biography of Robert C. Heizer, Judge

Judge Robert C. Heizer. For fourteen years Judge Robert C. Heizer had been on the district bench at Osage City, and the dignities and honors of his later years are a merited tribute to a man who had always relied upon the principle of self help and endured many of the vicissitudes and hardships of early life in Kansas. He was brought to Kansas in 1858, when two years of age. He had been born at Vermont in Fulton County, Illinois, in 1856. On coming to Kansas his parents located on a quarter section of land along the Santa Fe … Read more

Biography of Parker W. Perry

Parker W. Perry. With the death of Parker W. Perry, which occurred on his farm in Williamsport Township of Shawnee County, March 14, 1914, there passed from the ranks of local citizenship one of the most highly respected men of that community. For upwards of forty years he had been a resident of Kansas. Of a genial and generous disposition, he had made friends wherever he was, and along with a talent for making friandships he also possessed keen business judgment and accumulated a competence for himself and family. He was of New England birth and ancestry and was born … Read more

Biography of Archibald B. Kirkwood

Archibald B. Kirkwood. In the death of Archibald B. Kirkwood on May 16, 1916, the City of Pittsburg and southeastern Kansas lost a very prominent business man and citizen. He was one of the pioneers in the development of the coal resources of this section of the state. At one time be was general manager of the Wear Coal Company and president of the Standard Mercantile Company of Pittsburg. Of later years his interests were rather widely diffused and long before his death he had acquired a generous competence which would have enabled him to take life easily and leisurely. … Read more