The Siegfried Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Anton Siegfried, whose address is Red Bud, Illinois, Rural Route #3, was born in Elsass, Germany, July 26, 1852. After leaving school he worked for his father on a farm until 1872, when he immigrated to America, direct to Red Bud. For a while he worked on a farm, and in 1876 rented a farm. In 1888 he became a dealer in cattle and hogs. In 1891 he went to Ruma and opened a meat market. Seven years later he also opened a general merchandise store. Mr. Siegfried did not confine his buying to live stock, but also bought and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Father Crowe

Rev. Father Crowe, Pastor of the Catholic Church, Mattoon; was born in Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1851; his early life was passed in the public schools of his native city; here he completed a full course of instruction, passing regularly through the high school and normal department; at about the age of 18 years, he engaged in the profession of teaching, and was a member of the Faculty in the College at Tutopolis, and, at a later date, in that at Ruma, Ill.; having for some time directed his thoughts in the channel of the legal profession, and, at … Read more

The Ellner Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ellner

Among the more prominent farmers inhabiting the region of Prairie du Rocher is Mr. John Peter Ellner of Rural Route #2. He is a native of the State of Missouri, where he was born in the town of Herman on August 18, 1872. However, his parents were of an adventurous disposition and not satisfied with the opportunities offered by our neighbor state, removed, in 1876, to Horse Prairie and later, in 1881, to Ruma, Illinois. Here the family at length found a pleasant home and remained in that district. Here Mr. Ellner received his education by attending both the public … Read more

Illinois, Diocese of Belleville, Catholic Parish Records, 1695-1956

Illinois Bellville Church Records

A help guide for accessing the images of parish registers recording the events of baptism, first communion, confirmation (to 1907), marriage (to 1930) or death (to 1956) in the Diocese of Belleville (Illinois), Roman Catholic Church. The index to some volumes may reference pages within a given volume beyond current publication dates. As such, these images are not currently available. In addition to traditional parish registers, this collection includes a small number of census, church history, family and financial records. To assist the researcher I have broken down the available registers by county and name of parish, including the years covered by those parish records.