Biography of W. E. Kearns

W. E. Kearns, a progressive agriculturist of Washington County, resides on a productive and well improved farm near Ramona, and in the development of his property he displays energy, determination and good business ability. He was born at Chepstow, in Washington County, Kansas, September 12, 1874, his parents being Thomas and Jane ( Whitmore) Kearns, both of whom were natives of Ohio. They were married in Williams County, Ohio, and then made their way to La Salle County, Illinois, whence they subsequently removed to Linn County, Iowa, but resided in that locality for only a short time. They next established … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Ford Smith

(See Ghigau and Hildebrand)-Eliza, daughter of Henry and Margaret (Patrick) Fry, born February 15, 1866. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Female Seminary. Married at Tahlequah February 15, 1882 to Warren Alonzo, son of Alonzo and Sarah Westover, born March 22, 1844 in Illinois. He died November 28, 1896. They were the parents of: Willard W. born February 14, 1883; Thomas H. born December 11, 1885; Lelia Etta, born August 23, 1887; Josephine M. born January 27, 1890; Warren Ferdinand, born May 28, 1892 and died Feb. 28, 1913. Mrs. Eliza Westover married at Oolagah August 6, 1897 to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Leon C. Merritt

.—(See Grant and Halfbreed).—Hope Eva Bowman, born December 20, 1887, educated at Pryor and Female Seminary. Married July 8, 1900 Leon C. Merritt. They are the parents of Fern Aileen, born September 20, 1907; Naomi Leon, born June 11, 1910; Timothy Clarence, born October 20, 1913 and Alice Inez Merritt, born December 13, 1919. Leon C. Merritt is an automobile dealer at Chelsea. Mrs. Merritt is a member of the Christian church and the Woodmen’s Circle, Eastern Star and Rebecca orders. Her parents were James Earl and Jane Ida (Wilson) Bowman, the latter is the daughter of Gilbert and Eleanor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Taylor

(See Foreman) –John Manchester, son of James Madison, born April 18, 1818, and died January 7, 1907, and Addle (Manchester) Taylor was born Aug. 14, 1860, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, and was educated in the Cumberland Presbyterian College, Louden, Tennessee, and at Atlanta, Georgia. Married at Claremore, Thursday, February 23, 1893, Bertha E. McCutchan, daughter of Samuel and Margaret McCutchan, born November 29, 1872, at Redoak, Charlotte County,Virginia and was educated in Missouri. They are the parents of Blaine Samuel, born June 25, 1894; Robert Clinton, born July 24, 1897; served during the World war in the Medical Corps; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. W. F. McSpadden

(See Carter and Riley)-Serena Carter Parrott, born at Silverlake in Cooweescoowee District March 25, 1870, educated at the Cherokee Orphan asylum from which she graduated June 17, 1886. Married February 17, 1889 William Fair (son of Rev. T. K. B. and Elizabeth (Green) McSpadden) born December 25,1856 in Dalton, Georgia. They are the parents of: Zoe, born November 15, 1889,educated at Chelsea and Female Seminary, from which she graduated May 29, 1907, married December 26, 1911 Earl Preston Whitehill; Floyd Carter, born August 19, 1891, Roscoe Conklin, born September 19, 1893; Zella Christine; born September 21, 1897; Alma, born March … Read more

Biography of Anthony Kerns Douglas

One of the pioneer farmers of Rogers county is Anthony Kerns Douglas, who was born Caldwell county, Missouri, on the 29th of August, 1858, a son of Arnett Patrick and Emily (McGee) Douglas, and of Scotch-Irish decent. Mr. Douglas was named in honor of the family physician in Missouri. His father was born in Ohio and went to Missouri with his parents, when eight years of age. They located in Caldwell county and A. P. Douglas engaged in farming there until his demise about ten years ago. He achieved gratifying success in that connection and was one of the representative … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Victoria Belle Manifee

Victoria Belle Manifee, born August 14, 1881, educated at Chelsea, married July 29, 1900 John L. Manifee. Mr. Manifee died Feb. 13, 1905. From this union was born the following children: Leah, born May 20, 1901 and George, born September 2, 1904. Mrs. Manifees father John G. McIntosh, last executive chief of the Cherokee Nation died July 17, 1916. Her brother John R. McIntosh is the Treasurer of Rogers county.

Biography of John Martin Bell

One of the representative agriculturists of Rogers county is John Martin Bell, who is engaged in farming eight and one-half miles southwest of Chelsea. A native of Texas, he was born in Russ county, on the 28th of October, 1859, a; son of John and Sarah Selesta (Harnage) Bell, both of Cherokee extraction. Upon the outbreak of the Civil war, Mr. Bell’s sympathies being with the south, he enlisted in the Confederate army and his death occurred while he was spending a furlough in Indian Territory. Mrs. Bell died in 1886. In the acquirement of his education John Martin Bell … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. E. Sanders

(See Sanders, Scraper, Oolootsa, Ghigau, Adair and Duncan) -William Edward Sanders, born in Going Snake District, April 2, 1861. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools. Married March 2, 1890, Sarah Catherine Scrimsher, born July 27, 1866. She died January 28, 1892. They were the parents of John Gunter Sanders, born April 23, 1891. Mr. Sander married at Adair in 1894 Etta Jane, daughter of Henry Harrison and Narcissa Jane (Duncan) Scraper born in 1871 in Salina District. She was educated at Worcester Academy, Vinita and Female Seminary. They are the parents of: William Edward, born October 24, 1896; Dewitt Clark, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarence Graves

Clarence, son of Charles and Abbie (Guthrie) Grave, was born in Wyandotte County, Kas. Sept. 20, 1872. He married at Talala, Effie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Griffith. Mr. Graves has a splendid education especially along commercial lines. He has been prominent in the mercantile activities of Talala since almost the beginning of the town. His father was a native of Hancock, Washington Co., Mo., he being the son of a prominent attorney who died while on legal business in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Abbie (Guthrie) Graves was of Wyandotte and Shawnee extraction

Biographical Sketch of William P. A. Rogers

(See Downing, Corand, Oolootsa)-William Penn Adair, of Clement Vann and Mary America (Scrimsher) Rogers was born at the Rogers homestead near Oolagah November 4, 1879. Educated at Kemper Military School, Booneville, Missouri. Married at Rogers, Arkansas November 25, 1908 Betty, daughter of and Mrs. J. W. Blake. They are the parents of: William Vann, born October 20, 1911; Mary Amelia, born May 18, 1913 and James Blake Rogers, born July 25, 1915. Mr. Rogers is a member of the Shrine and Elk fraternities. He is a member of two clubs the Lambs and Friars. Commencing in the theatrical profession as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. W. W. Bryan

(See Grant and Adair) -William Wear, son of Charles S. and Mildred (Wear) Bryan born September 7, 1868 in Cooper County, Missouri. Graduated from Western Dental College of Kansas City, Mo. Married at Vinita August 11,1892, Rachel Bell, daughter of William Henry and Eliza Jane (Bell) Mayes, born September 12, 1868. They were the parents of: Charles S. born July 14, 1896, and died Nov. 9 of the same year; Frances, born May 17, 1895 and died June 21, 1895; William Mayes born July 14, 1896 and died Nov. 9, 1896; Joe Cullus, born February 10, 1903, and Mamie Alexander … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas D. Bard Jr.

(See Cordery, Foreman and Blackburn)-Thomas Dunn, son of Thomas Dunn and Laura (Rogers) Bard, was born Oct. 4, 1880 in Dalton, Georgia. Educated in the Cherokee National Schools and Willie Halsell College. Joined the “Rough Riders” but mustered out on account of defective vision. Married at Claremore January 2, 1910, Elizabeth Belle, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Cherokee (Wisner) Prather, born July 29, 1889. They are the parents of: Jennie May, born Nov. 29, 1910; Jackson Rogers, born June 21, 1912 and Thomas Dunn Bard Ill, born May 24, 1915. Elizabeth Belle was educated at the Female Seminary and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lulu Lipe

(See Oolootsa, Ross, Foreman and Riley)—Sarah Lulu Foreman, born March 15, 1875, educated at Oowala public school and the Female Seminary, from which she graduated in 1895. Married January 4, 1899 John Gunter Lipe, born December 16, 1864. He was educated at the Male Seminary and the University of Arkansas; engaged in the farming and cattle business; was a Mason, Elk, and Woodman of the World; he died May 20, 1913. Mr. and Mrs. Lipe were the parents of: Flora Foreman, born November 14, 1899; Ada Catherine, born August 27, 1901; Dewitt, born January 26, 1904; Lucy Campbell, born March … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Woodley Phillips

(See Grant and Oolootsa)-Maude Hoyt McSpadden, born at Chelsea, Cherokee Nation, March 15, 1885, educated at Chelsea and the Female Seminary, from which she graduated June 9, 1903. She married April 3, 1905 Woodley Gail Phillips, born in Crawford Co. Penn. May 15, 1877. They are the parents of Joel Arthur, born February 6, 1906 who died Dec. 13, 1914; Donald Mortimer, born Oct. 12, 1908; Ross Marvin, born Apr. 16, 1912; Lawrence Gail, born Mar. 22, 1916; Paul McSpadden, born March 25, 1918. Woodley Gail Phillips of English decent was among oil operators coming into Oklahoma from Pennsylvania in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William T. Alberty

Alberty, William T. (See Grant and Downing)—William Towers Alberty, born No­vember 25, 1888. Enlisted in the world war in September 1917. Assigned to the Nineteenth Division, 358th Infantry as team­ster. Sailed for France June 20, 1918, was in the offensive operations at St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest and after the Armistice was with the Army of Occupation, returned to the United States in June 1919 and was discharged at Camp Paike on the twenty-second of that month. Married at Clare­more, June 28, 1920, Elizabeth, daughter of Grant and Nannie Barker, born May 11, 1902 in Minifee County, Kentucky. They are … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank R. Sullivan

(See Grant and Cordery)-Frank Robert, son of James and Mary Claremore April 5, 1878. Educated at Yellow Springs, Cooweescoowee District. Married Daisy Bishop. They were the parent; of James Bradshaw Sullivan, born June 10, 1897, Mr. Sullivan married June 2, 1900, Peggy Stop born in 1875 and educated at Catoosa. They are the parents of: Andrew Leerskov, born February 8, 1914, and Mary Belle Sullivan, born June 24, 1916. Mr. Sullivan is a farmer near Claremore. James, son of George and Elizabeth Ann (Rogers) Sullivan was born in Georgia April 23, 1849. Married Mary Ann, daughter of George Washington and … Read more

Biography of E. D. Hicks

If you were fortunate enough to be able to see a copy of the Laws of the Cherokee Nation published in 1852 you could find on pages three and four, the first printed law of the Cherokee Tribe, promulgated on Sept. 11, 1808 at Broom’s Town. It has the approval of Enola or Blackfox as Principal Chief and Pathkiller as Second Chief. It bears the signature of Charles Hicks as “Sec’y. to Council.” Broom’s Town was the home of Chief Broom whose daughter Nancy, a member of the Wolf clan married Nathan Hicks, a white, man. Nathan and Nancy Hicks … Read more