Biographical Sketch of George W. Dickie

One of San Mateo County’s most distinguished citizens is George W. Dickie of San Mateo, marine architect and naval designer who drew the plans for the famous old battleship Oregon and a score of other vessels of the United States Navy. Mr. Dickie is known the world over as a designer of fighting craft. Perhaps his most famous work was the Oregon, “the bulldog of the American navy,” which at the time it was commissioned, was the most notable warship afloat. Other vessels that were designed by Mr. Dickie are the battleships Wisconsin and Ohio, the armored cruisers Colorado, South … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Martens

Mr. Henry Martens has been a resident of California for thirty-five years, during all but five years of which period he has devoted himself to the steel industry in San Mateo County. In 1886, after an exhaustive search for the best location for a foundry, Mr. Henry Martens together with Mr. J. W. Heney, selected South San Francisco and founded the Enterprise Foundry. In 1892 the firm was incorporated. Mr. Martens is one of South City’s strongest boosters. In a recent interview he stated that the Enterprise Foundry of which he is president owes much of its prosperity to its … Read more

Gardner, Grant – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon After a long illness, Grant Gardner passed away at his home in Cove Wednesday, Dec. 21. The family came to Cove in 1911 coming form Burnt Fork, Wyo. The deceased was born in San Francisco, Ca., 64 years ago. He was married to Miss Lucy Hayes at Cedar, Colo. Five children were born to this union, two of whom died from diphtheria while they were living in Wyoming. The disease was particularly severe, the boy, Merrit, 13 and his sister of 11 years, died within a few days of each other. After their death Mr. Gardner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Edward Hull

There is a well proven saying that, “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” while on the other hand the career of Asa Edward Hull who was born in San Carlos (San Mateo County) just goes to show that a man who sticks close to his native town and county, not only “gathers moss”, but earns the respect and admiration of his fellow townsmen. Mr. Hull was born in San Carlos on July 1, 1870, his father’s name being Mr. Wm. Whipple Hull, being the pioneer brick maker of this county. He received his education in the San Mateo County schools, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. E. Chapin

An important addition to the medical fraternity in San Mateo county is Dr. J. E. Chapin who came to Redwood City three years ago to practice medicine. Dr. Chapin came to Redwood after an extended practice in several large cities and a vast experience in his ‘profession. Since taking up his residence in Redwood City, Dr. Chapin has become intimately associated with the social and business life of Redwood City. His engaging manner and charming personality have drawn many people to him and the small circle of friends that surrounded him when he arrived, has gradually enlarged until it now … Read more

Dale, Anna Mrs. – Obituary

Sister of Wolf Creek Men Passes Sunday Mrs. Anna Dale, Sister of Simonis Brothers, and Pioneer of North Powder, Passes in Baker. Mrs. Anna Dale, sister of Simonis brothers and who came to the Wolf Creek district with her parents in the pioneer days, died last Sunday, the last day of the year in Baker at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Dale was an invalid for some time but was critically ill but a short time before death. The deceased was a native of Stevens Point, Wis., and as child accompanied her parents as emigrants to the Oregon country … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Hart

“Let’s go to Hart’s Theatre tonight.” The writer took out his pencil and paper and started to figure out, just how many times San Mateans said these magic words each evening after supper as they were planning the evening’s amusement. How many times do they say this each month and how many hundreds of thousand times a year? Mr. Hart is known as the owner and manager of Hart’s Theatre located in the heart of town on B Street, and has earned the reputation of being a sterling business man who has made most of his money right here in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Arthur J. Belton

Dr. Arthur J. Belton, dentist of Burlingame, stands prominently among the large class of young professional men who have selected San Mateo County for their field of practice. When Dr. Belton took his degree at the University of California in 1910 he was confronted with the most important question of his career, where to locate and establish his practice. A painstaking and thorough investigation, which is characteristic of Dr. Belton, was made before he paid Burlingame the high compliment of deciding that it was the field of greatest opportunity for a young man starting out in a profession. Dr. Belton … Read more

Biography of Charles N. Kirkbride

Charles N. Kirkbride, the City Attorney of San Mateo, came to the town in 1889 and started the San Mateo Leader, taking in R. H. Jury as an associate. He subsequently became editor of the Times-Gazette and moved to Redwood City, but in 1891 resumed the study of law, begun at the College of the Pacific in San Jose, under Justice John E. Richards, now of the Appellate Court. Mr. Kirkbride entered Northwestern University College of Law at Chicago, Ill., and had lectures under such eminent men as Justices Harlan and Brewer of the United States Supreme Court; Henry Wade … Read more

Biography of Mrs. George C. Ross

There is not a resident of San Mateo County whose life history is more closely woven into the fabric of the chronology of this county than Mrs. George C. Ross. Having lived here the best part of her life, she has the added distinction of being the second white child born in San Mateo – Mrs. Frank Miller, now a resident of Berkeley, being the first. Possessed of sufficient wealth to live in any part of the world, San Mateo County has nevertheless always been her first choice. When married, on December 24, 1877, in San Mateo, she went with … Read more

Biography of Dr. F. Holmes Smith

Dr. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909. Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minnesota, on October 29, 1879, and received his college education … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Buchmann

Edward Buchmann is one of San Mateo’s oldest merchants, having been in business in that city for more than a score of years. He was founder of Buchmann’s Hotel and the San Mateo Bakery, both of which have become old landmarks and have kept up with the pace of the times. For many years Mr. Buchmann was the proprietor of a wholesale liquor store. In 1914 he bought out the San Mateo grocery and combined it with his liquor business. He now operates them both under the name of “E. Buchmann & Co., Wines and Groceries.” Mr. Buchmann has been … Read more

Biographies of San Mateo County California

The Woodside Store San Mateo County California

San Mateo County’s History with its exposition of contemporary local conditions, resources and advantages, would be incomplete without the following 140 biographical sketches of pioneers and leading business and professional men. These supplement the history and add that intimate and personal touch, without which no work of this kind could be truly interesting. A collection of biographies of this kind is always interesting; but their greatest value lies in the fact that they chronicle much that might otherwise be forgotten, thereby becoming of greater value as time goes on.

Biography of John Rose

John Rose, who for several years had been numbered among the leading oil producers in Montgomery County fields, and resided at Independence, is a thoroughly practical as well as successful man, as his career indicates. When only thirteen he started out for himself, and had since hewed his way through difficulties, through poverty, to a successful position in the world. He was born February 26, 1861, near Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and is of Scotch parentage. His father, James Rose, was born in Scotland in 1822, was reared and learned the trade of stone mason in his native country, and about … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. George Borden Yount

Dr. George Borden Yount is one of the few professional men of the county who was born and reared here. Dr. Yount spent the early part of his life and received his preliminary education within a stone’s throw of the office where he now attends to his large and growing practice. Dr. Yount was born on September 28, 1882. After passing his childhood days in Redwood he entered the Redwood grammar school. After graduating he prepared himself for college at the Sequoia Union ‘High School. After more preliminary study Dr. Yount entered the dental department of the College of Physicians … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Rucker Dixon

One of the most popular young men in the banking circles of San Mateo County is Edward Rucker Dixon, who was born at Merced, California, March 21, 1883. After leaving high school, he secured a position with the bank of Newman, California, where he remained for twelve years, serving faithfully in every branch of the banking business. It is partly due to his efforts that this bank has been developed to one of the most influential banks of the great San Joaquin valley. Mr. Dixon came to the National Bank of San Mateo, January 10, 1916, to fill the position … Read more

Biography of Erik O. Lindblom

No fiction story teems more with interest than the biography of Erik O. Lindblom, millionaire mine owner, capitalist and banker. From the time he left his home in Sweden at the tender age of seventeen until he uncovered untold riches in the frozen, gravel of Alaska, his life has been one of adventure with hardship and good fortune intermingling. Mr. Lindblom’s father was a wealthy and highly respected land owner and school master in Sweden. Misfortune dealt him a severe blow when by going bondsman for a relative, a large dam which he signed the bond for was washed out, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Pitcher

An old and highly respected settler, being one of the original forty-niners coming across the plains from St. Louis in ox teams. He was born July 25, 1827 at Vincennes, Indiana; and has resided in San Mateo County for the past 55 years. Mr. Pitcher has the distinction of being the oldest public official, holding the office of Justice of Peace, for the past 35 years. Mr. Pitcher has been very successful during his stay in Halfmoon Bay, acquiring a large farm, town property in San Francisco and many other interests. Mr. Pitcher is today, what he has always been, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Porter Emerson Lamb

Far more extensive than his enviable record as a magistrate, which is known in every corner of San Mateo County is Porter Emerson Lamb’s fame as an athlete. Although it was back in 1903 that Porter Lamb was at Stanford, his remarkable feats on the cinder path are still vivid in the memories of all followers of sports. For ten years Lamb’s record of 22 2-5 for the 220-yard dash at Stanford stood unassailed. In those days he was also holder of the world’s record for the fifty-yard dash. in the sprints and as a member of the relay teams … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse O. Snyder

In charge of the great plant of the Western Meat Company at South San Francisco which employs hundreds of men and turns out thousands of dollars worth of products monthly, is Jesse O. Snyder, a resident of South San Francisco for the past twenty years or more and one of its leading boosters. Mr. Snyder is a native of Pennsylvania and it was in Chicago that he gained his fundamental knowledge of the packing business. Before coming west he was with Swift & Co. He worked himself up to a responsible position with these interests who sent him out to … Read more