McComas, E. S. – Obituary

One of the largest funerals in the history of the town of Union marked the obsequies of the pioneer editor and politician, E. S. McComas. The funeral was held at Union, Wednesday afternoon, September 6 at 3 o’clock, and was attended by a great gathering of pioneers. The body was laid to rest beside his mother, brother, and son. The deceased leaves a widow, one daughter, an adopted son and three sisters, Mrs. Alice M. Bell of Enterprise, Mrs. Esther E. Pursel and Mrs. Mary R. Thomson of Union. Mrs. Bell received word of her brother’s extermity Saturday afternoon and … Read more

Smith, Fred Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Martha Jane Smith, wife of Fred Smith, 2102 East O avenue died Saturday after a long illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday. Capt.E. Scriven of the Salvation Army officiating. Mrs. Smith, born Feb. 13, 1888 at Omaha, Nebr., came to La Grande to live 13 years ago. Surviving are her widower; four daughters, Mrs. Clifford Snell, Mrs. Ila Jean Lagore and Addie Mae Smith of La Grande, and Mrs. Carl Utzinger of Astoria; five sons, Harvey, Vernon, Bud, and Neil of La Grande, and Lester of Casper, Wyo.; five sisters, Mrs. W. L. Hoyt, … Read more

Biography of Elisha Wesley McComas, Hon.

While the years of his greatest activity and achievement, the period which made him a national figure, were spent in other localities, a special interest attaches to the career of Elisha W. McComas in Kansas, not only because he lived in that state for many years, but members of his family still reside there. He was born in Cabell County in Old Virginia, the second in a family of six sons. His father was a prominent man in Old Virginia, served several terms in Congress, filled a position on the local bench, and other places of honor. The early life … Read more

Biography of Ed. F. Winn

No work that might attempt to tell the story of the settlement and civilization of Idaho would be complete if it should contain no account of the hard, brave work performed by Deputy Sheriff and Deputy United States Marshal Ed. F. Winn, in ridding the country of the gangs of thieves, cut-throats and outlaws that once infested it. A book devoted to the exploits of Winn and other Federal and civil officers in this part of the country would be of thrilling interest. Ed. F. Winn is a native of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and was born October 29, 1857. His parents, … Read more

Headley, Lyle Walter – Obituary

Lyle Walter Headley, 80, of La Grande, died Oct. 3 at his home. A memorial service will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday at the La Grande Church of the Nazarene. Daniels Chapel of the Valley is in charge of arrangements. Lyle was born on July 7, 1927, to Clarence and Margaret (Paulison) Headley in Omaha, Neb. During World War II he served with the Merchant Marines. On Jan. 8, 1950, he married Lillian Ruth McIntyre in Ralston, Neb. They lived in Nebraska for a time before moving to California where he was a self-employed heavy equipment operator. In 1969 they … Read more

Cusick, E. A. Mrs. – Obituary

Died-At the residence of S. O. Swackhumer in this city, Saturday, February 11, 1893, Mrs. E. A. Cusick. The deceased, whose maiden name was Emma Amanda Dodge, was born in Montpelier, Vermont, March 20th, 1850. Died in Union, Oregon, February 11, 1893, was therefore nearly 43 years old. When eight years of age she moved with friends to Omaha, Neb., and in the summer of 1863 crossed the plains with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Swackhumer, stopping in Grande Ronde valley where she has lived most of her life since. She was married in Wasco County, … Read more

Biography of Louis Elg

The man who first used gas for illumination at Idaho Falls, who put in the first telephone and who set up the first soda fountain in the town, is Louis Elg, druggist. Front and Maine streets. In other respects Mr. Elg has been a pioneer as well. His life has been a busy and eventful one and its important details are well worth the writing and the reading. He was born in Sweden, June 8, 1853, and is descended from a long line of Swedish ancestors. His father, also named Louis Elg, was an ironworker and was frozen to death, … Read more

Biography of William H. Moffit

William H. Moffit. In the group of surviving territorial pioneers of Kansas, William H. Moffit of Highland Park, a suburb of Topeka, has an important place. Mr. Moffit carries within his individual recollection practically the entire story of Kansas from the beginning of the border warfare until the present, a period of fully fifty years. He has been a witness of great and stirring events, and in those events has not been himself an inconsiderable participant. His birth occurred in Henry County, Iowa, January 6, 1842. That date indicates that the family history has been identified with the pioneer times … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest L. Norberg

Architect Ernest L. Norberg and his associate, Architect Thomas M. Edwards, with offices in the Phelan Building, San Francisco, have through their branch office in the Bank Building at Burlingame established a thriving clientele in this community. Judging from the number of public and private buildings already constructed from their designs and under their supervision, the future prominence of this firm is assured. Mr. Norberg’s early architectural training was obtained at Hopkins Art Institute, and later under the American Society of Beaux Arts. He was afterward associated with the most prominent architects of San Francisco, including Willis Polk, whom he … Read more

Biography of Charles R. Kelsey

Among the more recent accessions to the town of Mountain Home is Charles R. Kelsey, a gentleman of large business experience, who, as a wholesale dealer in groceries and hardware and general merchandise, has already proved himself a potent factor in the business circles of his adopted county. Mr. Kelsey is a native of New York State, born in Delaware County, at Cannonsville. November 2, 1837, and in his veins flows the blood of French and German ancestors, who were among the early settlers of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father, Michael B. Kelsey, was born in that city and counted among … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Kellom

John H. Kellom of Tustin, was born in Washington County, New York, in 1818, a son of Isaac and Eliza (Healy) Kellom. He graduated at Williams College in 1842 taught school four years in Georgia, studied law two years at Auburn, New York, taught school again until 1856, and then went to Omaha, Nebraska, and engaged in banking. Two years afterward he was elected State Superintendent of schools for a term of two years; he also served as United States Assessor; was clerk of all the courts of Nebraska for four years; was Postmaster at Omaha one year under President … Read more

Ruth Miriam Todd of Portland OR

Ruth Miriam, b. Jan. 29, 1894, she is a college graduate and was athletic editor her senior year, is a member of the largest athletic clubs in America, has recently been elected as teacher of physical culture and English in two splendid High schools. Ruth began life in a beautiful little villa by the banks of the Blue River at Blue Springs, Neb. and her arrival was heralded by the gift of a home, and half a car-load of supplies of all kinds of provisions that came over the Burlington Railroad–a bountiful and most generous consideration from her father’s people … Read more

Biography of Edward Burgoyne

Edward Burgoyne is one of the leading business men and the leading merchant of Montpelier, Idaho, and was one of the fifteen heads of families who came to the spot in the spring of 1864, volunteers in response to the call of the authorities of their church, to settle Bear Lake valley and spread the peculiar doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was born in South Wales, February 22, 1835, a son of Thomas and Sarah (Strong) Burgoyne, who were natives of Wales and lifelong Episcopalians. Thomas Burgoyne was a prosperous blacksmith. He died … Read more