Lee, Thomas Greene – Obituary

Thomas G. Lee died Saturday nite [October 23, 1898] at his house in Jenn. Twp. one mile north of Austin. On Thursday while hauling fodder he was thrown from the wagon to the ground striking upon his head which produced paralysis from the effects of which he died. His remains were interred at the Austin Cemetery. [Thomas married Lucretia Mobley on September 5, 1847 in Bartholomew Co., IN. He then married Elizabeth Jane Christie on August 29, 1858 in Mahaska Co., IA and Willametta W. Crisler on September 3, 1893 in Bartholomew Co., IN. He is thought to be the … Read more

Biography of Clark Nicholas Starry, M. D.

Clark Nicholas Starry, M. D. Representing the first class ability and skill of his profession and enjoying a large general practice, Clark Starry has devoted all his active lifetime to medicine as a profession, and began his career with an excellent equipment, the test of real practice finding him well qualified for important service. For the past fifteen years he has practiced at Coffeyville. He represents a family that came originally from England and settled in Virginia during colonial days. Clark Nicholas Starry, M. D., was born in Marshfield, Indiana, February 28, 1871, and his parents soon afterward came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aris Galbreath

Aris Galbreath, farmer; P. O. Rardin; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1812. His parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., when he was 2 years of age, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he emigrated with his mother to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in the Fall of 1830, where he engaged as farm laborer for two years at $8 per month; in 1832, he located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., Ill., working one year for $100, out of which he saved money to enter 40 acres of land, which he improved one year, … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Colvin

Thomas J. Colvin. One of the substantial commercial enterprises of Urbana, with forty years of successful and reliable business history back of it, is the meat market conducted by Thomas J. Colvin. When Mr. Colvin entered upon his career in this venture, he had little to back him save the experience he had gained as his father’s assistant, his ambition, determination and industry, but out of these he has developed a paying and prosperous business, which has become so well known at Urbana as to be accounted a necessary commercial asset. The proprietor, with a supreme faith in the future … Read more

Biography of J. A. Truex

J. A. TRUEX, editor of the Journal and postmaster of West Plains, was a native of the Buckeye State,and was born in Marion County, November,6, 1843. The Truex family is of Dutch origin and an old Colonial one. The father of our subject, Benjamin Truex, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer and carpenter. He raised a family of eight children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth. The latter grew to mature years in his native country, received his primary education in the schools of the same, and subsequently entered the High School at Goshen, … Read more

Biography of O. D. Hawkins

O. D. Hawkins, farmer and stock-raiser, Ashmore; was born in Fleming Co., Ky., Feb. 28, 1822; he is a son of Gregory R. and Elizabeth (Ballard) Hawkins, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Kentucky; when he was about 8 years old, his parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., and in 1841, to Coles Co., settling about two and one-half miles west of Ashmore; they landed here on the 4th of March, the day on which Gen. Harrison was inaugurated President of the United States; his father died here in 1868, and his mother in 1873. They … Read more