Biographical Sketch of D. Jay Collver

Collver, D. Jay; district passenger agt., N. Y. C. Lines; born, Stanhope, N. J., Aug. 20, 1846; educated, public schools, Clyde, O.; engaged in the dry goods business in Clyde; came to Cleveland about 1875; entering the service of the Bee Line R. R. Co., now part of the Big Four system of the N. Y. Central Lines; originator of long-distance excursions and high-class tours in the U. S.; enlisted Co. A, 72d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, November, 1861; discharged, March, 1863; re-enlisted, 1864, 196th Ohio Volunteer Infantry (Hospital Steward) ; chief clerk at headquarters Duryea; brigade to close of war; … Read more

King, John – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon A Direct Descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers, and an Honered Pioneer of Eastern Oregon At the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.L. Harris, in Elgin. December 12, 1904. John King, aged 84 years, 9 months, 10 days. The deceased was among the well known citizens of Union and Wallowa counties, in which territory he had made his home since 1882. A son of Jacob King, one of Ohio’s pioneer settlers, he was able to trace his lineage directly to the Pilgrim Fathers, whose landing at Plymouth Rock in 1820 (Says 1820) marked one of the events … Read more

Biography of Roderick Morrison

Roderick Morrison, a well known oil producer and manufacturer at Independence, became identified with the oil industry in the eastern states when a young man, and while other enterprises have engaged him his interests have been continuousty identified with some phase of the petroleum industry through all his active years. Out of his experience he had elaborated one of the important devices used in oil and gas fields, and is now manufacturing it at Independence under the name of the Eclipse Pulling Machine. Mr. Morrison is a Canadian by birth and of Scotch ancestry. His grandfather was Angus Morrison, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus F. House

House, Augustus F.; physician; born, Cleveland, Oct. 7, 1847; son of Hudson M. and Mary Snyder House; studied at Woodville and Oberlin; graduated Western Reserve Medical College; post-graduate work at Vienna, Berlin and London; married, Cleveland, 1872, Mary Grace Cleave; two children; clinical professor of surgory, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Cleveland; director and member of finance committee of Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co.; member American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine (president, 1898); pres. of medical staff and trustee St. Clair Hospital; Past Eminent Commander of Oriental Commandery, K. T., Past Most Excellent High … Read more

Biographical Sketch of La Quinio Rawson

Rawson, La Quinio; lawyer; born, Fremont, O., Oct. 28, 1871, son of Joseph L. and Margaret A. Gelpin Rawson; educated, High School, Fremont, O.; Cincinnati College, Law Department, 1892, degree Bachelor of Law; married, Fremont, O., Dec. 26, 1895, Beatrice Frances Floyd, of Cleveland; one daughter, Beatrice Rawson; member Ohio Legislature from Cuyahoga County, 1904-1905; served as Chairman of Committee on Insurance, and as member of Committee on Finance; sec’y and member executive committee The Cleveland Life Insurance Co.; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n and National Geography Society; member Masonic Fraternity, New England Society, Society of Mayflower Descendants; member Athletic … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Eliza Cooke

MRS. ELIZA COOKE. – All who are acquainted with the estimable lady whose name heads this brief résumé of her life well known that the best eulogy that can be written only illustrates how impossible it is to bear fitting portrayal of the genuine worth of so good and noble a woman. Grandma Cooke has ever been known in her intercourse with others to be generous and unselfish in the highest degree, one of the gentlest of mothers, the most patient of wives, an affectionate friend, and the kindest of neighbors. Whether meeting with trials incident to a long, tedious … Read more

Biography of R. T. Updegraff

R. T. Updegraff has been perhaps the leading individual factor in the commercial and business development of the Town of Maple Hill in Wabaunsee County for the past thirty years. Mr. Updegraff came to Kansas after completing his education, and the vigor and enterprise which characterized his early life in this state have borne abundant fruit in several different lines. Mr. Updegraff was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, November 28, 1862. He is of old Quaker family, the religion of the Friends having received the allegiance of the Updegraffs for many generations. The Updegraffs first came out of Holland in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin N. Cooke

HON. EDWIN N. COOKE. – The subject of this sketch is a lineal descendant of the Puritans, who came to America in the ship Mayflower, and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, December 21, 1620. Among the passengers of that historical band were Francisco Cook and his son, John Cooke, who settled and the families of whom for many generations lived in that and other colonies, up to the time of the Revolutionary war. At the commencement of the Revolutionary war, Mr. Cooke’s great-grandfather, Asaph Cooke lived near Boston, Massachusetts, and had four sons who espoused the American cause and enlisted in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Hineline

John F. Hineline, son of Hugh B. and Rebecca (Lattig) Hineline, was born in Fremont, Ohio, April 7, 1855. His parents were both natives of Easton, Pa., where his father engaged in merchandising until the spring of 1854, when he removed to a farm at Fremont, Ohio, and resided there until his death in 1871. His wife survived until 1891. They were the parents of fourteen children, nine of whom are still living, as follows: Anna, wife of Jacob Ruth, of Fremont, O.; C. M., whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Elizabeth, widow of Charles Richards, resides in Fremont, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Richmond

Richmond, Charles T.; manufacturer; born, Johnsville, N. Y., June 13, 1856; son of Theodore and Caroline Baucus Richmond; educated, Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Mass., and Yale ’78, S. Ph. B.; married, Fremont, 0., Jan. 28, 1891, Mrs. Addle G. Noble; after graduating, became deputy collector Internal Revenue, 10th District of Massachusetts (three years); then founded Richmond Carbon Co., North Adams, Mass. (four years); then became pres. Thomson-Houston Carbon Co., at Fremont, O., (five years); since 1893, with National Carbon Co., Cleveland (twenty years); consulting engineer and asst. sec’y National Carbon Co.; member Delta Psi Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic … Read more

Bowman, Henry – Obituary

Henry Bowman, who resides in Talma, died Monday [August 25, 1903] afternoon at 2 o’clock. He had been suffering with dropsy, along with the effects of old age, for the past 9 months and the end was not unexpected. Mr. Bowman came to the little town of Talma from Fremont, Ohio, about forty-five years ago and engaged in the milling business for a number of years until his health failed. Deceased leaves two sisters, Mrs. Lewis Boyer, of Goshen, and Mrs. Abs[elom] Nellans, of near Fulton and a brother Aaron Bowman, who when last heard of eight years ago was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Willis Vickery

Vickery, Willis Hon.; lawyer; born, Bellevue, O., Nov. 26, 1857; son of William and Sarah Perkins Vickery; no schooling until the age of 19, excepting three months in the winter; then entered the Clyde, O., High School, graduating in 1880, valedictorian of class; studied law in the office of Everett & Fowler, at Fremont, O.; continued law studies combined with teaching in the schools of Clyde and Castalia, O., in 1882, entered the law dept. of Boston University; graduated in 1884; admitted to the Ohio bar in 1885; married three times; three children by first wife, who was Anna L. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Martin Quinn

Quinn, Edward Martin; cigar merchant; born, Townsend Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, June 8, 1863; son of Arthur and Julia Ryan Quinn; district school education; commercial training in retail cigar store of his brother, J. R. Quinn, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, June 3, 1903, Lottie May Fike; one son, John Ryan, born, March 7, 1904; formed partnership with F. R. Harris; firm name Quinn & Harris, cigar dealers, Hollenden Hotel. Recreations: Hunting and Fishing.

Biography of William Henry Wilson

William Henry Wilson is one of the oldest of Topeka’s merchants. He is an honored veteran of the Civil war, and has been a resident of Topeka since December 17, 1877. Along with success in business he has given his time unselfishly and conscientiously to the betterment of his city, and he should be long remembered for his efficient service while on the city school board. He has also attained the highest honors in Masonry. His parents, Orrin and Sarah T. (Wilson) Wilson, had six children named Helen Jane, William Henry, George W., Clarence E., Mary E. and Louise. William … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Stephens

Stephens, Jesse; attorney; born, Wood County, Feb. 9, 1865; son of David and Elizabeth Bonam Stephens; educated, Fostoria Academy and The Ohio Northern University; read law with the Hon. Thomas N. Bierly, of Toledo; admitted to the bar in 1889; married, Fremont, O., 1887, Miss Belle Clark; issue, two sons, A. A. and Clarence Clark Stephens; practiced law in Fostoria, O., for twenty years, attaining a high place in the legal profession; particularly noted as trial lawyer, having tried some of the most important cases in Northwestern Ohio; has never sought political honors, although urged to become a candidate for … Read more

Biography of David A. Correll

David A. Correll is the proprietor of the well known Blue Front Grocery Store, one of the pioneer establishments of the city. He is also one of the oldest grocers now in business in Riverside, having been identified with the trade since 1883. Mr. Correll came to Riverside in 1882. His capital was limited, and although broken in health he was possessed of an unlimited stock of energy and well-trained business principles. He first engaged as a laborer with the Riverside Land and Irrigation Company, and remained in that employ until the next year, when he secured a position in … Read more