Biography of Wolf Lewis

Wolf Lewis. The modern merchant is the man who knows what the people want and supplies the best facilities for meeting those wants. He acts on that solid commercial principle that real success is only a return for an adequate service rendered. Of Champaign merchants of this class there is no more conspicuous example than Wolf Lewis, whose department store in the large Illinois Building means to Champaign County about what the Marshall Field store means to the shopping public of Chicago. Mr. Lewis is a merchant almost by birthright, but has profited by a long and thorough experience and … Read more

Biography of Robert Grostein

Robert Grostein, one of Idaho’s most successful pioneer merchants, has carried on business in Lewiston since 1862 and through the intervening years has borne an unassailable reputation in trade circles, never making an engagement which he has not kept nor contracting an obligation that he has not met. His sagacity and enterprise and moreover his untiring labor have brought to him a handsome competence, and the most envious could not grudge him his success, so honorably has it been acquired. Mr. Grostein is a native of Poland, born in 1835, and is the eldest in the family of four children … Read more

Biography of Theodore L. Block

Theodore L. Block. To accomplish as much as Theodore L. Block accomplished in Champaign County demands not only phenomenal energy but a ruggedness and integrity of character that in no small degree accounts for the esteem in which he is held as a citizen as well as a business man. Mr. Block was born in Poland, October 3, 1850. He is a son of William and Minnie (Cornelius) Block. Several generations before he was born the ancestor of the family moved from the district bordering on the Baltic Sea into Poland, and thereafter the family was identified with the agricultural … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. Lewandowski

Lewandowski, S.; steamship, foreign exchange, etc.; born, Poland, Nov. 16, 1864; son of Joseph and Miss Koszucka Lewandowski; educated, public schools, Bay City, Michigan; married, Posen, Nebraska, Aug. 16, 1885, Anna Kahinowska; issue, three sons and five daughters; for over twenty-one years an employee of the United States Government in the Cleveland post office; handling all cash postage for second class and permit matter, under the title of supt. of second class matter; in 1901, opened, on Sowinski Ave., Cleveland, an office, doing a steamship, foreign exchange and real estate business; one of the organizers and founders of the first … Read more