Emele, Laura – Obituary

Mrs. Laura Emele, 76, of 2005 Grove Street, died Saturday morning at St. Elizabeth Hospital. Mrs. Emele was born on April 19, 1882, to Lambert and Emily Hough at Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri. She came to Oregon with her family in 1900 and settled in Barker. She attended her last year of high school in Baker, then taught school for three years in Baker county. She was married to Ben D. Emele in Baker on October 9, 1907. They moved to Haines in 1908 where she lived until she moved back to Baker in 1955. She was a member of … Read more

Tuttle, Jeanette (Myers) – Obituary

Imbler, Union County, Oregon Jeanette Tuttle, 89, of Imbler, and a resident of Union county since she was five years old, died at a local hospital yesterday after a long illness. She was born in Memphis, Mo., in 1858 and had lived in the county for 84 years. She was a member of the Elgin Order of Eastern Star and of the Episcopal church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mable Moore of La Grande and Mrs. Blanche Kelton of Hartford, Wash.; one son, Cap H. Tuttle of Imbler, five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Funeral Services will be … Read more

Biography of Charles William Trickett

Charles William Trickett. That Kansas City, Kansas, can claim distinction of being the largest city in the United States without a saloon or commercialized vice district is due more to the fearless and strenuous efforts of Charles William Trickett than to any other one man. The people of an entire state committed to the cause of prohibition followed with a great deal of interest and admiration his remarkable campaign, made some years ago while assistant attorney general, for rigid law enforcement and the driving out of the saloons and other commercialized forms of vice which had hitherto enjoyed immunity in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jackson A. Bartlett

This well known and representative business man of the town of Drewsey has a fine hotel, where he does a thriving business and also a large livery and feed stable, being a man of excellent capabilities and one of the prominent figures in this part of Harney county. He was born in Owen county, Indiana, on August 31, 1847, the son of James and Sarah (Alexander) Bartlett. He was reared on a farm and gained his education from the public schools of the vicinity and when he heard the call for troops in the times of fratricidal strife he enlisted … Read more

Wade, Mary C. – Obituary

Mary C. Wade, Pioneer Lady Died Yesterday The onward march of time has claimed another of the Grande Ronde pioneers. Mary C. Wade, one of the best known pioneer ladies of this valley died yesterday afternoon at her home on Fourth street. She was the wife of Phares E. Wade, and their marriage occurred on June 18th, 1865. Her husband died in 1894. The maiden name of the deceased was Mary Catherine Myers and she was born January 18, 1845, in Scotland county, Mo., at the town of Memphis. She crossed the plains in 1864 and settled in the Grande … Read more

Glenn, Sarah M. (Meyers) Mrs. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Mrs. T. T. Glenn died Wednesday morning. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made, as the family is awaiting the arrival of her daughter from California. La Grande Evening Observer Thursday, August 15, 1918 Page 3 Mrs. Sarah M. (Meyers) Glenn Died, near Summerville, August 14, 1918, Mrs. Sarah Myres Glenn, wife of the late T. T. Glenn, was born in Memphis, Mo., March 8, 1849, crossed the plains with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Myers, settled in Grande Ronde Valley, near Summerville, Oregon, was married to Talbert T. Glenn, September 20, 1868, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Maggard

Jacob Maggard residing near Anaheim, was born in Caldwell County, Kentucky, August 12, 1815. His parents,. Jacob and Susan (Bright) Maggard, natives respectively of Virginia and Tennessee, had ten children, he being the fifth. At the age of twenty years he started out in life for himself by working by the day in Scotland County, Missouri, whither his father had moved fifteen years previously. He was reared principally in Randolph County, Missouri. He continued in his calling as a farmer, in which he was successful, until about twelve years ago, when he came to California and purchased property in Sonoma … Read more

Childers, Boone – Obituary

Death Of Boone Childers Boone Childers, the well known freighter between Elgin and Wallowa for 25 years, died Monday June 24, at Wallowa of heart disease. He was buried the following day at Lostine. Mr. Childers was born October 9, 1868, in Scotland county, Missouri, and came west when a young man. His wife, who was Miss Maude Herring [Hearing], and four children survive. One brother, George lives at Lostine, and another W. S. Childers, lives at Elmira, Wash., and Mrs. Belle Merritt, a sister, lives at Allerton, Iowa. Enterprise Record Chieftain, Thursday, 4 July 1912, Page 4. Contributed by: … Read more

Biography of Pius B. Humphrey, Prof.

Prof. Pius B. Humphrey. The claim of Prof. Pius B. Humphrey upon the esteem and confidence of the people of Caney, Kansas, is based upon five years of faithful and efficient service in the office of superintendent of city schools. When he came to this city, in 1911, he was admirably fitted to take charge of the institutions in which the mind of youth is molded and developed, and since that time he has through steady and constant endeavor built up a school system which may be said to be second to none of a city this size in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wallace McClain

This well-known and representative business man and patriotic citizen of Harney county is one of the firm of McClain & Biggs, liverymen and dealers in horses and mules in Burns, where their stables are, being also owners of a fine stock ranch. Our subject was born in Scotland county, Missouri, on September 16, 1854, being the son of Martin and Sarah (Childers) McClain. The father was in the confederate army and in the battle of Pea Ridge lost his right arm. He served under Price. In 1866 the family removed to Schuyler county and our subject was educated in these … Read more

Fordney, William H. – Obituary

William H. Fordney, a former resident of the north end of Wallowa County, passed away at his home near Turlock, Calif., Thursday, Jan. 22, 1931. William Henry Fordney was born in Scotland County, Missouri, Feb. 18, 1863, and was at the time of his death aged 67 years, 11 months and 4 days. He came to the Lost Prairie country in 1887, with his brother, Peter Fordney, now deceased. The Fordneys lived in Wallowa County for many years. In the fall of 1907, William H. Fordney moved to California and purchased the land three miles from Turlock, which was his … Read more

Biography of Lemuel L. Hambelton

In the course of the compilation of the history of Union and Wallowa counties we seldom are favored with the privilege of writing the career of a more worthy citizen and stanch and noble man than at the present time, while we attempt to outline the life of the capable and respected gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. Mr. Hambelton is one of the true pioneers of the country: has always labored for the development and advancement of the same: he is a capable and intelligent citizen, displaying loyalty and patriotism in commendable degree: he has … Read more

Myers, Maria Louisa Spakes – Obituary

Another Pioneer Gone Monday February 27, 1905 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Tuttle, on Willow Creek, Mrs. Maria Louisa Spakes Myers aged 72 years, 5 months, 9 days. Mrs. Myers, one of the pioneer women of Union County, had resided in and near the town of Summerville since the year 1884, and was among the most widely known citizens of the county. Ever since the beginning of civilization’s era in this section Mrs. Myers had, with all the effectiveness of an energetic and loyal pioneer woman, borne her important part in the many trials and hardships, as … Read more

Childers, J. W. – Obituary – Obituary

J. W. Childers Is Taken By Death Resident of County for Many Years Crossed Plains In 1865. James W. Childers died early Friday morning, Oct. 4, 1929, at the Wallowa hospital where he had been taken on Thursday for an operation for cancer of the bladder, an affliction with which he had suffered for years, and for which he underwent an operation about 20 years ago. Mr. Childers had been in poor health for years but always refused to give way to his ill health and kept active in the management of his farm until a few weeks before his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adolf Sumerlin

Adolf Sumerlin, editor and attorney at law, Mattoon; born in Keosauqua, Iowa, Aug. 24, 1851; moved with his parents, Rufus and I. A. Sumerlin, to a farm in Scotland Co., Mo., in 1859; his father having embarked in the newspaper business in Memphis in 1860, he commenced learning the printer’s trade; in 1865, he moved to Shelbyville, Ill.; in 1869, he conducted the reportorial department of the Shelby Leader, which his father had purchased in 1865; in. the same year, commenced reading law with Thornton & Wendling; moved with his parents to Springfield, Mo., in April, 1871, and after completing … Read more

Biography of James H. Standley

JAMES H. STANDLEY. – Numbered with that sturdy class of pioneers who opened up the county for the settlement of their fellows while they wrought out for themselves homes and names in its annals must, to be consistent, be numbered the enterprising and progressive agriculturist and stockman, of whom we have now the pleasure to write, and who is familiar to the older settlers of the county as well as favorably known, while his faithful labors for many years have accomplished much for the development of the resources of Union county, and have given him the meed of the industrious, … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Oliver, Charles R. – Obituary

Word was received here yesterday that Charles R. Oliver, a Wallowa (black mark through line and unable to read) California, last Friday, December 24. Deceased was a brother of B.B. Oliver of Wallowa and H.W. Oliver of this city, and was born December 14, 1866, in Scotland County, Missouri. Several years ago he left this state and has since resided in California, yet had made occasional visits to relatives in this county. Surviving are his widow, two daughters, a son and several grandchildren, all residing in California. In addition to the brothers above mentioned, is another brother, A.V. Oliver of … Read more

Childers, George – Obituary

Lostine, Wallowa County, Oregon Another of Wallowa county’s influential citizens and pioneers was laid to rest Sunday afternoon. Perhaps no man in the county was better known than George Childers, having lived here 37 years. To know him was to become his friend. Few men have been more closely associated with the development of Wallowa county. He served on the freight lines between Wallowa county and Union county until the railroad made its appearance and he met the first train as a mail carrier to the Lostine depot. This position he served faithfully for 33 years, having failed only one-half … Read more

Biography of James W. Childers

It is hardly probable that in a humble sketch, as is this article, there could real justice be done the life of a worthy pioneer as is he whose name is at the beginning of the paragraph, for what page has yet pictured as it is the life of a pioneer? Hardships that are more trying than can be described, dangers on every hand that those living in the security of a civilized community can not understand, self-denials at every turn, and labors without respite, all of these endured and much more besides, fell to the lot of the brave … Read more