Biography of George Horsepool

GEORGE HORSEPOOL. Deceased. – Among the many pioneers who came to the county of Union while it was still unorganized, most of them passed to the western part of the state and but few stopped to locate in the Grande Ronde valley. Among the veryfirst ones who did settle here was the subject of this memorial. September, 1862, was the date of his arrival and he labored from that time until the day of his death in faithful business enterprise tomake a prosperous section and fit the land for the home of the men who now reside here. He did … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Cunningham

South San Francisco has a reputation of getting almost everything it goes after for the reason that most of its big men are unselfishly imbued with civic pride and interest, or in the language of the streets are “live ones.” Among these “live ones” is Fred A. Cunningham, real estate dealer and trustee and formerly mayor of South San Francisco. Mr. Cunningham is a worker for South San Francisco and the county at large. He was one of the organizers and is at present a member of the Board of Governors of the San Mateo County Development Association. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. E. Faidley

J. E. Faidley was born in Somerset County, Pa., October 9, 1840. Removed to Ohio, thence to Iowa, thence to Nebraska, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in October, 1870 and took a homestead adjoining the town site of Burr Oak. Purchased from Lewis and Godfrey part of the town site of Burr Oak. He is the owner of 2,000 acres of land in Jewell County and a large part of Burr Oak, and has an interest in a hardware and farm implement establishment in Burr Oak, also an interest in a large stock of merchandise, and has done a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Manoah Stone

Manoah Stone, Register of Deeds, was born in Iowa Territory (now Jefferson County, Iowa), May 11, 1843. Removed with his parents to Marion County in 1853, where he resided on a farm until the spring of 1860, when, like a great many others, he took the gold fever and went West to make his fortune, and spent several years in the various mining camps of Colorado, Utah, Idaho and Montana. He returned to the States in 1865; was married to Miss Mary P. McLean, May 15, 1867, at Knoxville, Iowa, and November of the same year removed to Richardson County, … Read more

Goodnough, Mary E. Mrs. – Obituary

Pioneer Matron Of Grande Ronde Valley Succumbs Mrs. Mary E. Goodnough, 84 died Saturday evening in the Island City home of her daughter, Mrs. James Y. Walnum. Mrs. Goodnough was born in Richardson County, Nebraska, Dec 21, 1860, and crossed the plains in 1862 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bay. They left the famous “Iowa” train, captained by Micaja Baker, at Auburn, but the next spring came on to La Grande. In 1882, Mary Bay married Charles D. Goodnough, contractor and cabinetmaker, who died here in 1929. A pioneer of 82 years residence in La Grande, Mrs. Goodnough … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Morand King

Morand King, hotel and livery, was born in Canada, June 18, 1870. He came to Nebraska in 1867, and to Jewell County, Kan., in 1871, and took a homestead; came to the town of Jewell City in 1876, and engaged in the livery business. In June 1881, he took charge of the City Hotel of Jewell City. Mr. King started in the world with but little money, but by perseverance and push has accumulated considerable property. Was married May 15, 1871, in Richardson County, Neb., to Miss Catherine Keffer, and has four children – Powell, born June 29, 1872; Morand, … Read more

Nebraska Cemetery Records Johnson to Sarpy Counties

Nebraska Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Nebraska county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Nebraska Cemetery Transcriptions, Johnson to Sarpy

Biography of Winfield A. S. Bird

For thirty-five years a Topeka lawyer, Mr. Bird’s name had become widely known over the state not only in the legal profession, but as a practical farmer and stockman, by his various distinctions in Masonry and other fraternities, and by his important services in the State Legislature. In his own character and in an carnest ambition to acquit himself well among the world’s useful workers, is to be found the secret of his snccess. He was born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, August 31, 1855, and spent his early life there. His father, Archibald Bird, was born in the same county … Read more

Biography of Timothy Regan

Among the pioneers of Idaho is Timothy Regan, of Boise, who came to the territory in 1864, and has since been largely instrumental in developing the rich mineral resources of the state. He is a native of Rochester, New York, born November 14, 1843, and is of Irish extraction. His parents, Morgan and Mary (Burk) Regan, were both natives of the Emerald Isle, whence they emigrated to the state of Maine, in 1831, bringing with them their two infant daughters. At a later date they removed to New York, thence to Chicago and afterward to Wisconsin, where the father secured … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ebenezer E. Cunningham

Ebenezer E. Cunningham was born April 6, 1839 in Marion County, Missouri. He received his education in the public schools of Iowa. At the age of 18 years he emigrated to the Territory of Nebraska. He enlisted in the Civil War and served as 2nd Duty Sergeant in Co. C, 2nd Nebraska Cavalry and in the 48th Missouri Infantry as 1st Lieutenant of Co. K. In 1868 Mr. Cunningham was elected to the Nebraska State Senate from the first district (Richardson County) and re-elected in 1870, was elected President of the State Senate and presided at the impeachment trial of … Read more

Biography of John V. Cortelyou

John V. Cortelyou, who took the chair of German at the Kansas State Agricultural College in 1904, was at that time only recently returned from Germany. Professor Cortelyou holds his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Heidelberg University, though he is an American by birth and training, and represents a long and interesting lineage of some of the old Dutch families of New Jersey. He was born on a farm near Harlingen in Somerset County, New Jersey, September 19, 1874. He is a son of John G. and Mary (Van Zandt) Cortelyou, both natives of New Jersey and in both lines … Read more