Biography of John Carson

John Carson, born January 25, 1828, in Butler County, Pennsylvania, was a quintessential pioneer of the American frontier. Moving to Perry County, Indiana at age 15, Carson later journeyed to Puget Sound, Washington Territory, in 1853. Carson and his family endured arduous travels, eventually settling near Puyallup, Washington. He established a private ferry and was a key figure during the Indian wars, raising a volunteer company for defense. Carson served in the territorial legislature and was instrumental in local infrastructure development. His contributions to Pierce County, including his success in hop-raising and sawmilling, highlight his legacy as a pioneer and community leader.

Cantrell, Mary Jo – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Word was received that former Wallowa County resident Mary Jo (Reece) Cantrell passed away Dec. 2, 1998, in Puyallup, Wash. She was born in Enterprise on Sept. 20, 1930, to Lacy and Ruth Reece. Mary Jo was a member of the local VFW Auburn Auxiliary #2298 and the Eagles. She retired from Boeing in Everett, Wash., in 1995. She loved her family and friends in a big way. She is survived by her four children; son, Rudy Kruse of Clatskanie; daughters, Cindy Kruse of Sumner, Wash., Gloria Kruse of San Diego, Calif., and Dawn Holland of … Read more

Grimm, Mable Claire – Obituary

Mable C. Grimm, 88, of Puyallup, died August 14, 1990. Graveside services will be Monday, August 20, 1 p.m., Woodbine Cemetery. Arrangements by Hill Funeral Home, Puyallup. [Mable was the daughter of May Briody and Elmer E. Stickney. She was born in Kittitas Co., WA. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Sturm, Robert Charles, “Bob” – Obituary

Flora, Oregon Bob passed away at his home in Puyallup, Washington on January 2, 2002, held by his wife and soul mate Susan and surrounded by his 4 furred children. He was born in Walla Walla, Washington on 12/20/49 to Jack and Wanda Sturm. Growing up on a farm in Flora, Oregon and involved in 4-H, he met a young lady by the name of Susan Benson when he was 14 and did some serious flirting for a week at 4-H summer school. Bob attended Enterprise High School and then dated his young 4-H friend for a summer. After high … Read more

Fix, Samuel Edgar – Obituary

Samuel Edgar Fix, 80, who came to Orting in 1890 and who later built the Kapowsin School and the Eatonville gymnasium, died Tuesday [April 3, 1951] at a Puyallup Hospital. He was born in Minnesota, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fix. His father was a Civil War veteran. S. E. Fix attended schools in Minnesota and Orting, then went to Alaska in 1901, engaging in placer mining for two years. He returned to Kapowsin in 1903 to work in various sawmills. He then became a contractor and constructed many of the buildings in Kapowsin, Eatonville, Orting, and Sumner. … Read more

Kinkade, Martha Cerena Hutson – Obituary

Mattie G. Kinkade, 87, former resident of Ellensburg, died Tuesday April 11, 1967 in a Puyallup Nursing Home. Before moving to Puyallup four years ago, Mrs. Kinkade had resided for many years in Ellensburg. She was a native of Texas, born April 13, 1879. The body was returned to Ellensburg by the Evenson Funeral Home. Funeral services will be announced from Evenson’s. Martha was the daughter of David Hutson and Mary Crane. She was buried in the IOOF Cemetery.

O’Farrell, Daniel – Obituary

Daniel O’Farrell, a resident of the State of Washington for the last 43 years, died Monday morning [March 2, 1914] at 4 o’clock in the Puyallup Hospital. He was 79 years old and was well known throughout the state. Mr. O’Farrell was born in Ireland. In 1870 he came to Washington, settling in the Puyallup valley at the junction of the Puyallup and Stuck rivers. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock in the Puyallup Catholic Church. The body will be brought to Tacoma for interment in Tacoma Cemetery by the Spurr & Dunlap Company. Mr. O’Farrell … Read more

Bowerman, Lois “Larrie” Mrs. – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Lois “Larrie” Bowerman, 82, a longtime Halfway resident, died March 11, 2004, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. Her memorial service will be Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church in Halfway. Lois was born Sept. 30, 1921, in the high altitude of Victor, Colo., to Washington Denver and Gwendolyn Honeycutt. She was the second-eldest of four girls. Lois received good grades in school and received her eighth-grade diploma in Spokane in 1935. However, the Great Depression had set in and she opted not to continue her education because she could not afford new clothes. Her … Read more

Thomas, Myrtis Mrs. – Obituary

Myrtis Thomas, 80, a former Baker City resident, died May 20, 2007, at Puyallup, Wash. There was a private family service. She was born on Aug. 2, 1928, at Jones County, Ga. She was the former wife of Eddie Thomas Sr. and the mother of 11 children who live throughout the United States. She had 14 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was quick to smile and loved many things, including working with children to help them with their reading. In her lifetime she traveled to Europe, Asia and throughout the United States. She was a woman of strength, courage, perseverance, … Read more

Biography of Hon. James P. Stewart

HON. JAMES P. STEWART. – In a notice of the Honorable James P. Stewart by the local press, when his name was presented for the suffrages of his fellow-citizens for a seat in the legislature of Washington Territory, it was most truthfully said: “he is a man of affairs, – a big, bronzed, broad-shouldered man, who moves about among his fellow-men with that quiet consciousness of strength that carries conviction and wins. He has been a winner all his life; and people applaud his winning. He has been as honest as he has been progressive. Mr. Stewart is a native … Read more

Grimm, George William – Obituary

George Will Grimm, 83, a resident of Puyallup since 1922, died Monday [March 2, 1981]. He was born in Ellensburg. He was a cabinetmaker and a member of the Tacoma Eagles Lodge. He also was a member of the First United Presbyterian Church. Survivors include his wife, Mabel of Puyallup; two sons, George Jr. of Fife and John of Hermiston, Ore.; two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Dorothy) Hendry of Roslyn and Mrs. Robert (Betty) Jordan of Tacoma; a brother, Archie of Ephrata; 12 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Hill Funeral Home of Puyallup is in charge. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

O’Farrell, James R. – Obituary

James R. O’Farrell, 80, a native of Orting and a former Pierce County commissioner, died Friday night [September 25, 1953] at his home in Orting. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Farrell, were pioneers in area, taking up a 120-acre homestead in the Puyallup Valley in 1870. Mr. O’Farrell was the last of four sons of the pioneers. He married Lena Bruce of Tacoma in 1898 and they set up housekeeping in Orting. For many years he was active in community and political affairs. He served at various times as mayor, councilman and school director in Orting and from 1916 … Read more

Vest, Sarah Mrs. – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon News of the death of Mrs. Sarah Vest of Puyallup, Wash., was received in Joseph, Tuesday. Mrs. Vest was a pioneer resident of Joseph and suffered a paralytic stroke recently and never recovered. Funeral will be held in Joseph and burial in Prarie Creek cemetery. Obituary next week. Wallowa Record Chieftain-Thursday December 12, 1940 Contributed by Sue Wells Transcribed by Dixie Ricker

Tully, Guy – Obituary

Wallowa, Oregon Guy Tully died at the home of his parents here last Saturday evening as a result of the “Flu.” He was 29 years of age, a graduate of the Puyallup, Wash., high school and the Washington State College. He was born in Wallowa and many friends and relatives mourn his going. He was married last August to Miss Ethel Mitchell. His funeral service was held from the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. C.C. Pratt in charge.

Biography of A. C. Campbell

A.C. CAMPBELL. – The respect Mr. Campbell commands in his community as a man of honesty and integrity, and as one who has acquired a very enviable competency by hard knocks and straightforward dealings, reminds one of Longfellow’s famous blacksmith; but, although Mr. Campbell has for years upon years listened to the “measured beat and slow’ of his hammer on the anvil, he no longer appears with leathern apron and bare, brown arms, because he is now settled down in a comfortable home, and in the midst of his loving family living happily by other and less arduous pursuits than … Read more

Grindrod, Mildred Miller – Obituary

Mildred M. Grindrod, 61, Kittitas, died Tuesday [December 3] morning at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. She was born in Ainsworth, Neb., on Sept. 3, 1924. She and Owen Grindrod were married in Sumner on April 4, 1942. They came to the Kittitas Valley from Puyallup in 1944 and farmed in the Badger Pocket area. They moved to Kittitas in 1959 and operated the O&M Café for a number of years. Mrs. Grindrod had been employed as a cook at Husky House for the past five years. She was a member of the Kittitas Community Church and the Kittitas Booster Club, … Read more

Scanlan, Jay Chester – Obituary

Jay C. Scanlan, 80, of the State Soldiers Home in Orting, died in a Puyallup nursing home Tuesday [April 1, 1969] following a long illness. He was born in Minnesota and lived in Western Washington most of his life. He was a retired carpenter and a veteran of World War I and had been a resident of the State Soldiers Home for the past 10 years. He also belonged to Eagles Aerie No. 1, Seattle, and the Disabled American Veterans. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Orphia Stone and Mrs. Shirley Rudnick, both of Orting; six grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. … Read more

Biography of J. W. McCarty

J.W. McCARTY. – Mr. McCarty, whose phenomenal success as a hop-grower in the Puyallup valley is well known, was born in La Porte county, Indiana, in 1833, and lived with his parents until 1852. As a young man of ambition and sterling qualities, he, in that year crossed the plains to Oregon in company with George Belshaw, now of Lane county, Oregon, and his two brothers. With his brothers he went to Puget Sound in October, 1853, assisting himself to the beginnings of a fortune by working in logging camps and in the sawmills. In 1854 he secured the claim … Read more