Biography of Michael C. Normoyle

In the olden days the kings and rulers of countries erected palaces, temples or shrines in honor of themselves and to serve as monuments perpetuating their memory after they had passed away, but how much more does one do for civilization and his fellow men who aids in the substantial upbuilding of a city, the promotion of enterprises that add to its prosperity or the establishment of movements that produce progress and improvement along intellectual, social and material lines. Such Michael Charles Normoyle has done. No resident of Kendrick through the past nine years has done more for the city … Read more

Biography of Frank L. Moore

The junior member of the prominent law firm of Forney, Smith & Moore, of Moscow, is Frank Latham Moore, who was born in Olmstead County, Minnesota, February 8, 1863, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. The family was early founded in Canada, the great-grandfather of our subject being its progenitor there. The grandfather, Chauncy Moore, was born in Canada, and when a young man removed with his family to Rochester, New York, where Reuben Billings Moore, father of our subject, was born in 1826. The grandfather removed from Rochester to Putnam County, Illinois, where he secured land from the government and … Read more

Biography of Frank Johnson

FRANK JOHNSON. – The career of this well-known contractor is a clear case of the promotion of merit. He has acquired an enviable position in the business world from simple integrity and excellence of worth. He was born in Holland in 1844, and came with his widowed mother to New York in 1852. He went soon to Buffalo, and there began to learn the trade of a carpenter and joiner. The war breaking out, and an appeal being made to the patriotic young men of the city, he volunteered as a soldier and served gallantly until the close of the … Read more

MacPherson, Alice Marie Ensminger Mrs. – Obituary

Union, Oregon Alice Marie Ensminger Mac-Pherson, 82, of Union died Oct. 15, 2002, at a La Grande care facility after a brief illness. There will be a memorial service in the spring and burial will be in the Union Cemetery at Union. Arrangements are under the direction of Loveland Funeral Chapel 1508 Fourth St., La Grande. Alice was born Feb. 7, 1920, to Herschell R. and Harriett M. Ford Ensminger at Baker City. The family lived at Granite for several years before moving to Pondosa where she attended public school. She was a 1938 graduate of Union High School. In … Read more