Godsey, Stephen T. – Obituary

The funeral of Stephen T, Godsey took place from the undertaking parlors Saturday morning, February 18, and was attended by a large number of his old friends and neighbors. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Cook of the M. E. Church. Stephen Taylor Godsey was the fifth son of Abram and Margaret Godsey, and was born in Putnam County, Missouri, in 1860. When four years of age he moved with his parents to Mills county, Iowa, where he resided for thirty-eight years, coming to Union in 1905, and has resided on Catherine Creek until the time of his death. … Read more

Biography of John William Womack

John William Womack, son of Jacob and Lurreene Bougher Womack, was born in Unionville, Missouri, He, and a cousin Crawford Wallace Womack, made an early trip into Wallowa Valley, camping along Bear Creek. During the night their horses wandered away from camp and were found the next morning at what is now the town site of Wallowa. They both returned again in 1877, when they both filed on homesteads. John filed southwest of the town of Wallowa, building a log cabin at the foot of the west slope of Green Hill. He named his homestead “Cove Ranch.” Crawford Wallace Womack … Read more

Robertson, John – Obituary

John Robertson dies of Heart Attack Sunday. Sudden death claims another old timer of Nyssa; Business houses close for funeral Tuesday. The community was shocked by the undespected death of John M. Robertson, 60, well known old timer of the city, who succumbed to the heart attack at 1:30 o’clock Sunday Morning. He had not been ill and was a man of rugged health. Mrs. Robertson was awakened by a cry but before aid could be summoned, he had passed quietly away. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Community Church Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Floyd White in charge. … Read more

Brice, Lawrence I. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Death Claims Enterprise Jeweler, Larry Brice Lawrence I. (Larry) Brice, 63, passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital October 3, after being a patient for eight days. He had been in failing health approximately three years. He had lived in Enterprise for 61/2 years where he and his wife were owners of the Brice’s Jewelry store. Born June 15, 1913 in Putnam County, Missouri, the son of Fred and Sylvia Brice. He married Eloise Thomas June 16, 1936 at Glascow, Montana. He was a jeweler by occupation and was a member of the American Watch Makers Institute, … Read more

Crawford, Jennie Gale – Obituary

1910-2004 Jennie Gale Crawford, 94, of Wallowa died Dec. 7 at a care center. The funeral will begin at 1 p.m. Dec. 11 at Bollman Funeral Home, 315 W. Main St., Enterprise. Mrs. Crawford was born Feb. 13, 1910, to James and Lucy Rutledge in Princeton, Mo. She grew up in Mercer, Mo., and on June 11, 1930, married Theodore Crawford in Corydon, Iowa. The couple lived in Powersville, Mo., Pleasant Valley, Telocaset and North Powder where they stayed for 24 years. They moved to Pilot Rock until retirement in 1972 and then to Wallowa. She was a member of … Read more

Green, Permelia – Obituary

At her home in this city, March 15, 1890, Permelia, wife of T.R.H. Green; age 52 years. Deceased was born in the state of Illinois February 8th, 1838. She was married to her now bereaved husband in Putman County, Missouri, December 12th, 1856 where they resided until 1863. They crossed the plains and settled in Umatilla county, Oregon: residing there until 1872, when they again removed and located in the Grande Ronde valley near Union. Here with her family was her home until the time of her death. She was the mother of eleven children, four of whom preceded her … Read more

Eaton, A. E. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. A.E. Eaton, who has been ill for the past five months, passed to her rest Thursday evening, December 6th at 8:30 o’clock. The deceased was born in Unionville, Missouri, May 1st, 1851, and removed to Union with her parents in 1863. She was married to Mr. Eaton November 6, 1867, at La Grande by Rev. Deardoff of the M.E. Church. She leaves four brothers and one sister, Viz: Daniel Baird of Union, David Baird of Lower Powder, George Baird of Tindall, Missouri, and Thomas Baird of Denver and Mrs. Nancy Michaels of Weiser, Idaho. The funeral services will be … Read more

Bay, Lucretia – Obituary

Aged Matron Dies Friday Mrs. Lucretia Bay, 96, died Friday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Milton Showalter Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:30 pm from the Jerue Funeral Home with the Rev. Harold Sorweide officiating. Interment was in the Lance Hills Cemetery. Miss Lucretia Hearing was born Dec. 3, 1844 Putnam County, Missouri. She joined the Christian Church at an early age. She was married to Charles Bay in 1860 when she was 15 years old. Immediately after their marriage they crossed the plains by ox team. During the trip, death claimed her father, her mother, and … Read more