Biographical Sketch of A. N. Keeler

Keeler Brothers, Perhaps no more attractive town in Mitchell County, Kansas, can be found than the one that bears the name of Scottsville, which might now celebrate its thirty-eighth birthday, although it was not incorporated for a number of years afterward. It had made wonderful progress since first laid out in 1878, and from then on down to the present great credit must be given for the same to the Keeler family, for it had been continuously identified with all the substantial development here. Ira B. and A. N. Keeler, under the firm style of Keeler Brothers, are the leading … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. T. Blades, M. D.

S. T. Blades, M. D. The problems of health are really the problems of life and must pertain to all questions of human interest. Useless is wealth or station and vain are great achievements if good health is lacking. Thus comes the great value placed on the services of that body of noble men who have dedicated their lives to the healing art. The most necessary resident in any community is the physician, although he probably is never fully appreciated and seldom does he claim any foremost place, although his usefulness entitles him to it. Among the well known medical … Read more

Biography of Frank J. Murray

Frank J. Murray. Among the important business houses of Scottsville, Kansas, is the Fitzgerald Lumber Company, the efficient manager of which is Frank J. Murray, a member of one of the old pioneer families of the state, one that still owned the homestead secured many years ago. Frank J. Murray was born in Cloud County, Kansas, not far from Jamestown. His parents were Patrick and Mary Murray, of Irish extraction. They came to Kansas in 1869 and were among the first settlers to locate near Parkerville. In 1872 they took up a homestead and through industry and perseverance Patrick Murray … Read more

Biography of M. A. Gupton D.D.S.

M. A. Gupton, D. D. S. There are many requirements demanded of all professional men and probably more of dental surgeons than in any other line. Sound health is almost a necessity and to this must be added mechanical ability, artistic perceptions, delicacy and sensitiveness of touch, gentleness, tact and patience, all these in addition to technical knowledge that gives skill and a very fair amount also of medical learning. In truth, according to modern investigation and the results of research, the dentist not only makes life comfortable but he prolongs and sometimes saves it. In these days there are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira B. Keeler

Keeler Brothers, Perhaps no more attractive town in Mitchell County, Kansas, can be found than the one that bears the name of Scottsville, which might now celebrate its thirty-eighth birthday, although it was not incorporated for a number of years afterward. It had made wonderful progress since first laid out in 1878, and from then on down to the present great credit must be given for the same to the Keeler family, for it had been continuously identified with all the substantial development here. Ira B. and A. N. Keeler, under the firm style of Keeler Brothers, are the leading … Read more