Biography of William D. Casey

William D. Casey was admitted to the bar at Atchison before he was twenty-one years of age, and the expectations based upon his early attainments have been fully justified in his career as a lawyer during the past twenty-five years. Mr. Casey had long been an active leader in Atchison County affairs as well as a forceful and successful member of the bar. He was born in Carroll County, Missouri, November 19, 1871, a son of Warren Casey, who was born in New York State, where the family originally settled, in 1850. Warren Casey was reared in his native state, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Swinford

W. H. Swinford, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Putnam Co., Ind., Aug. 20, 1844, where he followed farming until 1871, when he removed to Illinois and located in Hickory Tp., Coles Co., where he engaged in farming until 1875, when he purchased sixty acres of prairie land in East Oakland Tp., upon which he settled, and where he has since lived; he also owns forty acres in Hickory Tp., upon which he has erected good, comfortable farm buildings. He married Nov. 10, 1867, to Mary A. Cole; she was born in Putnam Co., Ind., Jan. 12, 1846; she is … Read more

Biography of Percy H. Swahlen, M. D.

Dr. Percy H. Swahlen, a representative of the medical profession in St. Louis, well known as an obstetrician and gynecologist, was born in Lebanon, Illinois, June 4, 1877. His father, the late William F. Swahlen, was a native of Wheeling, West Virginia, and was descended from one of the old Pennsylvania families. His grandfather, John Swahlen, who was born in the land of the Alps, came to America in 1820. He married Ann Gibbons, a descendant of the Cope family, early residents of Pennsylvania and members of the Society of Friends or Quakers. William F. Swahlen was well known in … Read more