Biography of Lucius Cozzens Rice

Lucius Cozzens Rice, state treasurer of Idaho and one of the leading business men of the commonwealth, is a native of Riceville, Fulton county, New York, where he was born June 30, 1867. being the only son now living that was born to the marriage of Harvey P. and Sarah C. Rice. The Rice family is one of the oldest in Central New York; and in the old dwelling, which is still standing, and in which Mr. Rice was born, five generations have lived. This residence was built prior to the war for American independence, by Colonel Oliver Rice, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis D. Collins

(III) Louis D., son of Chauncey Brooks Collins, was born in Rose Valley, Wayne county, New York, 1852. His education was acquired at the high school. He established himself in the wholesale drug business in the city of New York, continuing this for seventeen years, and then removed to Ontario county, New York, and for a time lived retired from business responsibilities. In 1897 he took charge of the New York Central Iron Works in Geneva, and ten years later erected an entirely new plant for the manufacture of steam boilers and hot water tanks. This war, incorporated under the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. William Newton

Capt. William Newton was born in Colchester, Conn., Oct. 15, 1786. His father, Asahel Newton, had served several years in the army of the Revolution. He was in straitened circumstances and had a large family of children, of whom William was the oldest, and on him devolved a large share of the burden of supporting his brothers and sisters. Having learned the trade of a clothier he came to Sherburne in 1806 and worked with Landon & Mills at Bullocks Mills. He took a factory in New Berlin in 1807, and went to Camden, N. Y., and worked in 1809. … Read more

Biography of John Gottlieb Seewir

John Gottlieb Seewir was one of Kansas’ pioneer physicians. He was prominent in the profession at Lawrence from the beginning of the Civil war until his death twenty years later, and his life was one of unceasing devotion to his profession and to the service to humanity which he rendered through it. Doctor Seewir was born in Switzerland, March 4, 1828, a son of John G. and Elizabeth Seewir. In 1838 the family immigrated to America. They came on a sailing vessel and the vessel took fire and burned for two days before it was extinguished. The family located at … Read more

Bidwell, Charles Calvin – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon In Union, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1915, Charles Calvin Bidwell, aged 89 years, 9 months and 5 days. The deceased was born at Verona, New York, Feb 20., 1827. In early manhood he went to Illinois and from there to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, at which place he was married Sept, 5, 1858, to Mary A. Gilbert. To them were born five children, three boys and two girls. The oldest, Geneveive, died at four years of age. Later he moved to Minnesota and took up a homestead. When the civil war broke out he enlisted at Fort … Read more

Biography of William F. Benson, Hon.

Hon. William F. Benson. One of the most responsible offices under the jurisdiction of the State of Kansas is that of state bank commissioner and examiner. One of the best appointments – best because it was based entirely on fitness rather than for purely political reasons–made by former Governor George H. Hodges brought to this office William F. Benson, who had performed its varied and delicate duties for the past two years. Mr. Benson went into office with practical experience that made him almost at once master of all the details entrusted to his charge. Comparatively few understand the responsibilities … Read more

Biography of James Porter Greves, M.D.

James Porter Greves, M. D., deceased, was familiarly known as the “Father of Riverside,” and well he deserved the title. He was the real founder of the Colony Association, the first to visit and select the land, and the first to occupy them, camping upon the desert plain now occupied by the city of Riverside, September 19, 1870. For nearly twenty years his life and life’s efforts were intimately interwoven with the history of Riverside and the colony. No man in the community was better known or more universally respected and esteemed than he. His death was sincerely mourned and … Read more

Biography of Francis Merriman Barnes, Jr., M. D.

Dr. Francis Merriman Barnes, Jr., a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and prominently known as a neuropsychiatrist of St. Louis, was born in Middletown, New York, August 20, 1881, a son of Francis Merriman and Mary Drusilla (Reynolds) Barnes. The father, a native of Pennsylvania and a representative of one of the old families of that state of English lineage, is now a successful dentist. He was graduated from the Baltimore Dental College and is in active practice in Middletown, New York. His wife, a native of the Empire state, passed away in 1884. In their family were four … Read more

Stockbridge Tribe

Stockbridge Indians. A tribe of the Mahican confederacy, first known under the name Housatonic. They occupied part of the valley of Housatonic river, in south Berkshire county, Mass. Their principal village, Westenhuck, was for a long time the capital of the Mahican after the removal of the council fire from Schodac. They had another village at Skatehook. In 1734 Sergeant began missionary work among them, and two years later the several bands were collected on a tract reserved for their use by the Colonial government. After the village of Stockbridge was established they were known as Stockbridge Indians. The French … Read more

Biography of Shepard Keene Linscott

Shepard Keene Linscott. The late Shepard Keene Linscott, who was born March 6, 1887, and died December 11, 1905, represented in the best sense the highest type of American manhood. A farm near Chesterville, Maine, was the place of his nativity and he was the only son of Shepard and Esther (Keene) Linscott. The house in which he was born was built by his grandfather, Samuel Linscott, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age, Shepard Keene Linscott left the parental roof and became a pioneer farmer of Henry County, Indiana. Realizing the importance … Read more

Mary Elizabeth Todd Brand of Utica NY

BRAND, Mary Elizabeth Todd8, (Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 17, 1838, in Milford, Otsego County, N. Y., died June 30, 1871, in Utica, N. Y., married Oct. 8, 1867, in Oswego, N. Y., James H. Brand, who was born March 24, 1831. Child: I. Byron S., b. June 26, 1871, d. Aug. 24, 1871.

Biography of Sheldon Griswold Catlin

Sheldon Griswold Catlin. A notable figure in the commercial life of the City of Leavenworth was the late Sheldon Griswold Catlin. He was a Yankee, of Connecticut birth and ancestry, and possessed the genius of a typical New Englander for trade. Bulwarking his genius in this direction was a remarkable integrity of character and a wholesomeness and breadth of mind which made his presence in any community a source of strength and uplift. It was in 1863 that he came to Leavenworth and became a member of the old wholesale shoe firm of George O. Catlin & Company, a business … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leon Brooks Bacon

Bacon, Leon Brooks; lawyer; born, Taberg, Oneida County, N. Y., July 24, 1870; son of Sidney Brooks and Esther D. (Munger) Bacon; grandson of Rufus Bacon, graduate of Harvard College, 1810, and Ann Tucker (Dalton) Bacon, of Boston, Mass.; B. A., Williams College, 1893; LL. B., Syracuse University, 1899, admitted to the bar in New York, 1898, and in Ohio, 1903; Publishers Weekly office 1894-1895, in business London, England, 1895-1896; married at Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1900, Anna Osborne Anthony, niece of Susan B. Anthony; children, Harriet Anthony, Ann Dalton and Susan Anthony; compiled History of Descendants of Michael Bacon … Read more

Origin and History of the Oneidas

Oneida Stone

This canton of the Iroquois nation, deduces its origin in a remote age, from the Onondagas, with the language of which, the Oneida has the closest affinity. According to a tradition which was related to me, and which is believed to be entitled to respect, they are descended from two persons, who, in their obscure ages, and before a confederation had been thought of, went out from the people at Onondaga, and first dwelt at the head of the Oneida river. After increasing in numbers, they removed to the outlet of the Oneida creek, which flows into Oneida Lake. Here … Read more

Marquis DeLafayette Todd of New York

Marquis DeLafayette Todd8, (Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 1, 1834, in Toddsville, N. Y., married Dec. 3, 1868, at Oriskany Falls, N. Y., Lizzie J. Holmes, who was born July 18, 1837, at Sandy Creek, Oswego County, N. Y. Child: 2062. Juna May, b. March 14, 1873.

Biography of Hon. Charles E. Linderman

Not the good that comes to us but the good that comes to the world through us is the measure of our success, and judged by this standard as well as by the ratings of the business world Hon. Charles E. Linderman was a most successful man. He was numbered among the prominent, valued, honored and respected citizens of southwestern Iowa and left the impress of his individuality for good on its substantial development and improvement. He stood for high ideals in citizenship, in business affairs and in private life, and the nobility of his manhood made him most honored … Read more

Biography of William B. Ruggles

WILLIAM B. RUGGLES WILLIAM Benjamin Ruggles was born at Bath, Steuben County, N. Y., on the 14th of May, 1827. He is the son of William and Mary Ruggles. At the age of thirteen he was in a Bath printing office, trying to work his way up from the printer’s case, with the determination of becoming some day an educated man. At the same period he attended a part of the time the public school of Bath, with a view of preparing himself for a collegiate course. ” We remember him,” writes one, ” when a boy, as a studious … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wenie, Frederick T.M.

Frederick T. M. Wenie, of the firm of Sutton & Wenie, attorneys-at-law. He is also engaged in the insurance, real estate and collection business. He first came to Dodge City, Kansas, in 1879, and clerked in the Quartermaster’s store at Fort Dodge until April 1, 1880, when he came to Dodge City and entered the law office of M. W. Sutton as a law student, and was admitted to the bar of practice at the June term of court in 1882. He was appointed City Attorney of Dodge City in April 1883. He was born in Oneida County, N. Y., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mattoon Monroe Curtis

Curtis, Mattoon Monroe; university prof.; born, Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858; son of William F. and Harriet E. (Royce) Curtis; A. B., Hamilton College, 1880; A. M., 1882; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1883; studied University of Leipzig, 1889-1891, Ph. D., 1890; married, Emily, daughter of William Few Chrystie, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1884; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1883; pastor Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1883-1885; Beck-with Memorial Church, Cleveland, 1885-1888; prof. philosophy, Western Reserve University since 1891; supervisor of 13th Federal Census in Cuyahoga County, O., vice pres. Cleveland School of Art; member board managers, Western Reserve University; member American … Read more

Biography of James Neild

JAMES NEILD – The Neild family came from the North of England. Thomas Neild, a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, a stone cutter by trade, now living in Jamestown, New York, was born on February 9, 1854, and came to America in 1882, locating first at Albion, New York, where he procured work in his trade. He later moved to HoVey, New York, and in 1893 came to Holyoke, Massachusetts, and entered the mill of the American Thread Company, working there for four years. After this he returned for a time to England, but later came back to America and … Read more