Taylor, Emma Augusta Abraham – Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. Frank (Emma Augusta) Taylor, Sr., will be held Thursday, December 28, at the Evanson Funeral Home. A well-known resident of Ellensburg for more than 60 years, she died Sunday, December 24 [1967], at the Kittitas Valley Memorial Hospital. Born in West Bloomfield, Wisconsin, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Abraham. At the age of 6 months, her parents moved to Orange, California, where she was reared. She attended schools in Orange and Santa Rosa. She moved with the family to a ranch in the Teanaway valley just before the turn of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas H. Kayler

THOMAS H. KAYLER. – Mr. Kayler, a gentleman of wide reputation, was born in Lenox county, Canada, in 1856, and resided on his father’s farm sixteen years, and afterwards learned the drug business at Napanee. In the spring of 1876 he came to California, and made his first location in Sacramento, where he found employment in the drug store of Justice Gates & Co. The following year he removed to Santa Rosa, coming soon afterwards to Portland. The next summer, in company with Peter Graham, he drove with teams to the Palouse country, and located on three hundred and twenty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Charles Stickle

The career of Mr. Richard Charles Stickle, particularly since he settled in San Mateo county, is well worth reading and points a moral. Nine years ago he came to San Bruno practically without a penny in his pocket, and went into business for himself carpentering and contracting. For quite a time he labored under considerable difficulty, as he was without capital. Being an exceptionally good carpenter and thoroughly conscientious, business came his way-and it was not so very long before he had plenty of money to swing his contracting operations. Perhaps Mr. Stickle’s success can better be portrayed by a … Read more

Barrett, Allen LeRoy – Obituary

Halfway, Baker County, Oregon Allen LeRoy Barrett, 70, died March 24, 2006, at his home in Halfway. A celebration of his life has been tentatively set for June 17. The time and place will be announced. Tami’s Pine Valley Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. He was born on Feb. 13, l936, at Sheridan, Wyo., to Edorothy “Edie” and Allan Barrett. He grew up at Kellogg and Smelterville, Idaho. Allen attended school to the 11th grade and then went to work at the Kellogg mine. In 1954, Allen joined the U.S. Navy. He met Shirley Schultz in Seattle, Wash., … Read more

Biography of George W. King, M.D.

GEO. W. KING, M.D. – The early life of Doctor King of Pendleton was made dark by the terrible days of the Rebellion; and the recital of his early efforts to work out the distressful circumstances into which he was thus thrown is full of pathetic interest. He was born near Glasgow, Howard county, Missouri, November 14, 1844, and when but a boy of five went with his parents to reside near St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived until the spring of 1854, when his father moved to Kansas Territory, then but a prairie wilderness. He settled on Pottawatomie creek, … Read more

Buzzard, Susie Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Susie Buzzard, long a resident of Wallowa county, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nelvin Cobb, at Santa Rosa, California early Friday morning, March 8, 1940. Mrs. Buzzard was born in Iowa about 75 years ago and came to Oregon with her husband and small family in the eighties. They settled on a homestead in the North End of Wallowa county when it ws still almost unknown and thus were pioneers of the district. A. D. Buzzard, who preceded his wife in death by several years, was the first postmaster at Flora and their home was known … Read more