Biography of William Hunt

Practically all of the Hunts in America are of English descent, and a family of this name coming from Ireland is rarely to be met with. Those about to be mentioned, however, are the exception. and are numbered among the great mass of their countrymen who, while preserving their identity to a greater or less extent, have become one of the important component parts of the American people. Among the sturdy Irishmen who were compelled by famine and oppression to emigrate to the United States prior to 1850, was William Hunt, a native of Queens county. Instead of remaining for … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Dodds, M. D., B. L.

Joseph C. Dodds, M. D., B. L. Long identified with Champaign County as a physician and surgeon and also as a citizen and business man, Doctor Dodds has lived in this county since he was ten years of age. He was born on Long Island, New York, June 15, 1864. At the age of ten he came to Champaign to live with his uncle, Dr. J. G. Chambers, brother of his mother. Here Doctor Dodds was educated, graduating from the Urbana High School, from the University of Illinois with the class of 1886, attended the University of Michigan Medical School … Read more

Will of Elizabeth Partridge – 1669

ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, of Flushing. Leaves one fourth of estate “to all my grandchildren equally.” The rest “to all my children equally.” Makes “Mr. Elias Doughty, of Flushing,” executor. Dated May 23, 1669. Written at order of Elizabeth Partridge by me, Anthony Waters, Clerk. Proved June 9, 1669. Debts mentioned as owing to her from Robert Fecks, Francis ye Carpenter, Nicholas Davis, John Gonin. LIBER 1-2, page 38 Inventory of estate of ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, taken by Wm. Laurence and Eyrke Jacobs, overseers chosen by the Constable,” October 18, 1669. House and lot, £45. Apraisal made by John Bowne, Wm. Noble, and … Read more

Will of Edmund Farrington – 1675

“Whereas EDMUND FARRINGTON, of Flushing, upon Long Island, in his will appointed his wife Dorothy his executor, and the original having been transmitted to the Office of Record, where it flow remains.” The said Dorothy is confirmed as executrix, July 1, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 118

Biography of Abraham Graham

Abraham Graham. The quiet life and substantial accomplishments of the farmer have been the lot of Abraham Graham, who is now living in the town of Penfield, retired from the strenuous labors which marked his early youth. Mr. Graham has been identified with Champaign County almost half a century, and his life record is one that will be read with pleasure by his many friends and acquaintances as well as by his family. He long ago accumulated sufficient to protect him against the days that are to come, and the respect in which he is held is no less than … Read more

Will of Richard Everett – 1668

RICHARD EVERETT, of Jamaica, died intestate. Abraham Smith appointed administrator, September 4, 1668. Children mentioned but not named.

Will of Thomas Stevenson – 1668

Robert Coe and Daniel Denton, of Jamaica, Long Island, are appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS STEVENSON, and guardians of his children. July 9, 1668. Ri. Nicolls. LIBER 1-2, page 25 Robert Coe resigns his appointment as Administrator of estate of THOMAS STEVENSON July 9, 1668, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, is appointed in his place. August 15, 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 26

Biography of Henry Knight Brooks

Henry Knight Brooks of Topeka is a Kansas man by adoption, and is as loyal to the state as any native citizen. The state may properly congratulate itself that Mr. Brooks has found a congenial home here. As an inventor, manufacturer and practical all around mechanic he has a genius which has made his name familiar in industrial circles, not alone in Kansas but in many parts of the United States. For one thing he deserves credit for building up and developing the Capital Iron Works at Topeka, one of the cornerstones of that city’s industrial prosperity. However, that has … Read more

Biography of William W. Rose

William W. Rose has been practicing his profession as architect in the metropolitan district of Kansas City for thirty years. Without question he ranks as one of the ablest men both in the artistic and practical branches of his profession. Mr. Rose had also been prominently identified with civic affairs, and is well remembered as mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, during a very critical period of municipal affairs. He is now head of the architectural firm of Rose & Peterson, with offices in the Barker Building. He was born at Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, March 12, 1864, second … Read more