Biography of W. W. Wood

W. W. Wood, an enterprising and progressive agriculturist of northeastern Oklahoma, owns a farm of one hundred acres situated six and a half miles southeast of Delaware, in Nowata county, where he has made his home for the past twenty-eight years. His birth occurred in southern Texas on the 2d of February, 1882, his parents being Edward and Senna (Dickson) Wood, both of whom were natives of Missouri. In 1894 the family home was established in Nowata County, Indian Territory, and here the father spent his remaining days. The mother is still living at the age of seventy-two years and … Read more

Biography of H. B. Rodecker

H. B. Rodecker, an enterprising and successful druggist of Ramona, was born near Eureka, Illinois, on the 22d of August, 1874, and was taken by his parents, William B. and Leona (Hellen) Rodecker, to Newton, Harvey county, Kansas, in 1880. The mother is a niece of the late Cecil Rhodes, multi-millionaire and statesman of South Africa. The father was a tinner by trade and followed that pursuit until 1889, when the family removed to Oklahoma City and he entered the employ of W. J. Pettie, a hardware merchant, conducting a business that has since been developed into a large wholesale … Read more

Biography of Lolo Chouteau

Lolo Chouteau, who has been successfully identified with the agricultural and stock raising interests of Nowata county for many years, is now residing on his well improved farm of two hundred and thirty acres, two and one quarter miles east of Lenapah. A native of Kansas, he was born in Johnson county on the 9th of November, 1849, a son of Frederick and Matilda Chouteau. The Chouteau family was founded in America by Rene Auguste Chouteau, who came from France in 1718 and settled in New Orleans. His son, Rene Auguste Chouteau, Jr., was one of the founders of St. … Read more

Biography of Henry Armstrong

For many years Henry Armstrong was one of the representative agriculturists in Nowata County, residing on his highly cultivated farm near Coodys Bluff. He is now, however, living in retirement in Coffeyville, Kansas, but is contemplating returning to the old home in the near future. A native of Oklahoma, he was born at Spavinaw, Mayes County, on the 16th of June, 1846, a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, the former of Muncie, Indiana, and French Canadian extraction and the latter of Seneca and Delaware Indian extraction. James Armstrong was born in Quebec, Canada, and in early life went … Read more

Biography of James G. Mehlin

James G. Mehlin, a pioneer farmer of Nowata county who is now residing one and one-half miles northeast of Alluwe, was born in Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, Germany, on the 21st of January, 1841. His parents were both born in that country and the father died there. Mrs. Mehlin came to America prior to her son James G. and located in New York, where her death occurred in 1870. James G. Merlin came to America in 1854 and, landing in New York, remained there a short time, but later removed to Maryland. Subsequently he went to Chicago, Illinois, where his brother Charles … Read more

Biography of Samuel M. Gee

Samuel M. Gee, farmer and dairyman residing two and one-half miles northwest of Nowata, Nowata County, was born in Clinton County, Indiana, on the 23d of May, 1864, a son of Moses G. and Catherine (Maish) Gee. The father was a native of Ohio, where he lived until he removed to Indian Territory. He died at Council Hill in 1910. Mrs. Gee was born in Pennsylvania and died in Missouri in 1907. In January, 1902 Samuel M. Gee came to Indian Territory and located at Adair, where he rented four hundred acres of land, which he farmed for four years. … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Roberts

Joseph E. Roberts, conducting a furniture and undertaking business at Nowata, is one of the wide-awake and alert young men of the city, whose success is the result of thoroughness and enterprise. He was born October 23, 1892, about twelve miles east of the city in which he still makes his home. His father, Edward Taylor Roberts, was a native of Indiana, his birth having occurred on a farm near Lebanon in Montgomery County, his parents being James Thomas and Lydia A. (James) Roberts. His parents were Kentuckians but were married in Indiana, to which state they had removed in … Read more

Biography of Alfred Mason Gott

Alfred Mason Gott is quietly passing his days in the home of his niece, Mrs. D. D. Howell of Nowata, and around him are many relics, showing that all of his days have not been as quiet and peaceful as at the present, for he is numbered among the old Indian fighters of this section of the country and has passed through all of the experiences and hardships of pioneer life and the later era of progress and development. That his business affairs have been carefully managed is indicated in the fact that he is now one of the largest … Read more

Biography of Albert F. Armstrong

Another member of the Armstrong family who is engaged in farming in Nowata County is Albert F. Armstrong, a brother of Charles F., whose sketch appears on another page of this work. A native of Kansas, he was born in Wyandotte County, on the 3d of April, 1865, a grandson of Chief Journeycake and a son of Henry Armstrong, who is now living retired in Coffeyville, Kansas. He is a nephew of J. E. Campbell of Nowata, while H. L. Campbell of the first National Bank of Nowata is a cousin. Albert F. Armstrong received his early education in the … Read more

Biography of R. M. Godfrey

The present judge of Nowata county is R. M. Godfrey, who has been a resident of Nowata since 1914. He was born at Stockport, Ohio, on the 3d of June, 1887, a son of George N. and Effie L. (Scheetz) Godfrey, the former a native of Ohio. The progenitor of the Godfrey family in this country was Daniel Godfrey, who came to America from England at an early day and upon the out-break of the Revolutionary war enlisted for service under George Washington’s command. The paternal great-grandfather, Prince Godfrey, was born in Maine and removed from that state to Ohio … Read more

Biography of J. M. Daniels

J. M. Daniels, who is engaged in farming and cattle raising two miles south of Nowata, in Nowata County, was born on the Verdigris River, near Coodys Bluff, on the 15th of August, 1875, a son of Alvin and Avy (Sisco) Daniels, both natives of Arkansas. They were among the early pioneers to Indian Territory and the father achieved more than substantial success in farming and cattle raising. He is deceased. His widow is living near Oglesby, at the age of seventy-one years. J. M. Daniels is a nephew of Holland L. Parrish, the father of W. T. and A. … Read more

Biography of W. M. Tate

For twenty-one years W. M. Tate has been engaged in farming in Nowata county, residing all of this time on his present farm of one hundred and forty acres, four and one-half miles southeast of Nowata. He was born in western Kansas on the 4th of December, 1873, a son of P. A. and Margaret (Barnes) Tate, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Indiana. They moved from Iowa to Kansas one year before W. M. was born and located in Lincoln county, where they lived two years. At the termination of that time they went to … Read more

Biography of S. J. Miller

Among the substantial residents of Rogers county are Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Miller, who are residing on their farm seven and one-half miles northwest of Chelsea. Mr. Miller is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred at Butler, Bates County, on the 4th of June, 1884. His parents were John M. and Rachael (North) Miller, natives of Ohio. In 1866 they moved to Missouri and locating in Bates County, the father farmed until his demise in 1919. He was one of the well known agriculturists in that county and a representative and progressive citizen who did much toward … Read more

Biography of Dumont D. Howell, M. D.

For sixteen years Dr. Dumont D. Howell was numbered among the capable, prominent and successful physicians of Nowata, where he passed away on the 6th of December, 1919. He was born in Murphy, North Carolina, January 14,1874, and was a son of D. M. and Margaret (Sudderth) Howell. The Howell family was long connected with the history of North Carolina and of Georgia and the Sudderths were also of an old family of the former state. In the acquirement of his education Dumont D. Howell supplemented his public school course by study at the Young Harris College of Georgia and … Read more

Biography of Fred Wallace

Nowata numbers among her most substantial citizens Fred Wallace, who has been living retired since 1921. A native of Michigan, he was born in Eaton Rapids, on the 26th of August, 1873, a son of G. C. and Katherine (Puffenberger) Wallace. The Wallace family were among the early pioneers of the Nowata district, having located here at a time when there was neither store nor post office. The only signs of habitation when they came here were the depot station house and one tent. G. C. Wallace was born in Tennessee, while his wife was born in Michigan. For some … Read more

Biography of William Johnstone

William Johnstone, who was one of nature’s noblemen and whose life in every respect measured up to the highest standards of human conduct and of service to his fellows, passed away on the 14th of July, 1915. His earthly record was of comparatively short duration, for he had only reached the fifty-sixth milestone on life’s journey. But he had accomplished much more than may be set down to the credit of the vast majority. He had been one of the builders of Bartlesville through the establishment and successful management of various commercial and industrial interests and also by reason of … Read more

Biography of J. H. Gorden

J. H. Gorden, a representative citizen and successful agriculturist of northeastern Oklahoma, where he has made his home for more than two decades, is busily engaged in the cultivation of a farm of fifty acres situated one mile north and four miles east of Dewey. His birth occurred in Henry county, Missouri, in 1861, his parents being J. B. and Anna (Parks) Gorden. The father is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-five years, and now resides at Wagoner, Oklahoma. The mother passed away in 1904. They reared a family of three sons, namely: J. H., of this … Read more

Biography of John J. Jones

John J. Jones. Actively connected with a profession that has an important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of any section or community, and one which has ever been considered as conserving the public welfare by furthering the ends of justice and maintaining individual rights, the reputation of John J. Jones, of Chanute, as a lawyer has been won through honest, earnest labor, and his standing at the bar is a merited tribute to his ability. For a quarter of a century he has been engaged in practice at Chanute, and during this time has been connected with much … Read more

Biography of John E. White

One of the prominent merchants of Lenapah, Nowata county, is John E. White, who was born at Boyds Creek, Tennessee, on the 21st of March, 1875. His paternal great-grandfather came to America from England and was a missionary to the Indians in North Carolina. His father, N. B. White, was a farmer and is now deceased. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Charlotte Huffaker, is still living and is residing on the home farm John E. White was named for his mother’s half-brother who died in the prison at Andersonville while serving in the Civil war. In the … Read more

Biography of W. M. Hancock

One of the representative agriculturists in Nowata county is W. M. Hancock, who is residing on a ranch five and one-half miles southeast of Lenapah. He was born in Lebanon, Missouri, on the 8th of December, 1860, and received his education in the common schools of Jasper county, putting his textbooks aside at the age of eighteen years. He then engaged in farming with his father, E. H. Hancock, who was a native of Randolph county, North Carolina, removed to Laclede county, Missouri, in 1857, and subsequently to Jasper county in 1866. In 1881 he came to Oklahoma, then Indian … Read more