Kentucky Vital Records, 1884-1928

This microfilm is a copy of the original records located at the Kentucky State Historical Society in Frankfort and microfilmed in 1975. It is an incomplete copy of the set of records for each county but can provide the information for the specific counties and years as denoted in the list.

Rowan County, Kentucky Cemetery Records

Rowan County Rowan County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Rowan County USGenWeb Archives Project Cave Run Cemetery Relocation Rowan County, Kentucky Cemetery Records Hosted at Rowan County, Kentucky KYGenWeb Adkins Cemetery  Jason Adkins Cemetery  Roll Alfrey Cemetery  Anderson Cemetery  Back-Peyton Cemetery  Johnson Black Cemetery  Willie Black Cemetery  Woodford Black Cemetery  Black-Trent Cemetery  Blanton-White Cemetery  Brown Cemetery (2)  Brown Cemetery (3)  Brown Cemetery (4)  Brown-Fannin Cemetery  Bryant-Goodman Cemetery  Catron Cemetery  Caudill Cemetery (1)  Caudill Cemetery (2)  Caudill Cemetery (3)  Caudill Cemetery(4)  South Caudill Cemetery  J. W. Caudill Cemetery  Norwood Caudill Cemetery  Caudill-Porter Cemetery  Clark Cemetery (1)  Coffey-Riddle Cemetery  Conn Cemetery #1 … Read more

Earley, Elizabeth “Betty” Vaughn Mrs. – Obituary

Elizabeth “Betty” Earley, 77, of Prineville died Feb. 9, 2003. Visitations are today at the Whispering Pines Funeral Home at Prineville. There will be no service. Elizabeth was born on June 21, 1925, at Moorehead, Ky., to Van and Flora Holbrook Vaughn. She married Crawford Earley in 1956 at Baker City. She attended school in Virginia. Upon completing school, she married her first husband and moved to Ohio where she lived until 1956. She moved to Oregon until the early 1970s when she moved to Othello, Wash., and then to Southern California. In 1985, she moved in with her daughter, … Read more