Biography of John M. Bailey

John M. Bailey IN THE conflict of arms, in the arena of the law, in the struggle of politics, and in the principles of diplomacy, an Albanian who has been an active participant, gaining distinction at home and abroad is the Hon. John M. Bailey, the present surveyor of customs in Albany. His career, thus far, is illustrative of that success which usually attends a line of action clearly marked out and steadfastly followed amidst the phases of public life. He is of New England origin. His father, Henry Bailey, owned and cultivated a farm in Bethlehem, Albany County, N. … Read more

Biography of James Wesley Hutt

JAMES WESLEY HUTT ONE OF the most thorough-going and competent men in the express business is James W. Hutt, general superintendent of the National Express Company, whose head-quarters are in Albany. He belongs to a substantial old family of Schoharie county, N. Y., of Holland-Dutch origin, who early came to this region and took an active part in the civilization and progress of the country and afterward in defending their homes in the attacks of British and savage foes. Those old pioneers were men of the simplest habits, loyal in their attachment to the principles of civil and ecclesiastical liberty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Winston Burnham

Burnham, Thomas Winston; mfr. and banker; born, Cleveland, Jan. 22, 1844; son of Thomas and Maria Louisa White Burnham; educated, Cleveland public schools and Union University of Schenectady, N. Y.; degree of A. B.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869; Mary Kate Coll; two daughters, Mrs. G. W. Grandin and Mrs. J. P. Burton; pres. The Star Elevator Co. and The Kilby Mfg. Co.; director and chairman of the Board National City Bank; director The Cleveland Burial Case Co., Cleveland Union Stock Yards Co., Citizens’ Savings & Trust Co. and F. H. Hill & Co., Chicago; member Union, University, Country, Roadside … Read more

Narratives of Rogers, Goodwin, Toogood – Indian Captivities

Three Narratives of Excessive Distress of Persons Taken at the Destruction of Salmon Falls, in the State of New Hampshire, on the Twenty-Seventh of March, 1690; Viz., The Cruel Torture of Robert Rogers, the Five Years’ Captivity of Mehetable Goodwin, and the Fortunate Escape of Thomas Toogood. From the Magnalia Christi Americana, of Doctor Cotton Mather.

The Wars of the Five Nations – Indian Wars

Treaty with Five Nations

Although the confederacy known as the Five Nations were the allies of the English in the war against the French, and joined them in many of their principal expeditions, their history deserves a separate notice, as they afford us a complete example of what the Indians of North America were capable of. Their great reputation as warriors, and their wisdom in council, have been so often alluded to by those interested in the history of the Indians, that we shall be pardoned for giving a somewhat extended description of their confederacy, and an account of their wars. The Five Nations, … Read more

Biography of Lucius Cozzens Rice

Lucius Cozzens Rice, state treasurer of Idaho and one of the leading business men of the commonwealth, is a native of Riceville, Fulton county, New York, where he was born June 30, 1867. being the only son now living that was born to the marriage of Harvey P. and Sarah C. Rice. The Rice family is one of the oldest in Central New York; and in the old dwelling, which is still standing, and in which Mr. Rice was born, five generations have lived. This residence was built prior to the war for American independence, by Colonel Oliver Rice, who … Read more