Biography of Duke A. Rogers

Duke A. Rogers. In preparing a review of the prominent men of Kansas whose lives have been devoted to persistent effort, and who by energy and ability of a high order have risen to places of business distinction, the record of Duke A. Rogers, oil and gas producer of Caney, is found to be one that compels more than passing attention. Mr. Rogers is one who essentially belongs to the men of action of Kansas, and, that he has not overlooked his opportunities, is clearly shown in what he has accomplished. He is prominently identified with the business and financial … Read more

Biography of Homer P. Moored

Homer P. Moored was born in the town of Hamden, Connecticut, in 1832. His parents were Orrin and Hamel (Hayes) Moore, both natives of New England. His father was a farmer, and Mr. Moore was reared to that calling. In 1857 he started for the great West, and located in Rice County, Minnesota, where he took up Government land and engaged in farming. In 1862 Mr. Moore responded to the call of his country for soldiers, and enlisted in Company A, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. The Indian outbreak soon after rendered troops necessary in northwestern Minnesota and Dakota, and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry S. Eldredge

The subject of this article has done much toward the industrial development of Malheur county, and is one of the prominent business men in the town of Vale at the present time, being owner and operator of the Glen livery barn, where he has fine, large rigs and good stock, taking an especial care for the comfort and welfare of his patrons; he owns and operates the blacksmith shop, having also a large tract of land in the vicinity of the town, while in all these enterprises he manifests a commendable business sagacity, a worthy integrity and maintains an unsullied … Read more

Gowen, Francis Marion – Obituary

Francis M. Gowen, 72, prominent dairyman and farmer, died suddenly last evening at his home on Route 1, Chehalis. He was born in Rice County, Minnesota, July 31, 1869, and came to Lewis County in 1893. He was a member of the Grange and of the Modern Woodmen. Surviving are his wife, Melissa [Champ]; two sons, Dewey, Chehalis, and Myron Gowen, Centralia; four daughters, Mrs. Pearl Hammack, Castle Rock; Mrs. Violet Hart, Bucoda; Mrs. Daisey Campbell, Chehalis, and Mrs. Ruby Bruce, Portland; sister, Mrs. W. E. Smith, Toledo, and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Emerson Burton

Burton, Charles Emerson; clergyman; born, Iowa, March 19, 1869; son of John Henry and Jane A. Simons Burton; educated, Carleton College, A. B., 1895, M. A., 1898, Chicago Theological Seminary, King; issue,B. D., 1898, Carleton College, D. D., 1911; married; Menoken, N. D., Oct. 17, 1898, Cora Viola Dorothy Viola, Lyndon David, Malcolm King and Myron Simons; preached before and during college course in the missions and churches of the Congregational order of Minneapolis; spent summer vacations preaching in home missionary churches in Minnesota and North Dakota; pastor Puritan Church, Chicago, 1895-1898, Lyndale Church, Minneapolis, 1899-1909; associate pastor to Dr. … Read more