Biographical Sketch of Charles George Landscheit

One of the best known realty dealers of the peninsula is Charles G. Landscheit, manager of the Redwood City Realty Company. Since coming to Redwood City twenty-one years ago Mr. Landscheit has been connected in one way or another with the realty business; and his long experience has made him the county’s leading real estate man. As manager of the Redwood City Realty Company Mr. Landscheit has been connected with many of Redwood City’s large enterprises. Notable among them was the building of the Hotel Sequoia which gave Redwood City the finest hotel now in operation between San Francisco and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge George H. Buck

Few names stand out more prominently in the history of California jurisprudence than that of George H. Buck, Superior Judge of San Mateo County, who is completing his twenty-fifth year on the bench and his thirty-third year in public office. As a jurist Judge Buck is one of the most eminent in the State. In addition to sitting on the San Mateo County bench, Judge Buck has been called many times to preside for other judges, and three years ago Governor Johnson appointed him to fill Judge Dooling’s unexpired term when he left the San Benito county court to become … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarence M. Doxsee

The abstract of title business is one of the most important lines of activity in Redwood City, county seat of San Mateo County, and many of Redwood’s most reputable residents are engaged in this work. Standing out among them is Clarence M. Doxsee, manager of the George H. Rice Abstract Company, who has directed this pioneer firm for the last ten years. Mr. Doxsee came to California from Iowa where he had considerable experience in abstract work and since then he has been associated with the George H. Rice Abstract Company. Under his competent management this firm which was started … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mark E. Ryan

Mark E. Ryan, electrical contractor and proprietor of Ryan’s Electrical Store in the Sequoia Hotel Bldg., Redwood City, arrived in that city seven years ago, after lie had traveled in all parts of the United States. The climatic advantages and business opportunities quickly appealed to Mr. Ryan, and lie decided to establish himself in business in Redwood City and make it his home. Mr. Ryan has had a wide and varied experience in electrical work which he has followed since boyhood. After completing his education in -New York City, he worked as a lineman in New York and large cities … Read more

Biography of John Francis Johnson

After living in San Mateo County for fifty-nine years and holding public office for over twenty-five years, John F. Johnson takes a place among San Mateo County’s leading citizens. Few men, can boast of a longer residence and a better knowledge of the growth and development of the peninsula than Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson spent the first part of his life in Halfmoon Bay when that was the most important town In the county. Later he came to Redwood City where after many years of service in public office he started the J. F. Johnson Abstract Company of which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph J. Bullock

Of the names connected with the San Mateo County Bar few stand out more prominently than Joseph J. Bullock. Mr. Bullock is still practicing at Redwood City and is finishing the twenty-fifth year that he has been before the courts of this county. Mr. Bullock has also played a leading role in the public life of the county. In 1897 he was elected to succeed H. W. Walker as District Attorney. In 1901 he was elected to succeed himself in that office and in 1905 he was returned to that position for a third time. Being for 12 years in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. W. Florence

Mr. E. W. Florence who holds a responsible position with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company in the county, is one of its foremost men. Mr. Florence is a native son, being educated in the public schools of Chico, and then graduating from Heald’s Business College in San Francisco. On February 2, 1901 he entered the employ of the P. G. and E. Company. He represented this Company in Chico for eight and a half years; and was then transferred to Fresno as their representative where he remained for two years. From there he came to Redwood City where he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of P. P. Chamberlain

Mr. P. P. Chamberlain came to Redwood City in 1868. He accepted the first position that offered and became grocery clerk for Isaac M. Schlouecker. Soon after this he went into the merchandise business with W. J. Wilcox, and after the withdrawal of his partner, carried the business on alone, under the name of P. P. Chamberlain which firm is still in existence. During early days of the grocery business, Mr. Chamberlain was elected county treasurer which office he has faithfully administered for more than thirty years. Mr. Chamberlain is interested in the Redwood City Building and Loan Association and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. E. F. Brown

Few residents of this county realize that just north of Redwood City is the largest and possibly the most valuable lot of dogs on the Pacific coast. The kennels called the Browndale Kennels and famous in dogdom the world over, are conducted by Mrs. E. F. Brown who has been interested in dogs for many years. Mrs. Brown specializes in collies and the dogs which she owns of this breed are the best in the world. A still greater honor that comes to Mrs. Brown is the fact that the dogs that have defeated all comers in shows in all … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarence Decatur Hayward

Mr. Clarence Decatur Hayward was serving his sixth term as Assessor of San Mateo County when his sudden and entirely unexpected death on January 21, 1916, deprived the county of one of its most trusted and highly respected servants. Mr. Hayward was born in 1863, and spent the early part of his life at the home of his parents in Pescadero, San Mateo County. Part of his youth was spent working in his father’s lumber mill where he acquired a knowledge of the lumber business. He was elected Assessor of San Mateo County In 1894, and has held that office … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Daniel Hedge

The name of James Daniel Hedge has been only comparatively recently inscribed upon the scroll of names which includes some of the brainiest men of the countyits newspaper proprietors and editors. Although Mr. Hedge was born in Redwood City, he has been permitted by circumstances only recently to throw in his lot permanently with that city, where he is now the Managing Editor of the Redwood City Democrat. Mr. Hedge received his early education in the Redwood City grammar school and Sequoia Union High School, from which he went to Stanford University, finally fitting himself for a business career by … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Albert Crowell

William Albert Crowell, manager and proprietor of the James Crowe Co., of Redwood City, the oldest undertaking establishment of the county, has made a host of friends since his arrival in Redwood City three years ago. Mr. Crowell has made the interests of his new place of residence his interests and few newcomers have taken a more prominent place in the community than that held by Mr. Crowell. . When Mr. Crowell took over the establishment that was founded in 1868 by the late James Crowe, a pioneer undertaker of San Mateo county, Redwood City gained a man of wide … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roy W. Cloud

As head of the San Mateo County school system, Roy W. Cloud, Superintendent of schools, is known in almost every household in the county, and he is known to be fully competent and capable to discharge the responsibility that falls upon one in charge of the county’s future citizens. This is Mr. Cloud’s ninth year of office, having been elected for a third term in 1914. During his incumbency the San Mateo County schools have expanded to one of the finest systems in the state with a teaching corps and a set of buildings that should be a pride to … Read more

Biography of George Carl Plump

George Carl Plump is one of Redwood City’s citizens who can really say that he grew up with the town. Born in Redwood City 45 years ago when Redwood City was a scant settlement, Mr. Plump has watched a full-fledged city gradually unfold and cover the green fields and pastures that he used to romp over as a boy. Mr. Plump never wavered from his belief that the town of his birth was destined to become a thriving commercial city. After receiving his education in Redwood schools, Mr. Plump’s business activities over several years finally focused on Plump’s Grocery store, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. P. Behrens

Few men have brought more honor and recognition to San Mateo county then L. P. Behrens, cashier of the First National Bank and president of the San Mateo County Savings Bank of Redwood City. As a banker and financier Mr. Behrens has become known throughout the state so favorably that the honor of being president of the California Bankers’ Association fell to him. This was a rare distinction to come to a man from a county which had so few members of ‘the Association and was so unimportant compared with the great financial centers of the state. As a recognition … Read more