Biography of Hon. Amos F. Tullis

HON. AMOS F. TULLIS. – Amos F. Tullis was born January 6, 1830, at Carthage, Rush county, Indiana. Both of his parents were natives of Ohio, and, having migrated to Indiana, followed farming. At the age of five years his mother died; and five years later his father followed her to the great silent majority, leaving a family of four sons and two daughters, of whom Amos was the fourth child. He lived on the farm of his parents until 1846, when he accompanied an older sister with her husband to Iowa. He resided at Mount Pleasant, Burlington and Ottumwa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bell

Henry Bell, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Randolph Co., N. C., in the year 1819; his parents Pierce and Rebecca moved to Preble Co., Ohio., in the year 1820, and after remaining about fifteen years, moved to Rush Co., Ind., where they lived for about fifteen or twenty years; in 1850, they came to Coles Co. and settled on Sect 16, where his father died at the age of 88, his mother dying the year afterward. Mr. Bell moved to his present farm on Sec. 15 Feb. 14, 1856, containing 80 acres. In 1843, he married in Indiana … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William B. Hawkins

William B. Hawkins, retired farmer; P. O. Humbolt; the subject of this sketch is one of the early settlers of this township; he was born in Boone Co., Ky., July 31, 121. He married Miss Abigail Morgan Feb. 20, 1843; she was born in Ohio, and died Oct. 8, 1846; they had two children, viz., Francis M. and Louisa A.; his present wife was Miss Nancy Danner; they were married Oct. 4, 1848; she was born in Rush Co., Ind., Oct. 11, 1823; he lived about two and a half years in Kentucky,. when, with his parents, he moved to … Read more

Biography of James Madison Harvey

James Madison Harvey, fifth governor of the State of Kansas, was born in Monroe County, Virginia, September 21, 1833, and was the second child and oldest son of Thomas Jefferson and Margaret (Walker) Harvey. His ancestors for several generations were Virginians. His paternal ancestor in America was Henry Harvey, who came from England about 1725, settling in Orange County. Henry Harvey’s son John was the paternal grandfather of the subject of this sketeh. Other ancestors of the colonial period were Michael Woods of Albermarle County, who was a deseendant of a Yorkshire trooper of Cromwell’s army; Capt. Henry Walker, who … Read more

Biography of George Egbert Shawhan

George Egbert Shawhan was for twenty-one years county superintendent of schools in Champaign County, and in this county, which has been his home for over sixty years, he has found ample opportunities for a life of quiet usefulness and service. He was born at Falmouth, Rush County, Indiana, March 20, 1844. His grandfather, John Shawhan, was probably a native of Pennsylvania, but was reared in Kentucky and combined his work as a minister of the Presbyterian Church with practical farming. He died in Kentucky. He married a Miss Flowers, who was born and reared in Virginia. William McCune Shawhan, father … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moore, O. S.

Moore, O. S. proprietor of the Golden Rule steam flouring-mills. These mills were erected in 1880, size of which are 32×52 feet and 45 feet high, built of stone, capacity is 100 barrels in twenty-four hours, cost is $22,000. They do an exchange business only in custom work. They employ six men besides their own help. Mr. O. S. Moore first came to Bunker Hill in August 1878. He was born in Brown County, Ohio in 1848; was raised and educated in Rush County, Ind.; family moving there in 1854. Married in 1879 to Miss Carrie S. Edwards, of Binghamton, … Read more

Biography of Rev. Augustus H. Tevis

The scholarly subject of this sketch is a native of Rush County, Indiana, born on his father’s farm, May 13, 1841, and was the ninth child of a family of three sons and seven daughters. His parents were Dr. Daniel H. and Phoebe (Scott) Tevis, the former having been a physician by profession,—a self-made man, who enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. He (Dr. Daniel H.) was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, and was quite a scholar as a linguist, being a proficient in both Latin and Greek. The elder Dr. Tevis died in 1858, and his wife in 1862, … Read more

Biography of Hiram W. Oliver

HIRAM W. OLIVER. – It is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant to the esteemed pioneer and capable citizen whose name is at the head of this article a representation in the history of the county of Union, where he has labored long and faithfully, both for its advancement and development and for the successful culmination of his various business enterprises, wherein he has demonstrated a consummate wisdom in handling the raw resources of the wild country and in subduing it and bringing forth the wealth that lay wrapped in its coffers of natural stores, while also he … Read more

Biography of Robert Groves

Robert Groves, now living retired at Sidney, when in his prime was regarded as one of the keenest and best judges of live stock in Champaign County. He has had a long and useful career, and one that is deserving of more than passing mention. Mr. Groves was born in Rush County, Indiana, at the town of Fairview, September 17, 1839, son of Joseph and Nancy (Baker) Groves. The original Groves came from Havre de Grace. Maryland, and distributed themselves in the states of Kentucky and Indiana. A more remote origin of the family is found in Holland, where Hans … Read more

Biography of William S. Tyner

William S. Tyner was one of the early settlers of Kansas, though he lived in the state only a few years, but founded a family which had become especially well known and prominent in Osage County. The Tyners were an old and prominent family of Indiana. William S. Tyner was one of seven sons and was born on a farm in Rush County, Indiana, September 20, 1820. His parents were John and Nancy (Sailors) Tyner, both Indiana people. William S. Tyner was a consin of James N. Tyner, who served as postmaster-general under President Hayes. The early education of William … Read more

Biography of Col. James L. Abernathy

Col. James L. Abernathy. For nearly a half century one of the conspicuous figures in Kansas history was the late James L. Abernathy, whose name is inseparably interwoven with the material prosperity of Leavenworth, to which he came in 1856, when it was but a frontier town. He was born in Warren County, Ohio, March 20, 1833. In early manhood he accompanied his parents in their removal to Rush County, Indiana, and at Rushville, the county seat, embarked in mercantile pursuits. In the early ’50s the great West, then represented by the vast unsettled territory west of the Missouri River, … Read more

Cropper, Robert – Obituary

Robert (Bob) Cropper, age seventy-seven, widely known Shelby township farmer living near Fenns, died at 2:00 a.m. Tuesday [March 19, 1940] at the Major Hospital here following a two-week illness. His death was due to pneumonia. The son of John and Emily Cropper, he was born November 11, 1862, in Rush County, and was married to Mrs. Sarah Hendrickson 45 years ago. She died 24 years ago. One child born to the union died in infancy. Survivors are two nieces, Mrs. Leonard McQueen and Mrs. Earl Shoaf, of Washington township; two half-sisters, both living in California, and a step-son, Earl … Read more