Biography of Owin E. Edgerton, M. D.

Owin E. Edgerton, M. D., had found the reward which goes with a long and active service in the profession for the benefit of humanity. For fully thirty years he had practiced in Riley County. He had been content to serve to the best of his ability a growing circle of families, many of whom he had known since childhood, and over the year had brought him increasing success, not so much, perhaps, in the material rewards of professional endeavor as in that fine esteem which is bestowed upon the unselfish doctor. He is almost a native of Riley County. … Read more

Biography of William Peterson

William Peterson, during the last years of his life, lived retired with his wife in a comfortable home at Randolph in Riley County. He had a remarkable range of experience. A native of Sweden, he came to the United States a poor man. He had hardly become accustomed to American ways before he entered the army to fight for his adopted land. Three years of gallant and faithful service as a Union soldier are to his credit. Nearly fifty years ago he came out to the new State of Kansas. He was a homesteader and for years a successful farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John William Chelander

John William Chelander is junior member of the furniture and undertaking firm of John Chelander & Son at Randolph, Riley County. He has had a very successful career, and for a young man has shown a wonderful amount of ability and is as public spirited as he is thorough in the performance of his duties as a merchant. He was born in Sweden, May 6, 1885, and as an orphan child was brought to America at the age of three months. At the age of four he was adopted by John Chelander and wife, and grew up at Randolph, where … Read more

Biography of Henry A. Johnsmeyer

Henry A. Johnsmeyer. One of the worthiest families to receive attention in the annals of Riley County is that of Johnsmeyer, which has been identified with the early settlement, the development, and the civic and community life there for more than half a century. Henry A. Johnsmeyer was born soon after the family came to Kansas, and he has himself prospered to a degree where his extensive landed estate and his large business affairs constitute him one of Riley County’s notable men. His father was the late C. A. Johnsmeyer, who died on his farm in Jackson Township of Riley … Read more

Biography of Lloyd S. Fry

Lloyd S. Fry. When he came to the City of Manhattan in 1883, Mr. Fry engaged at once in the work which had occupied him for a number of years in Pennsylvania and Kansas and which brought him an enviable place among the state’s leading educators. He was employed as a teacher in the College Hill School, and in 1886 was elected superintendent of the city schools of Manhattan, a position he held two years. His record as an educator included two years in charge of the schools of Randolph, one year at Atwood, three years at Hays City. In … Read more

Biography of Leslie V. Johnson

With all the progressiveness and enterprise of the native Kansan, Leslie V. Johnson had made his years in this state count chiefly as a banker, and for many years had found a large opportunity to serve the public through his post as cashier of the State Bank of Randolph in Riley County. As in the case with many successful business men and financiers, he had the atmosphere of a farm during his youth. He was born on his father’s farm in Pottawatomie County, October 8, 1872, and his earliest recollections are associated with that rural district. As a boy he … Read more