Biographical Sketch of William H. Cornford

(III) William H.. fourth son of Thomas and Urina (Harmer) Cornford, was born in England, September 8, 1835. He accompanied his parents to America, in early childhood, began the activities of life as a carpenter’s apprentice and having learned that trade he followed it as a journeyman in Phelps for some time. At the breaking-out of the rebellion in 1861, he went to the front with the Seventy-sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, and after completing his first term of service he reenlisted in the Ninth Michigan Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war. In 1868 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest P. Lenihan

Lenihan, Ernest P.; underwriter; born, Saginaw, Michigan, Oct. 5, 1873; academic education; married; resident director Wilcox, Peek & Hughes, New York, prior to coming to Cleveland in 1901 engaged in marine insurance business in New York and Chicago; director in the following companies: New York Fire & Marine Underwriters, Knickerbocker Insurance Co., Lloyds, N. Y., Manitowor Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., The Wilbrand Co., Wilcox, Peck & Hughes; Independent politically; member The Association of Average Adjusters of the United States, Chamber of Commerce; member Union, Country, and Mayfield Clubs. Fond of Gulf.