Biographical Sketch of Vernon H. Burke

Burke, Vernon H.; attorney-at-law; born, Saybrook, O., Dec. 22, 1865; son of John F. and Minerva C. Stewart Burke; educated, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., Stratton’s Business College, The University of Notre Dame; B. A., C. E., LL. B. degrees; married, Cleveland, Dec. 21, 1892, Matilda B. Hahn; one son, Vernon A. Burke, Jr.; Republican; served on police bench by appointment; senator from Cuyahoga county, 1896-1900; vice chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Committee; has been a trial lawyer; pres. James F. Allen Contracting Co., Cleveland Smelting Co., Idle-wild Co.; sec’y Guest & Buell Co., Fleishman & Smith Co.; director The Cleveland … Read more

Biography of Bert Edward Nussbaum

Muskogee has every reason to be proud of her bench and bar. The representatives thereof have, on the whole, been men of high character and of marked capability in the field of their chosen profession. In a calling where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability Bert Edward Nussbaum has made for himself a creditable position and by reason of this his life’s story is an interesting one. He was born in La Porte, Indiana, February 16, 1875, and is a son of L. and Bettie (Fleishel) Nussbaum. The father was a merchant who long conducted a saddlery hardware … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reverend Thomas C. Right O’Reilly

O’Reilly, Thomas C. Right Reverend ; S. T. D., LL. D., Monsignor; chancellor of the Diocese of Cleveland, and pastor of St. John’s Cathedral; born, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1873; son of Patrick and Delia Readdy O’Reilly; educated, St. Patrick’s, Cleveland 1879-1887; Spencerian Business College, Cleveland, 1887-1888; St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, 1889-1893; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, 1893-1894; American College, Rome, Italy, 1894-1899; received degree S. T. D., from Propaganda University, Rome, 1899; LL. D., from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 1909; was ordained priest by Cardinal Cassette, June 4, 1898, in the Lateran Basillica, Rome; asst. pastor St. John’s Cathedral, … Read more

Biography of H. J. Huiskamp

H. J. Huiskamp. The continuation and extension of the business enterprises which bring reputation and prosperity to a community, in these days of keen competition, depend largely upon the sound business methods under which they are operated, under the management of able and efficient officials. While vast capital is invested in so great an enterprise as is the Buffalo Brick Company, at Buffalo, Kansas, much of its unexampled prosperity must be credited to the energy and good judgment of its general manager, H. J. Huiskamp, who is also secretary. Mr. Huiskamp had developed this into the largest concern of its … Read more

Biography of Matthew J. McEniry

It is said that the legal profession is one of the most difficult in which to achieve success. It is doubtless true that to be a truly successful attorney requires ability of a high order. We have spoken elsewhere in this work of; the success achieved by the legal firm of McEniry & McEniry, and one of the fruits of that success is a renown that is not merely local but that has spread throughout the northwest. In the article mentioned the life and character of one of the members of the firm, William McEniry, was taken up and discussed … Read more

Biography of Hon. William McEniry

In considering the prominent legal firms in Rock Island County one’s mind instinctively turns to the firm of McEniry & McEniry, a firm composed of the two brothers, Hon. William McEniry and Matthew J. McEniry, having offices both in Rock Island and Moline. It is the life and character of the former of these two gentlemen that we pro-pose to depict in the sketch that is to follow. The life and character of Matthew J. McEniry will be found elsewhere in this work treated at length. William McEniry was born in Rock Island County, Illinois, May 9, 1860, his parents … Read more