Biography of S. B. Ward

S. B. Ward, a pioneer farmer and stock raiser of Oklahoma residing near Ramona, in Washington county, is conducting his operations on an extensive scale and in the management of his business interests he displays marked executive ability, firm determination and sound judgment. A native of West Virginia, he was born January 21, 1860, and his parents, Simon and Savannah (Hammer) Ward, were also born in that state. In 1881 they removed to Missouri, settling near Appleton City, where the father engaged in farming and in that year he planted five hundred acres to corn which averaged between sixty and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Sue Austin

(See Cordery)-Sue, daughter of Charles Harris and Pearl Victoria (Haas) Sisson, born December 14, 1898, at Ft. Gibson; educated at Ft. Gibson, Muskogee and Claremore. Married at Claremore June 5, 1920 Ervin F. son of Henry and Sallie Austin. Mr. Austin is engaged in wholesale dry goods business at Clarmore. Thomas Cordery, an Irishman married Susannah, a full blood Cherokee of the Blind Savannah Clan. Their daughter Nannie married Parker Collins and they were the parents of Jennie Collins who married Charles Harris of Spartanberg district, S. Carolina Charles and Jennie Harris were the parents Narcissa, born in 1841, married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cicero, J. Strange

(See Grant, Ghigau, Oolootsa and Adair)-Cicero James, son of William and Samantha (Boss) Strange was born February 8, 1874 in Georgia and educated in that state. Married at Chelsea December 24, 1894, Mary Bright, daughter of John Polk and Emily Jane (Walker) Drake, born January 28, 1878. They are the parents of: Mary Emma, born September 30, 1895; John Drake born February 13, 1895; Janie Anna, born April 5, 1900; Ella, born Feb. 11, 1902; Lulu Euphemia born June 26, 1904; Frank J. born February 27, 1906; Charles, born Jan. 4, 1909; Florence, born Sent. 17, 1916 and Margaret Strange … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. George W. Durall

(See Ghigau) Franklin Wallace, son of Samuel and Eliza (Harlan) Craig born in Missouri, March 15, 1854. Married November 8, 1878 Catherine Fetrick, born January 13, 1854 in Shelby County, Missouri. He died February 23, 1894. They were the parents of Edna Earl Craig, born June 8, 1880, educated in Female Seminary. Married at Claremore August 5, 1897 George Wesbroford, son of Benoni S. and Anna Durall, born October 23, 1878. They are the parents of: Benoni Franklin, born June 3, 1898, married October 6, 1918 Georgia Ann Brown, has one daughter, Mary Joe Durall, born June 20, 1920; George … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oscar Lyle McSpadden

(See Grant and Oolootsa)—Oscar Lyle McSpadden, born November 2, 1892 educated at Chelsea; married September 1920, Georgia Craig. Mr. McSpadden is engaged in stock raising for the firm of Milam & McSpadden near Magdalena New Mexico, where he has taken active part in the upbuilding of the community; he is a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner. Attended Business College in Coffeyville, Kas. Was in the stock business prior to going to New Mexico.

Biography of Jesse McKnight

For thirty-nine years Jesse McKnight has resided in this community, having come to Indian Territory with the early pioneers. Left an orphan at the age of ten years, he soon afterward entered the business world to earn his living, and as the result of intelligently directed efforts, laudable ambition and unflagging courage has won substantial success. A native of Missouri, he was born on the 4th of February, 1866. Jesse McKnight acquired but a limited education in the schools of his native state and at the age of seventeen years made his way to Indian Territory. Locating at Muskogee, he … Read more

Biography of Miss Callie Eaton

There is no doubt that the teacher is one of the most important forces in the progress of the world, and Rachel Caroline Eaton, familiarly known as “Miss Callie,” county superintendent of schools of Rogers county with residence in Claremore, a conscientious and progressive educator, deserves prominent mention in a work relating to northeastern Oklahoma and those who have contributed most to its development. A native of Oklahoma, she is a daughter of G. W. and Nancy Elizabeth (Williams) Eaton. Mr. Eaton came to Indian Territory soon after the Civil war and Married Nancy Williams of Siloam Springs, Arkansas. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lew Wofford Hutchins

(See Ghigau and Sanders)-Lew Wofford Hutchins born May 1892 educated at Claremore. Married at sea, June 6, 1916 Emma Lea Clarke, July 26, 1892 in Jackson, Tennessee are the parents of: Lew Wofford, born 13, 1917 and Jetnette Lea Hutchins, July 14, 1918. Lew Wofford Hutchins is the son of Willard and Nettie (Smith) Hutchins former born June 12, 1857 in Marion, Nebraska and married May 10, 1891 Nettle Smith, born February 15, 1872. Emma Lea Clarke is the daughter of Richard Emma (Lea) Clarke, the former April 26, 1848 and married February1879 Emma Lea, born January 19, 1846. Richard … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. L. Merritt

Lucas Leslie, son of Timothy Carpenter and Rosella (Holloway) Merritt, was born in Indiana May 10, 1888 and educated in that State. Married at Talala Nov. 6, 1910, Mary Jane, daughter of Charles and Cynthia (Bible) Robinson, born October 4, 1890. Mr. Merritt is the Ford agent at Talala.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Walter W. Shaw

Mary, daughter of John and Nellie (Conkle) Bullette, was born at Claremore October 24, 1886. She was educated in Lexington, Missouri Baptist Female College and Lindenwood Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, graduating from the latter institution. She married in 1906 at Claremore, Walter W., son of Charles and Ida (White) Shaw, born November 21, 1880 in Owego, New York. They are the parents of Walter W., Jr. born April 17, 1907, and Martha Helen Shaw, born August 7, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a Mason. He was elected County Judge of Rogers County, … Read more

Biography of John Martin Bell

One of the representative agriculturists of Rogers county is John Martin Bell, who is engaged in farming eight and one-half miles southwest of Chelsea. A native of Texas, he was born in Russ county, on the 28th of October, 1859, a; son of John and Sarah Selesta (Harnage) Bell, both of Cherokee extraction. Upon the outbreak of the Civil war, Mr. Bell’s sympathies being with the south, he enlisted in the Confederate army and his death occurred while he was spending a furlough in Indian Territory. Mrs. Bell died in 1886. In the acquirement of his education John Martin Bell … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Leon C. Merritt

.—(See Grant and Halfbreed).—Hope Eva Bowman, born December 20, 1887, educated at Pryor and Female Seminary. Married July 8, 1900 Leon C. Merritt. They are the parents of Fern Aileen, born September 20, 1907; Naomi Leon, born June 11, 1910; Timothy Clarence, born October 20, 1913 and Alice Inez Merritt, born December 13, 1919. Leon C. Merritt is an automobile dealer at Chelsea. Mrs. Merritt is a member of the Christian church and the Woodmen’s Circle, Eastern Star and Rebecca orders. Her parents were James Earl and Jane Ida (Wilson) Bowman, the latter is the daughter of Gilbert and Eleanor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nettle Hutchins

(See Ghigau and Sanders)-Nettle, daughter of Robin and Nancy Jane (Starr) Smith was born February 15, 1872 near Claremore. She was educated at West Point public school on Dog Creek and Female Seminary. She married May 10, 1891, Willard Edward Hutchins, born June 12, 1857 in Marion, Nebraska. They were to parents of: Lew Wofford, born May 17, 1892, Blueford Ralph, born Nov. 25th, 1893: and Ual Ross, born October 11, 1895: Ethel Dane, born October 14, 1897: Willard Beatrice Hutchins, born October 19, 1902. Nettie Hutchins Cherokee name is Chauouke and she belongs to the Wolf Clan. Her father … Read more

Biography of J. C. Bushyhead, M. D.

One of Claremore’s pioneer citizens, who has tirelessly devoted his energies to the development of the town along the various lines is Dr. J. C. Bushyhead, who first located here some thirty-one years ago. During the long period of his residence here he has been engaged in the active practice of his chosen profession and has won for himself an enviable position among the foremost physicians and surgeons of northeastern Oklahoma. A native of Indian Territory, he was born at Fort Gibson on the 29th of June, 1870, a son of Dennis Bushyhead, who was chief of the Cherokee Indians … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary Theresa Reed

(See Grant) —Mary Theresa Flippin daughter of, J. F. and Mary Lane (Little) Flippin and grand-daughter of William and Theresa Lane (Davis) Little was born at Verdigris, June 29, 1896, married at Claremore September 3, 1915 A. F. Reed born April 10, 1893 in Arkansas. They are the parents of: Elizabeth Ann, born October 26, 1916 and James Franklin Reed, born November 24, 1919. Mr. Reed is assistant cashier of the Farmers Bank and Trust Co. of Claremore.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. T. J. Whisenhunt

(See Downing) Eliza, daughter of Isaac Peter and Rebecca (Woods) Howell, was born in 1869, educated in the Cherokee Public Schools. Married at Fishertown in 1886, Thomas Jefferson, son of Noah and Nancy Jane (Phillips) Whisenhunt, born February 25, 1864. They are the parents of: Lilliam Audie, born in 1880, William Walter, born in 1896; Andrew Jay, born in 1897; Robert Lee, born in 1900 and Clint Whisenhunt, born in 1909. Andrew J. Whisenhunt volunteered for service in the World War, and was fifteen months in training camp but did not go over seas. Lillian Audie attended the Female Seminary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest V. Schrimsher

(See Ghigau, Oolootsa and Adair) Ernest Vivian, son of John Gunter and Juliette Melvin a (Candy) Schrimsher was born July 24, 1875 near Claremore. Educated in the Cherokee public schools and Male Seminary. Married at Nowata in 1902, Susie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Phillips. Educated in the Cherokee public schools and Female Seminary, from which she graduated June 27, 1895. They are the parents of: Maxine and Oleta, twins; John Gunter, Grace, Stephen and Virginia. Mr. Schrimsher is a Mason. He served as postmaster of Collinsville during the incumbency of President Wilson.

Biography of Anthony Kerns Douglas

One of the pioneer farmers of Rogers county is Anthony Kerns Douglas, who was born Caldwell county, Missouri, on the 29th of August, 1858, a son of Arnett Patrick and Emily (McGee) Douglas, and of Scotch-Irish decent. Mr. Douglas was named in honor of the family physician in Missouri. His father was born in Ohio and went to Missouri with his parents, when eight years of age. They located in Caldwell county and A. P. Douglas engaged in farming there until his demise about ten years ago. He achieved gratifying success in that connection and was one of the representative … Read more

Biography of Gordon H. Scudder

Agricultural development in Washington county finds a prominent representative in Gordon H. Scudder, who has made his home in Oklahoma since he was fifteen years of age, and through industry, persistency of purpose and intelligently directed effort he has become the possessor of a substantial competence. A native of Georgia, he was born in Walker county on the 25th of July, 1877, his parents being W. H. H. and Maggie (Ghormanly) Scudder, who were also born in that-state and were of Cherokee extraction. About 1892 they settled at Chelsea, Oklahoma, and in that section the father followed agricultural pursuits until … Read more