Biographical Sketch of Col. E. Barker

Col. E. Barker, farmer, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Maine, August 12, 1816; removed to Manhattan in Riley County, Kan.; thence to Jewell County in 1870, and is now the owner of 100 acres of land, well improved, with a fine house, the same being situated adjoining the town of Jewell City. The colonel was in the special service of the United States army for over four years; was Colonel of the Third Regiment, Second Brigade of Sixth Division of the Maine State Militia for over seventeen years. Has held office of Deputy Sheriff in Oxford County, Minn., … Read more

Ann P. Todd Loomis of Little Falls NY

LOOMIS, Ann P. Todd7, (Stephen6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 17, 1807, in Salisbury, N. Y., died Nov. 20, 1879, in Little Falls, N. Y., married Oct. 5, 1831, in Salisbury, N. Y., Hon. Arphaxad, son of Thaddeus and Lois (Griswold) Loomis, who was born April 9, 1798, in Winchester, Conn., died Sept. 15, 1885. At the age of three years his parents removed from Winchester, Conn., to Salisbury, N. Y. His father was a farmer in moderate circumstances, and Arphaxad’s boyhood days were spent in assisting his father upon the farm. At the age of 15 he … Read more

Stephen Todd of Salisbury CT

Stephen Todd5, (Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 23, 1735, married Rachel Johnson, who was born in 1740, in Wallingford, Conn. They removed to Salisbury, N. Y., or it may have been Salisbury, Conn., where he is said to have died when an old man. He was at one time a physician in Wallingford, Conn. Children: *309. Jehiel, b. Nov. 3, 1761. *310. Stephen, b. Dec. 23, 1773. *311. Bethel.

Ora B. Todd of Panama NY

Ora B. Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Dec. 20, 1808, in Salisbury, N. Y., died Feb. 9, 1889, in San Jacinto, Cal., married Oct. 1832, Lorinda, daughter of Luke and Lucia Wolcott, who was born Oct. 27, 1810, died Oct. 19, 1885, in Santa Paula, Calif. They removed from Panama, Chautauqua County, N. Y., to Santa Paula, Calif., in March 1884, whence they seem to have moved to Santa Jacinto, where he died. Mr. Todd was a good reader of music, which he taught some in the old fashioned way; a fine violinist and a most excellent … Read more

Stephen Todd of Salisbury NY

Stephen Todd6, (Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 23, 1773, died on his birthday Dec. 23, 1827, in Salisbury, N. Y., married Bede Frisbee. He practiced as a physician in Salisbury, N. Y. Children: 697. Laura, m. Seth Miller. 698. Adeline, m. Dr. John Spaulding. 699. Eliza F., m. Thomas Burch. *700. Anna P.