Biography of S. D. McLain

The prosperity of any community, town or city depends upon its commercial activity its industrial interests and its trade relations, and therefore the real upbuilders of a town are those who stand at the head of the leading enterprises. Among the prominent representatives of commercial life in Silver City is S. D. McLain, who as a partner in the firm of Shea, McLain & Crete is at the head of the most extensive mercantile establishment of the town. This well appointed store, with its large and carefully selected stock, is a credit to the proprietors as well as to the … Read more

Biography of Simon Harris

Simon Harris, of Silver City, is a native of Mineral Point, Wisconsin, born April 18, 1851, and is of English descent, his parents, Elijah and Caroline (Mitchell) Harris, both being natives of England. In 1844 the father crossed the Atlantic to America and took up his residence in Mineral Point, where he was married. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California and was quite successful in his business ventures in the Golden state. Several times he made the trip across the country to California, Colorado and Montana, and in 1872 came to Silver City. He is now living in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert J. Shea

While the older members of the pioneer staff are retiring one by one, it is pleasant to note that there are younger men of courage and enterprise to take up the worthy labors of these estimable men, who opened this country for settlement, and to prosecute them with an untiring zeal and a sagacity that is sure to win in the battle of life. Among this wide awake class, we are con-strained to mention the subject of this article, who has made a name and place for himself in the ranks of the leading stockmen of Malheur County, being justly … Read more

Biography of Frederick Crete, Sr.

One of the most successful pioneer citizens of Silver City is Frederick Crete, who is a native of Hanover, Germany, where he was born in August 1833. He is a brother of John Crete, Sr., whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this volume. While still a young man Mr. Crete decided to try his fortunes in the New World, of which he had heard so much, and bidding adieu to the Fatherland and all its happy associations, he embarked on a vessel which landed him in New York city in 1852. From there he found his way to Attleboro, … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Hutchinson

Joseph H. Hutchinson, lieutenant governor of Idaho, is one of the distinguished young men of the west who by reason of his marked individuality, strong mentality, honorable purpose and laudable ambition has risen to a position of eminence. A native of this section of the country, his interests are closely allied with those of the northwest, and he is deeply interested in all that pertains to the advancement, growth and prosperity of the “Gem of the Mountains.” He was elected to his present office in 1898, an honor well merited and worthily worn. Mr. Hutchinson, who for some years has … Read more

Biography of Dan Feour

Among the sons of the Pine Tree state who have found homes in the northwest and whose history forms an integral part of the record of the development of the rich mining interests of southern Idaho is Dan Feour. He was born in Aroostook County, Maine, June 9, 1850, a son of William and Catherine Feour. His father was born in Ireland, and when a young man came to the United States. He died in the fiftyfourth year of his age, and his wife departed this life at the age of fortyfour years. They were the parents of five children, … Read more

Murdoch, Dennis Sutherland – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Dennis Sutherland Murdoch, 57, of Oreana, Idaho, and a former Baker City resident, died Jan. 11, 2004, in a motor vehicle accident. Family and friends will celebrate his life Saturday at 4:30 p.m. MST at Oreana Hall. Flahiff Funeral Chapel of Homedale, Idaho, is in charge of arrangements. Dennis was born July 18, 1946, in Baker City to John and Barbara Murdoch. He moved to Oreana in 1982, where he has ranched and raised paint horses. He has been an active member/officer of Owyhee County Cattlemen’s Association as well as holding office in the Idaho and National … Read more

Biography of Peter Donnelly

Among the prominent pioneer miners of Silver City we should mention this highly esteemed citizen of Dewey, Owyhee County. He is a native of Ireland, born in county Longford, October 31, 1833. In 1840 his parents emigrated to the New World, settling in Rhode Island, and young Peter was brought up in the city of Providence. He arrived in California in the spring of 1853 and for several years followed placer mining, in all the prominent diggings of that state. Upon the discovery of gold at Oro Fino he was among the first to arrive there, in April 1862, and … Read more

Biography of Charles M. Hays

A well known lawyer and pioneer of Idaho is Charles Marshall Hays, of Boise. Almost his entire life has been passed on the Pacific coast and he has therefore been a witness of the marvelous development of this section of the country. He was born in Saline County, Missouri, on the 22d of April 1845, and is descended from Irish ancestry. Members of the family were early residents of Virginia and Kentucky and were participants in the struggle that brought to the nation her independence. The grandfather of our subject removed from the Old Dominion to Kentucky during the pioneer epoch … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Curtis

Among the eminent men of the northwest whose life records form an integral part of the history of Idaho was numbered Hon. Edward J. Curtis. In his death the state lost one of its most distinguished lawyers, gifted statesmen and loyal citizens. As the day, with its morning of hope and promise, its noontide of activity, its evening of completed and successful efforts, ending in the grateful rest and quiet of the night, so was the life of this honored man. His career was a long, busy and useful one, marked by the utmost fidelity to the duties of public … Read more

Biography of Meserve M. Getchell

The popular postmaster of Silver City and one of the proprietors of the Idaho Hotel of that place is Mr. Getchell, who was born at Baring, Maine, January 5, 1868. His ancestors were natives of Wales, who emigrated to this country at an early day. His great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Getchell, was born February 4, 1753, married Mehitable Meserve and moved to St. Stephens, New Brunswick. He assisted in the capture of the English schooner Diligence and her armed cutter Tatmagouch July 14, 1775, being a volunteer in Captain John Preble’s company, the colonel of the company being John Allen. The great-grandfather, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alvin S. Moss

This enterprising and substantial stock man and farmer of Malheur County is located nine miles northeast from Rockville. Idaho, and is one of the pioneers of this section and has labored with assiduity and sagacity here since the early eighties and is now rewarded with abundant prosperity and a goodly showing, gained by his thrift and careful labors. Mr. Moss was born in Illinois, on September 10, 1857, the son of Sardus B. and Ceria E. Moss. At the age of eight years he went with the balance of the family to southeastern Kansas and there grew up. He gained … Read more

Biography of William H. Townsend

Since the earliest pioneer development of Owyhee County, William H. Townsend has resided within its borders. Silver City had as yet no beginning when he arrived on its present site, in 1863, and De Lamar, Dewey and other towns were not heard of for many years afterward. The rich mineral deposits of this region, however, have attracted a large population, and with marvelous rapidity villages have been builded and all the enterprises and business industries of older communities have been introduced. All honor is due to the brave band of pioneers who first opened up this region to civilization, among … Read more

Biography of Robert H. Leonard

Into the bosom of the earth the hand of nature placed many rich mineral deposits, and the great value of these, together with the magnificent forests and rolling lands of Idaho, have gained for the state the well deserved title of the “Gem of the Mountains.” Its mines are now yielding a large output of gold and silver, which adds to the wealth and prosperity of the country as well as of the individual mine owners. Among the enterprising and prominent business men who are now engaged in the development of the rich mineral resources of the state is Robert … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Hastings

It has been the discovery of the rich mineral deposits of the northwest that has led to the development of this section of the country, and among those who have been prominent in promoting the mining interests of Idaho is Benjamin F. Hastings, late mining inspector of the state. An excellent judge of the value of ore, and a man of unimpeachable integrity, he was well qualified for the position which he so acceptably filled, and all concerned commended him for the straightforward, prompt and reliable manner in which he discharged his duties. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hastings was … Read more

Biography of Lewis C. Rinehart

It is a pleasant task to scan the career of a successful man and to note the places where he has overcome the obstacles of life’s pathway and where he has made worthy achievements: and for a short time it is our good pleasure to thus contemplate the salient points of the life of the worthy gentleman, whose name initiates this article and who has been and is now one of the substantial and capable men of Wallowa County, having wrought for the development and advancement of the same in a manner that demonstrates both his ability and his integrity, … Read more

Biography of Dave Adams

While the race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, the invariable law of destiny accords to tireless energy, industry and ability, a successful career. The truth of this assertion is abundantly verified in the life of Mr. Adams, who, though he has met many difficulties and obstacles, has overcome these by determined purpose and laudable endeavor, working his way steadily upward to success. He is now accounted one of the leading businessmen of Silver City, and has been prominently identified with the development of many of the leading business interests of Idaho since his … Read more

Biography of Tim Shea

Perhaps no one business enterprise or industry indicates more clearly the commercial and social status of a town than its hotels. The wide-awake, enterprising villages and cities must have pleasant accommodations for visitors and traveling men, and the foreign public judges of a community by the entertainment afforded to the strangers. In this regard the Idaho Hotel, of which Mr. Shea is proprietor, is an index of the character and advantages of Silver City, for the hostelry will rank favorably with those of many a larger place, and its genial proprietor neglects nothing that can add to the comfort of … Read more

Biography of Malcolm McGregor

Among the enterprises of Weiser which are alike creditable to the city and to their proprietors is the Vendome Hotel, which was built by its present owners and managers, Messrs. McGregor and Coakley, and by them opened for business in February, 1891. Since that time the hotel has gained a very favorable reputation with the traveling public and enjoys a large patronage. It is a brick structure, two stories high, and contains twenty-eight rooms, well finished, well furnished, well ventilated and nicely kept. Great care is given to the perfection of all arrangements which will contribute to the comfort of … Read more

Biography of John Crete, Sr.

The Fatherland has furnished to America many of her valued citizens, men who have crossed the Atlantic to ally their interests with those of “the land of the free.” Adapting them-selves to entirely new surroundings, customs and manners, they have achieved success and won a place among the representative men of the communities in which their lots have been cast. Such is true of John Crete, the genial, well-known and popular proprietor of the War Eagle Hotel, at Silver City. Born in Hasbrouck, Hanover, Germany, April 25, 1832, he was a son of a Ger-man soldier who afterward became a … Read more