Biographical Sketch of George H. Olmsted

Olmsted, George H.; insurance; born, La Grange, O., Sept. 21, 1843; son of Jonathan and Harriet A. Sheldon Olmsted; educated, district school, Elyria High School, Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., graduate; married, Saybrook, O., Oct. 24, 1872, Ella L. Kelly; one daughter, Grace S., one son, Harvard; taught school three winters in Ohio and Wisconsin; entered insurance business in 1867; built up the large fire insurance business of George H. Olmsted & Co., and The Ohio & Indiana State Agency of Olmsted Bros. & Co.; being the largest agency in the United States of The National Life Insurance Co. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Vernon H. Burke

Burke, Vernon H.; attorney-at-law; born, Saybrook, O., Dec. 22, 1865; son of John F. and Minerva C. Stewart Burke; educated, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., Stratton’s Business College, The University of Notre Dame; B. A., C. E., LL. B. degrees; married, Cleveland, Dec. 21, 1892, Matilda B. Hahn; one son, Vernon A. Burke, Jr.; Republican; served on police bench by appointment; senator from Cuyahoga county, 1896-1900; vice chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Committee; has been a trial lawyer; pres. James F. Allen Contracting Co., Cleveland Smelting Co., Idle-wild Co.; sec’y Guest & Buell Co., Fleishman & Smith Co.; director The Cleveland … Read more