Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia

Jerusalem Lutheran Church

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia: Built in Effingham County, GA in 1767 – 69 by Lutheran Protestants who came to Georgia in 1734 after being exiled from Catholic Salzburg in Europe, the church is officially named Jerusalem Church. It stands on the site of a wooden building probably erected soon after the congregation moved from Old Ebenezer to New Ebenezer in 1738. During the Revolution the British used the Church as a hospital and stable and the metal swan on the belfry still bears a bullet hole. Though the town of Ebenezer no longer exists the Church has an active congregation of about 450 members. It’s original congregation came from St. Anna’s Lutheran Church in Augsburg, Germany. The Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the oldest surviving intact building in Georgia. This collection contains the baptismal, marriage and death records from Old Ebenezer Church dating from the years 1754-1781.