Biographical Sketch of Jesse O. Snyder

In charge of the great plant of the Western Meat Company at South San Francisco which employs hundreds of men and turns out thousands of dollars worth of products monthly, is Jesse O. Snyder, a resident of South San Francisco for the past twenty years or more and one of its leading boosters. Mr. Snyder is a native of Pennsylvania and it was in Chicago that he gained his fundamental knowledge of the packing business. Before coming west he was with Swift & Co. He worked himself up to a responsible position with these interests who sent him out to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Shields

San Mateo county is to be congratulated that the office of auditor, one of the most important functions in the county government is in the hands of such a competent person as John J. Shields who was elected by a handsome majority. When Mr. Shields began his duties he revolutionized the auditor’s office. The latest and most up-to-date systems of bookkeeping were installed and sweeping changes and improvements made, with the result that Mr. Shield’s office has been paid many flattering compliments by expert accountants. Before being elected county auditor, Mr. Shields was under sheriff for Sheriff J. H. Mansfield. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D.

Reginald E. Mcdonald, M. D., has been in the active practice of medicine in San Bernardino since 1884. He is a native of the city of Toronto, Canada, born in 1856, and obtained his literary education in Victoria University and Upper Canada College. He spent one year studying for his profession in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Toronto, and three years in the California Medical College at San Francisco, and was graduated at the latter in 1883. Before coming to California, Dr. McDonald spent a year and a half, 1881-’82, on North Georgian Bay, as surgeon for a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Frank S. Dolley

One of the most important institutions in the north end of San Mateo county is the South San Francisco General Hospital owned and Conducted by Dr. Frank S. Dolley. Situated near the great South San Francisco industrial district and close to San Bruno, Daly City and Colma, the residents of these cities are saved the cost and inconvenience of going to San Francisco or San Mateo for treatment. The South San Francisco General Hospital was founded by the late Dr. Harry G. Plymire and on his death it was taken over by Dr Dolley. The institution is modern and up-to-date … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. P. Morrison

F. P. Morrison, President of the First National Bank of Redlands, is a “native son of the Golden West,” being born in the city of San Francisco. His father, A. L. Morrison, came from Ohio in 1854, and was a successful businessman for many years. The subject of this sketch came to Redlands in 1882. He had considerable money, and being pleased with the location, and believing that there was a bright future for the place, he bought forty acres of land and put out 300 orange trees the first year. The improvements he has since made on this place … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. C. Brandt

One of the great army of commuters who believes that there is no place like San Mateo for the home of the San Francisco business man, is L. C. Brandt, manager of the San Francisco branch of the Buffalo Brewing Company of Sacramento. Mr. Brandt moved down the peninsula six years ago, and each succeeding year has strengthened the convictions which caused him to locate in San Mateo. The city has profited handsomely by having Mr. Brandt as a citizen. When he bought property in San Mateo Heights he started to safeguard the interests of that district. He became one … Read more

Biography of William M. Higgins, Dr.

Dr. William M. Higgins, pharmacist on Central avenue, Anaheim, was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey, June 18, 1826. He was educated at Princeton College, at which he was graduated in 1845, with the degree of A. B. He read medicine for a period of two years, and February 22, 1849, started for California on the bark St. Mary. He remained in Rio Janeiro ten months, then went aboard the ship William Brandt, bound for San Francisco, at which place he arrived in July, 1850, having been ship’s doctor during the voyage. After his arrival in San Francisco he was … Read more

Biography of Ezra Baird

In the year which witnessed the arrival of so many of Idaho’s prominent pioneers. 1862 this gentleman cast in his lot with the early settlers, and through the period which has since elapsed he has been an important factor in the development and progress of the state. He is a native of Schoharie County, New York, born May 11, 1839, and is of Scotch and English descent. His ancestors came to America in colonial days and the maternal great-grandfather of our subject. Major Norton, fought throughout the struggle for independence. Joseph Baird, the father of our subject, was born in … Read more

Biography of George A. Frost

The horologe of time has marked off thirty-nine years since George A. Frost came to the Pacific coast, and thirty years have been added to the cycle of the centuries since his arrival in Lewiston. He is numbered among the esteemed and valued residents of this place, and as a representative citizen of northern Idaho well deserves mention in this volume. He was born in St. Auburns, Somerset county, Maine, November 14, 1836, and is of Scotch and English lineage. His parents were both natives of Kennebec County, Maine, and in 1852 the father came to the west, making the … Read more

Biography of Timothy Guy Phelps

Foremost among San Mateo County’s greatest men and best loved pioneer, stands the name of Timothy Guy Phelps, statesman and farmer. Big hearted, strong and lovable, his accomplishments are written large upon the scroll of the county’s greatest achievements, as well as those of the state. Many times a State Assemblyman and Senator, once United States Congressman during Lincoln’s administration, twice Collector of the Port of San Francisco, Regent of the University of California for 21 years and Chairman of the Lick Observatory during that time -these were some of the posts of trust held by Timothy Guy Phelps. Timothy … Read more

Biography of Hon. George B. Rogers

Some men achieve success almost instantaneously, some by slow accretion, others only after long and patient working and waiting. The experience of men who are willing to work persistently and intelligently and wait calmly goes to prove that success may surely be attained during an ordinary lifetime, and no man not cut off at an untimely age need work and wait in vain. These reflections have been suggested by a consideration of the career of Hon. George B. Rogers, receiver of the United States land office at Blackfoot, Idaho, who is one of the most prominent and successful citizens of … Read more

Biography of Calvin R. White

Calvin R. White, one of the best known pioneers of Idaho, now residing in Boise, was born near Boston, Massachusetts, July 27, 1836, his parents being Samuel B. and Sarah (Richardson) White, natives of the Bay state. The father was for many years connected with the Boston & Lowell Railway, and died in the city of Boston when about seventy-six years of age. He was a son of Samuel White, also a native of Massachusetts, in which state his death occurred when he had passed the psalmist’s span of life of three-score years and ten. The mother of our subject … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Conn

Hon. William A. Conn, of San Bernardino, is one of those strong individualities in the pioneer history of California, who by his force of character and intellect stamped his impress upon the early civilization of the Golden State. Though a number of the first years of his residence on the Pacific coast were passed in the northern part of the State, at San Francisco, yet for a third of a century Southern California has had the benefits of his public-spirited patriotism, his business attainments and his generous philanthropy. Mr. Conn was born in 1814, on the West India Islands, where … Read more

Biography of Charles Wood Davis

A significantly varied, distinguished and interesting career was that of the late Charles Wood Davis, and fortunate it was for the State of Kansas that he early established his residence within its borders, for his splendid initiative and executive powers came most effectively into play in the furtherance of the eivic, industrial and general material development and progress of this commonwealth. He was one of the famous argonauts of the year 1849 in California, was long and prominently identified with railway interests, was a recognized authority in all matters pertaining to the basic industry of agriculture, was a pioneer in … Read more

Sacramento California Police Mug Books 1864-1949

Mug Book cropped

Mug Books of the past have been replaced by computer databases now, but back before the days of computers and databases, they served as an effective method for Police Departments to keep track of past criminals and wanted people. The Sacramento Police Department has generously provided these scanned images to for free access to everyone. If you are not aware if one of your ancestors may have been arrested for a crime, then I suggest you first search the newspaper records available online for free of Sacramento California, so that you have a year span to choose from. Unless you’re like me and just like perusing the old mug shots…

Biography of Thomas P. Smith

Thomas P. Smith was born in Clinton County, New York, in 1861, and died in Muskogee, Okla., on October 4, 1917. He attended the village school of Clinton until he was twelve years of age, when his family moved to Plattsburg, N. Y., where he entered the public schools. Graduating from the high school, he became associated in the mercantile business with his two brothers, M. A. and M. J. Smith. In 1884 he was made deputy postmaster at Plattsburg, which place he held until 1887, when he was appointed chief clerk at the San Carlos Indian Agency in Arizona. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Allan R. Powers

The thriving industrial center and model city of South San Francisco exerts a strong attraction upon the professional man as well as the captain of industry and business man. This is exemplified by the coming to this community of Dr. Allan R. Powers and other capable professional men who saw an excel field wherein to build up a desirable practice. Dr. Powers was located at Rio Vista, Solano County for two years before coming to San Mateo County Before he took up his study of medicine he was in the United States Forest Service. Dr. Powers received his university education … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Barclay Meldrum

Meldrum, Andrew Barclay; Presbyterian minister; born, Scotland, Sept. 9, 1857; son of Capt. Robert and Agnes Ness (Grant) Meldrum; educated, professionally, at Knox College and University of Toronto, graduating in Theology at the Theological Seminary of San Francisco; (D. D. Hanover College); married, in 1885, to Laura R. Rison, of Oakland, Cal.; issue, two sons and two daughters; in 1907, married Ella Hoyt Herrick, of Cleveland; pastor in San Francisco, Cal., Evansville, Ind., St. Paul, Minn., and now Old Stone Church, Cleveland; Grand Chaplain, Masonic Grand Lodge of Ohio, 1913; member Robert Burns Society of Cleveland, and Rotary Club; Chaplain … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jurgen Frederick Wienke

Jurgen Frederick Wienke was born in Germany, July 15, 1844, where he was educated. At the age of twenty-five he left his native county to seek his fortune in the States, coming to California in 1869. He is an engineer by profession, serving in this capacity on the ferryboats in Germany. In 1881 he purchased a farm at Moss Beach and opened up a hotel for an investment, under the impression they were to put a railroad through his property within a year. But it was many years after before he saw this in reality, although his land has greatly … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Hastings

It has been the discovery of the rich mineral deposits of the northwest that has led to the development of this section of the country, and among those who have been prominent in promoting the mining interests of Idaho is Benjamin F. Hastings, late mining inspector of the state. An excellent judge of the value of ore, and a man of unimpeachable integrity, he was well qualified for the position which he so acceptably filled, and all concerned commended him for the straightforward, prompt and reliable manner in which he discharged his duties. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hastings was … Read more