Biographical Sketch of Isaac Stoutenburg

Isaac, son of Tobias W. and Mary (Hill) Stoutenburg, was born in Dutchess county, June 6, 1806, died April, 1881. He also was a farmer. Coming to Phelps, in 1866, he engaged in the manufacture of plaster. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church. He married Ann, daughter of Peter Reese, who died in March, 1863, and whose father was a native of Maryland. Children: George B., born November 13, 1832; Frederick, referred to below; Angenette, born July 22, 1836, married Van Buren Wheat; Mary Jane, born September ii, 1838, married J. F. Salisbury; Angeline, born April 22, 1840, … Read more

Biography of Alanson Stacy

Alanson Stacy, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was the son of Elisha Stacy. He was born in Massachusetts, in 1812, and died in Avon, New York, in 1863. He was one of the first men to own a passenger boat on the Erie canal. Later he engaged in farming, and was one of Port Gibson’s representative men, serving as poor master for a number of years. At one time he owned . two large farms; these he sold and went to Avon. He married Emeline Smith, who was born in Vermont, died in … Read more

Free New York Genealogy Websites

1910 New York Census Map

For decades the world wide web has had individuals who have placed online abstractions, transcriptions, and images of genealogy information for specific counties. This collection of websites are the current ones we can find currently online.

Biographical Sketch of Humphrey Avery

(IV) Humphrey, son of Samuel and Susanna (Palmes) Avery, was born in Groton, July 4, 1699, died there, March 28, 1788. He married there, February 25, 1724, Jerusha, daughter of William and Margaret (Avery) Morgan, who died September 20, 1763. Children: 1. Humphrey, born March 10, 1725, married, June 19, 1745, Mary Baldwin. 2. William, born September 13, 1726, married Abigail Williams. 3. Solomon, referred to below. 4. Samuel, born October 17, 1731, married (first) in 1760, Sybil Noyes, and (second) Mary Ann Rose. 4. James, born August 13, 1733, married Williams. 5. Jerusha, born June 17, 1735, married Latham … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Ottley

George W.. son of William Ottley, was born at Phelps, New York, April 22, 1852, died May 9, 1910. He received his early education in the public schools. For many years he followed farming and afterward was a carpenter and builder in Phelps, New York. For four years he was the truant officer of Phelps. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal church and one of the official board. He was a member of the Maccabees. In politics he was a Democrat. He married Anna Ridley, born in Phelps, daughter of Thomas Ridley, of Phelps. Children: Alice Belle, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Bowerman

(VIII) William, son of Brice W. Bowerman, was born in Victor, New York, October 3, 1874. He attended the public schools in his native town and at Brockport, New York. Since 1896 he has been engaged in farming. He had a farm of one hundred and fourteen acres at Brockport on which he kept a fine dairy and owned a milk route. In 1900 he came to Victor and since then has conducted the homestead containing one hundred and eight acres. In politics he is a Republican; in religion a Methodist. He married, February 14, 1898, Marian E. Goffe, born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Lee

John, son of Richard Lee, was born about 1710. He married (intention December 17, 1737), August 12, 1738, Mary Smith, of Taunton. The following heads of families, born in 1738-50, were reported at Taunton in the first federal census of 1790, and according to the best evidence to be found, were his sons. The records of births are wanting. Children: George, mentioned elsewhere; Thomas, two males over sixteen, two under that age and several females in his family; Abiathar had four sons under sixteen and four females; Amos ( ?) ; Warwick ( ?).

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Whitney

Benjamin. son of John Whitney, was born June 6, 1643, in Watertown, and married (first) probably at York, Maine, Jane -, who died November 14. 1690, and he married (second), April 1t, 1695, at Marlborough, Mary Poor. The first record of Benjamin, in York, is in 1662-6-8, when he witnessed an agreement of John Doves. He was at Cocheco, Maine. near Dover, in 1667-68. April 13, 1674, the selectmen of York laid out ten acres of upland to Benjamin, and in 1680 he had a second grant. After the death of his first wife, he returned to Watertown and settled … Read more

Biography of Louis A. Cooper

America, as has been frequently remarked, is the home of self-made men, and in no line is this trait so apparent and so beneficial to the country at large, as in the agricultural field. It would seem as if in this branch the very best that is in a man is brought to the surface, for the very freedom which surrounds these workers, enables their natural abilities to develop to the fullest and best extent. One of the finest specimens of this sort of manhood, is to be found in the person of Louis A. Cooper, manager of the Geneva … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Griffith

John Griffith, a native of Ireland and probably of the ancient Welsh family of this name, came to this country when a young man and settled in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, where he followed farming. He became a representative and successful citizen. He married Polly Hobbs. In religion he was a Methodist, in politics a Republican. Children: Eveline, Lizzie Ann, Jane, Eliza. Joseph, John Watson, Jane, Louise.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Monroe Knickerbocker

(III) Richard Monroe, son of Sidney and Helen (McCiver) Knickerbocker, was born in the town of Hopewell, Ontario county, New York, October 14, 1865. He attended the public and high schools of his native township, and assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm during the summer months. At the conclusion of his school days his entire time was devoted to this occupation under the direction and supervision of his father, and he thus became thoroughly well acquainted in a practical manner with all the details connected with farm culture. He made farming his life work, as was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Parmele

Isaac, son of Reuben Parmele, was born in Connecticut. 1799, died at West Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, 1886, at an advanced age. During his childhood his parents removed to Ontario county, and the old homestead farm still remains in the possession of the family. He was an active factor in the upbuilding of the community in which he took up his abode, and his influence for good was felt throughout the entire section. He married Laura, daughter of Ebenezer Leach, of Lima, New York, and six children were born to them, among whom was Hiram Taft.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Lee

Richard Lee, the first settler in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, was probably born in England. He may have been related to Samuel Lee, who settled in Swansea not far from, and possibly near to, Robert and Mary Lee who were in Plymouth before 1650. He appears to have had a number of children born before coming to Rehoboth. The first record is of the birth of his daughter Mary in 1705. Children: Richard settled in Rehoboth, and married in 1725; Nathaniel married, September 9, 1738, Demarius Tare; James; Mary, born May 9, 1705; Sarah, October, 1706; John, mentioned elsewhere; perhaps others.

Biographical Sketch of James Webster

James, son of John Webster, was born about 1720, in Richmond, Rhode Island. He married Hannah Woodmansee. Children, born at Richmond: Thankful, February 15, 1743: Margaret. December to. 1744; Hannah, June 8, 1747: Stephen, March 17, 1750, settled at Tyringham, Massachusetts. and married Abigail Parks, a native of Voluntown, Connecticut; Zerviah, December 4, 1752: James, September 4, 1755; Jonathan, mentioned elsewhere; Daniel, November 7, 1761 ; Sarah. May 21, 1763; Elizabeth, September 25, 1767.

Biographical Sketch of Philip Rupert

Theodore D. Rupert, a physician and surgeon of Geneva, New York, is of German descent. (I) Philip Rupert, grandfather of Dr. Rupert, was born in Pennsylvania, and came to Geneva, New York, in 1805. He was a shoemaker by trade and successful in his line of business. He opened a shop for the manufacture of his wares which was considered a large one for those times and employed a comparatively large number of men. The extensive farm which he purchased is still in the possession of the family.

Biographical Sketch of Henry John Lewis Klube

Henry John Lewis, youngest child of Gustave F. and Maria E. (Voight) Klube, was born in Geneva, July 10, 1859. He was educated in the Geneva public schools, and upon leaving the high school he learned the saddlery business under the direction of his father. In 1877, when but eighteen years of age, he engaged in the saddlery trade for himself, built up a profitable business and followed it for more than thirty years, or until his death, which occurred May 7, 1908. A man of progressive ideas he could always be depended upon to assist in establishing public improvements, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Hart

Jonathan, son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Coe) Hart, was born March 22, 1746, and died in Paris, Herkimer county, New York, in ,806. He went with his parents to Bristol, and removed to Paris about 1794. He married (first) Mary Coe; (second), about 1788, Lucia Clark, of Southington. Children by first marriage: Rev. Ira, who became pastor of the church at Middletown. Connecticut, married Maria, daughter of John Sherman, and granddaughter of Roger Sherman, of New Haven, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; Jonathan, see elsewhere; Samuel, married Hester Polly, married Elisha Hills; Seth, married Louisa … Read more

Biography of Robert F. Thomspon

(V) Robert F. Thompson, son of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson and Sarah Jane (Foster) Thompson, was born in Canandaigua, New York, July 31, 1870. He received his preliminary school training in Phelps, followed by a course of study in Canandaigua Academy, from which he was graduated. He studied for his chosen profession in the law department of Michigan University, from which he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws, and then took a post-graduate course, receiving the Master’s degree in 1893. He was admitted to the bar, December, 1894, in Ontario county, New York, and at once entered upon practice … Read more

Seneca Tribe

Seneca Tribe: A prominent and influential tribe of the Iroquois. When first known they occupied that part of western New York between Seneca Lake and Geneva River, having their council fire at Tsonontowan, near Naples, in Ontario county.

Biography of Gilbert T. Aldridge

(II) Gilbert T., son of Gilbert Aldridge, was born at Victor, New York, March 4, 1819. He learned the trade of blacksmith and followed it many years. He had an iron foundry and manufactured wagons in the town of Victor. He cast the first iron beam plows used in Victor, manufacturing being his principal business for a short time. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he was a steward, trustee, and superintendent of the Sunday school for thirty years. He was always an active worker in the church and a man of exemplary … Read more