Gee Family Cemetery Records, Pike County, Ohio

(Loc. 1½ Mi. N. of Scioto County line, SW of Beaver) CRABTREE Elizabeth, b. 25 Nov. 1849, d. 2 Mar. 1885, ae. 35 yrs., 7 days. Wife of Winfield. GEE Barbara, b. 22 Nov. 1826, d. 21 Mar. 1910, ae. 83 yrs., 3 mos., 29 days. Wife of Joseph. Christena M., b. 1853, d. 1927. Henry W., b. 7 Aug. 1858, d. 4 Aug. 1929. J. Irving, b. 1901, d. 1933. Joseph, d. 7 Nov. 1861, ae. 67 yrs., 2 mos., 5 days. A soldier of 1812. Joseph, b. 12 Feb. 1823, d. 12 Aug. 1888, ae. 65 yrs., 6 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Wicker

Nathaniel Wicker, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Pike Co., Ohio, Sept. 21, 1820; he is a son of James and Elizabeth Wicker, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky; in 1838, the family came to Illinois, spending a part of the winter in Indiana, and arriving in Edgar Co., in February, 1839; they settled at the Walnut Grove, where his parents resided till their death; in 1848, Mr. Wicker, taking the younger members of his father’s family, removed to Coles Co., and settled in Ashmore Tp.; his first marriage occurred March … Read more

Biography of Lewis D. Raynolds

Lewis D. Raynolds. One of the prosperous and prominent farmers of Jewell County, and a man who had been identified with various of the activities of life, Lewis D. Raynolds, of Mankato, is not of that type who had had fortune and prosperity thrust upon him by inheritance and, perhaps, increased it by careful management. His large property, his satisfying competency, his prominent connection with a number of enterprises, and his high and substantial standing as a citizen have been acquired by individual force of character, by industry, perseverance and intelligent effort, founded upon the strictest honor. Starting as a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. B. Guthery

S. B. Guthery was born in Pike county, Ohio, October 27, 1817. His grandfather was a colonel in the Revolutionary War, and in 1800 immigrated to the then far West – now the State of Ohio. When our subject was a boy he was employed by William Parmer, of Bourbon county, Kentucky; in keeping training and running fast horses. In 1837 he turned his attention to farming and has followed that business ever since, together with handling stock; with the exception of a short time he was engaged in grading on the Portsmouth & Columbus turnpike in 1840, and conducted … Read more

Biography of Glocus P. Crosby

Glocus P. Crosby. There are few men better known in Ottawa County than Glocus P. Crosby, who had been an active and useful resident of Minneapolis for forty-five years, is county surveyor and is a veteran of the Civil war. He had seen this section of Kansas develop and had done his full part both in personal effort and in professional activities. Mr. Crosby was born October 7, 1843, at Piketon in Pike County, Ohio, and is the elder of two sons born to his parents, Ezra and Elizabeth (Maddox) Crosby. The early Crosbys were New England people, and Cummins … Read more

Biography of William Allen Piniston

William Allen Piniston. Among the farmers of Shawnee County the results of whose operations render a good account of their husbandry, is William Allen Peniston, the ownor of a well-cultivated property located near North Topeka, where he had been a resident since 1888. A member of the publicspirited, progressive class, he had aided his community while advancing his own interests, and although not an office seeker or public figure as a politician, had wielded some influence in the locality in which he had made his home for so many years. Mr. Peniston was born in 1856, in Pike County, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of Charles Chenoweth

Charles Chenoweth. The name of Chenoweth is one held in high regard in Champaign County because it has always been borne by men of sterling traits of character who have led honorable and useful lives. A worthy and well known representative of this old pioneer family is found in Charles Chenoweth, who resides on his well improved farm of eighty acres, which is situated in Newcomb Township. Peace, plenty, thrift and prosperity are in evidence both within his hospitable residence and on the farm, and here may be found convincing proof that farm life in modern days may be wholesome, … Read more

Biography of James L. McCoy

James L. McCoy has for many years been identified with the lumber industry both in Kansas and Arkansas, and manages his extensive interests from his home and headquarters at Coffeyville. Nearly all his active career has been spent in the West and in the early days of Oklahoma he went there as a pioneer and opened a farm. James L. McCoy was born in Atchison County, Missouri, May 21, 1862. Four generations of the McCoys have lived in this country, having come originally from Scotland, and the family were early settlers in the State of Ohio. Mr. McCoy’s grandfather, Andrew … Read more