Saponi Indians

Saponi Tribe: Evidently a corruption of Monasiccapano or Monasukapanough, which, as shown by Bushnell, is probably derived in part from a native term “moni seep” signifying “shallow water.” Paanese is a corruption and in no way connected with the word “Pawnee.” Saponi Connections. The Saponi belonged to the Siouan linguistic family, their nearest relations being the Tutelo. Saponi Location. The earliest known location of the Saponi has been identified by Bushnell (1930) with high probability with “an extensive village site on the banks of the Rivanna, in Albemarle County, directly north of the University of Virginia and about one-half mile … Read more

Slave Narrative of Lucy Brown

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Lucy Brown Date of Interview: May 20, 1937 Location: Durham, North Carolina An interview with Lucy Brown of Hecktown, Durham, Durham County, May 20, 1937. She does not know her age. I wuz jist a little thing when de war wuz over an’ I doan ‘member much ter tell yo’. Mostly what I does know I hyard my mammy tell it. We belonged to John Neal of Person County. I doan know who my pappy wuz, but my mammy wuz named Rosseta an’ her mammy’s name ‘fore her wuz Rosseta. I had one sister … Read more

W. H. Malone

Corpl., General Service, Inf. Born in Person County; the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Malone. Husband of Mrs. Vera Malone. Entered the service May 10, 1917, at Winston-Salem, N.C. Was sent to Ft. Thomas and transferred from there to Greensboro, N.C., and Transferred to Fort Thomas. Was on recruiting duty for three months in Bureau War Work Insurance at Fort Thomas, Ky., Dec. 18, 1919.

Slave Narrative of Robert Glenn

Interviewer: T. Pat. Matthews Person Interviewed: Robert Glenn Location: 207 Idlewild Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina Date of Birth: Sept. 16, 1850 Location of Birth: Orange County NC Age: 87 I was a slave before and during the Civil War. I am 87 years old. I was born Sept. 16, 1850. I was born in Orange County, North Carolina near Hillsboro. At that time Durham was just a platform at the station and no house there whatever. The platform was lighted with a contraption shaped like a basket and burning coal that gave off a blaze. There were holes in this … Read more

Slave Narrative of Analiza Foster

Interviewer: Mary A. Hicks Person Interviewed: Analiza Foster Location: 1120 Sound Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina Location of Birth: Person County NC Age: 68 An interview with Analiza Foster, 68 of 1120 South Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. I wuz borned in Person County ter Tom Line an’ Harriet Cash. My mammy belonged ter a Mr. Cash an’ pappy belonged ter Miss Betsy Woods. Both of dese owners wuz mean ter dere slaves an’ dey ain’t carin’ much if’en dey kills one, case dey’s got plenty. Dar wuz one woman dat I hyard mammy tell of bein’ beat clean ter … Read more

Satterfield and Allied Families of Person County, North Carolina

Satterfield and allied families of Person county, North Carolina and surrounding counties

This manuscript starts with John Satterfield who resided in Orange County, North Carolina and then concentrates on his descendants who resided in Person and the surrounding counties of North Carolina. Allied families include: Yarbrough, Carter, Bigger, Cary, Winstead, Cozart, Bumpass, Sargent, Gold, Carney, Walker and Davey families.

Person County, North Carolina Cemetery Transcriptions

North Carolina Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the North Carolina county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Following Cemeteries (hosted at Person County, North Carolina USGenWeb Archives) David Allen Cemetery Arbert Blalock Cemetery Green W. Blalock Cemetery Sam Blalock Cemetery Blalock-Garrett Cemetery Bumpass Cemetery Burch-Clayton Cemetery Burchwood Cemetery Carver-Oakley-Clayton Cemetery Chambers Family Cemetery Chandler-Duncan Cemetery Sol Daniel Clayton Cemetery Mooney-Blalock Cemetery John Moore Cemetery Moore Family Cemetery #1 Moore Family Cemetery #2 Azariah Oakley … Read more