Biography of Captain Harry C. Fay

Captain Harry C. Fay, editor-in-chief of the National Eagle, a bright and thoroughly up-to-date newspaper published in Claremont, was born in Richmond, Vt., November 30, 1830, son of Captain Nathan and Polly (Colby) Fay. Stephen Fay, his great-great-grandfather, was an early settler in Bennington, Vt., and was the father of eight children. His son John kept the Catamount Tavern, which during his day became a meeting-place for many great statesmen, who formed a legislative body, and held there meetings known as “Councils of Safety.” He, John, fell in the battle of Bennington. His son, Nathan Fay, served as a Colonel … Read more

Biography of James Edwards

After a long period of active connection with the industrial interests of northern Idaho, James Edwards is now living a retired life in Grangeville. He was born in Richmond, Chittenden county, Vermont, on the 20th of June, 1838, his parents being George and Martha Sophia (Burr) Edwards, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. The father was a farmer and a dealer in cattle and grain. He attained the age of only fifty years, but his wife lived to the ripe old age of eighty-four years. They were Universalists in religious faith, and Mr. Edwards was a man of ability, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reuben Alger

Reuben Alger, born in Richmond, Vt., carne to Stowe in 1841, locating on road 63. He subsequently removed to the village, and finally located on road 41, upon the farm now owned by his son, Wilmot R., where he died, in 1880, aged sixty-three years.

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Douglass

Jonathan Douglass, from Richmond, Vt., came here in 1825, and located upon the farm he now occupies, on road 71. He married Sally Cole and reared ten children, six of whom are living.