H Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

HALL,      Ebenezer, s. Benjamin and Ruth, Dec. 19, 1756.      Patta, d. Josiah and Calla, Oct. 16, 1784.      Rebecca, Dec. 4, 1835.      Rebekah, d. Benjamin and Ruth, Apr. 11, 1744.      [torn]hn, Nov. 25, 1765.      _____, Miss [sic], w. Josiah, Feb. 28, 1801. HANCOK,      _____, Mar. 22, 1804, “(States poor).” HARRIS,      Jerusha, d. Nicholas and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1747-8.      Jonathan, s. Nicholas and Lydia, Nov. _____, 1757. HART,      Charles, Sept. 24, 1835. HARTSHORN,      Adaline, d. Willard, Sept. 22, 1843, age 20.      Catharine, widow John, Jan. 31, 1840.      Catherine, Aug. 24, 1797.      Edward Curtis, s. Calvin and Mary Ann, scarlet fever, Apr. 21, … Read more

Small, Carroll Otis – Obituary

Carroll Otis Small, 85, of La Grande, a former longtime Baker City resident, died Oct. 8, 2007, at the Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. His funeral will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Jon Privett of the Baker City Church of the Nazarene will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at VFW Hall. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Carroll was born May 30, 1922, at Norwood, Mass., … Read more

R Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Death Records

RANDALL Rebekah, Aug. 10, 1740. REINOLDS Sarah, w. Nathaniell of Bosto[n], July 8, 1663. RICHARDSON (see Richarson, Richerson) Bershabeth, d. Seth and Dinah, Jan. 18, 1764. Elizabeth, w. Lt. Joseph, Nov. 26, 1766. James, h. Bathsheba, Oct 1, 1790. Joseph, Lt, widr., Oct 5, 1768. Kezia, [twin] d. Samuel and Mary, June 5, 1734. Sarah, [twin] d. Samuel and Mary, June 2, 1734. Seth, s. Seth and Dinah, Jan. 31, 1768. RICHARSON (see Richardson, Richerson) Bathsheba, w. Seth, July 30, 1750. Bathsheba, d. Seth and Bathsheba, Aug. 6, 1750. Ebenezar, s. Joseph and Hanna, May 23, 1722. Hannah, w. Joseph, … Read more

R Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

RAMSDALE,      Prudence and Philip Cobbet, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 22, 1795. RAND,      Henry S. and Jerviah P. Melcher, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 23, 1823. RANDAL (see Randall),      Kezia of Easton, and James Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 11, 1778. RANDALL (see Randal),      Abner [publishment of intention of marriage, of Eastown] and Abigail Hall, Dec. 29, 1768.      Abner of Easton, and Caroline Hall, Aug. 2, 1835.      Elisabeth of Sharon, and Isaac Bennet, Dec. 30, 1797. (Intention not recorded.) RAYMOND,      Hopey and Otis Hartshorn, Apr. 1, 1821. READ (see Reed),      Ichabod and Anna Hart, int Aug. … Read more

Biography of Albert Parsons

ALBERT PARSONS, expert in agriculture, cattle raiser, and dairy farmer of North Amherst, Massachusetts, was born June 1, 1883, in North Amherst, the son ‘ of Howard Albert Parsons. The family name of Parsons is derived from the Latin word persona, a mask. In early times actors wore a mask of wood to project their voices, a suggestion of the speaking-trumpet and telephone of later years. The actor came to be called after the mask he wore dramatis personae. The word had a two-fold meaning. In ecclesiastical language it was referable to a man of dignity, and bestowed upon one … Read more

S Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

SANDERS,      Michel, s. Daniel and Sarai, May 13, 1726.      Sarrah, d. Seth and Mary, July 4, 1763. SEARLES,      Charles Augustus, s. James and Susan, Feb. 5, 1828.      Susan Ann, d. James and Susan, Aug. 14, 1829. SHEARS (see Sheers, Sherse),      Elezebeth, d. Samuel and Mehetable, Apr. 27, 1737.      Elihy, s. Samuel and Mehetable, Apr. 3, 1735.      Jeremiah, s. Samuel and Mehetable, Sept. 28, 1731.      Unas, d. Samuel and Mehetable, Nov. 3, 1727. SHEERS (see Shears, Sherse),      Seth, s. Samuel and Mehetable, June 5, 1739. SHERMAN,      David Francis, s. David S. and Nancy T., Aug. 25, 1834. SHERSE (see Shears, Sheers), … Read more

E Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Death Records

ELICE (see Ellice, Ellis) Susanna, w. John, Apr. 4, 1654. ELLENWOOD Olive G., d. Aaron C, Nov. 10, 1820. ELLICE (see Elice, Ellis) Amos, s. Samuel Jr. and Sarah, Oct David, s. David and Elisabeth, Aug. 2, 1731. Eliazar, widr., Jan. ax, 1731. Hannah, d. James and Tabitha, Jan. 7, 1736-7. John, Apr. 2, 1697. John, s. John and Han[torn], July 11, 1721. Jone, wid. John, Mar. 2, 1703-4. Joseph, h. Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1726. Lidia, w. Joseph, June 11, 1694. Lidia, d. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. ax, 1736-7 [sic]. Lydia, d. Samuell and Deboran, July 18, 1723. Marie, w. … Read more

E Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

EARLEY, James Howland, s. John and Mary W., Sept. 22, 1847. John Edwin, s. John and Mary W., Dec. 31, 1841. Mary Elizabeth, d. John and Mary W., Dec. 19, 1845. Sarah Cushing, d. John and Mary W., Aug. 19, 1843. ELICE (see Ellese, Ellice, Ellis), Elefelet, s. Jacob and Mehetable, Nov. 5, 1733. ELLESE (see Elice, Ellice, Ellis), Jacob, s. Jacob and Mehettabel, July 3, 1729. ELLICE (see Elice, Ellese, Ellis), Enoch, s. M[torn] and Sarai, Oct. 3 [?], 1735. Mehetable, d. Jacob and Mehetable, July 12, 1731. Phenas, s. Moses and Saray, Feb. 11, 1734. ELLIS (see Elice, … Read more

1892-2008 Quincy High School Yearbooks – Golden Rod

1892 Quincy High School Yearbook - Golden Rod

The Thomas Crane Public Library in Quincy Massachusetts has digitized their copies of the Quincy High School yearbooks for the years of 1892 through 2008 and placed them online for free reading and download. Their collection spans the years of 1892 through 2008 but does not contain a complete run of all volumes of the early journal which was printed monthly.

W Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

WADE,      Marshal S. of Wrentham, and Elizabeth Hunt, Feb. 11, 1830. WADSON,      Sophia of Boston, and Varnum [publishment of intention of marriage, Varna] Mann, June 4, 1807. WALDRON,      Jemime of Dighton, and Elijah Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 1, 1758. WALES,      Harriett S. of Franklin, and Charles E. Gates, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 19, 1839.      Mary of Stoughton, and Charles Page, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 12, 1778. WALLACE,      Benj[amin] of Roxbury, and Susannah Smith, Apr. 18, 1826.      Mila [publishment of intention of marriage, Milla] of Wrentham, and Warren Fales, Oct. 18, 1829. WARE (see … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Carpenter

(X) William (4), son of William (3) Carpenter, was born 1605, in England, and came to America in 1638, in the ship “Bevis” with his family. He settled first at Weymouth, Massachusetts, where he was admitted a freeman, May 13, 1640. He was representative of the town in 1641-43; constable in 1641. March 28, 1645, he was admitted as an inhabitant of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and June of the same year, he was made freeman. From 1643 to 1649 he served as proprietors’ and town clerk. The original division of lands in Rehoboth took place, June 30, 1644, and in that … Read more

C Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

CAPRIN, _______, s. Rice Caprin (born Cumberland), of Cumberland, and Maria Joslin (born Cumberland), May 17, 1849. CAREL (see Carral, Carrel, Carrell, Carrol, Carroll), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Margret, Apr. 8, 1737. Margrey, d. Benjamian and Margre[t], Nov. 18, 1735. Rachel, d. Benjamian and-Margret, Dec. 7, 1740. CARNES, Andrew Jackson, Oct. 6, 1806, in Bath, Me. Andrew Taylor [duplicate entry, Canes], s. Andrew (born Bath, Me.) and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1849. Francis [sic] Matilda, Apr. 22, 1843. Nancy Ann (Canes), Mar. 23, 1812. CARPENTER, Lewis, s. Amos and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1784. CARRAL (see Carel, Carrel, Carrell, Carrol, Carroll), Marieret, … Read more

E Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records

ELICE (see Elise, Ellic, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Judi[blotted], d. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 15, 1658. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 26, 1660. Mary, d. John and Mary, Mar. 7, 1686. Samuell, s. John and Jone, May 24, 1660. ELISE (see Elice, Ellic, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Hanna, d. John and Sus[torn]nah, Apr. 9, 165 1. ELLIC (see Elice, Elise, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Abigail, d. Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1728-9. ELLICE (see Elice, Elise, Ellic, Ellis, Ellise) Abigail, d. Samuel an[d] Deborah, Oct 28, 1711. Abner, s. Tabitha Hucker, Oct. 1, 1765. Amos, s. Samuel Jr. and Sarah, July 31, … Read more

D Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. DAILIE Mary and William Farrett, Dec. 8, 1681.* DANIEL (seeDaniell, Daniells, Daniels) Ebenezer and Elisabeth Partredge, Dec. 22, 1701.* Elisabeth and Joseph Mason, Nov. 7, 1705.* Mary of Medway, and Frances [male] Hamant, Jan. 10, 1771.*. DANIELL (see Daniel, Daniells, Daniels) Mary and Sampson Frairy, June 14, 1660.* DANIELLS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniels) Joseph and Marie Fayrbanke, Nov. 16, 1665.* DANIELS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniells) Cyrus of Medway, and Rebecca Adams, Mar. 30, 1835. Ebenezer and Mary Harding, Oct 31, 1707.* Henery of Medway, and Elizabeth Harding, May 1, 1766.* Jason of Worcestor, and Julia Morse, … Read more

G Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

GADBOLD,      Nancy, d. Horatio N. and Nancy, Mar. 17, 1848. GALLET,      Marie Adelaide, d. Augustan [and] Marie Catherine      Victoi[r]e Chambry, Oct. 7 [torn] [recorded after July 30, 1795].      Marie Catherine Josephine, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, July 26, 1806.      Marie Louis Augustine, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, Sept. 9, 1800.      Marie Louise Melanie Henriette, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, Aug. 25, 1804. GAY,      Abigail, d. Joel and Priscilla, Jan. 28, 1799.      Albert, s. Jacob and Catharine, Mar. 26, 1832.      Benjamin, s. Joseph and Susanna, Nov. 16, 1747.      Benjamin, s. Jacob and Ann, Mar. 5, 1783.      Benjamin Newil, s. Benjamin and … Read more

E Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. EAMES (see Ames, Earns) Clarisa of Framingham, and Capt. Jonathan Wight, int May 9, 1824. EAMS (see Ames, Eames) Nathaniel of Framingham, and Rachel Lovel, Nov. 27, 1735.* EASTEE Lydia and Daniell Wight, Apr. 18, 1721.* EATON Abigail and Robert Mason, Nov. 10, 1659.* EDWARDS Mary of Walpole, and Emanuel S. Forrest, Apr. 7, 1833.* ELICE (see Ellice, Ellis) John and Joan Clapp, June 16, 1655.* Samuel and Mary Partridge, Nov. 12, 1736.* Thomas and Mary Wight, May 21, 1657.* ELLICE (see Elice, Ellis) Abiell and Zacharie Barbur, Aug. 30, 1683.* Asa of Dedham, and Phebe … Read more

R Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

RAAKE,      George Butler, s. John Christian (born Germany) and      Harriet A. (born London, Eng.), Aug. 5, 1849. RALL,      _____, d. Barney (born Ireland) and w. (born Ireland), Dec. 7, 1849. RAND [?],      Alphonzo La Fayett, s. Henry S. and Zerviah P., Feb. 15, 1824. READ (see Rede, Reed),      Oliver, s. Ichabod and Anna, Feb. 21, 1779. REDE (see Read, Reed),      Betsey, d. Ichabod and Ann, Sept. 28, 1782.      Chester, s. Ichabod and Ann, Sept. 9, 1780. REED (see Read, Rede),      Timothy, s. Timothy and Pricilla, Feb. _____, 1767. RHOADES (see Rhoads, Rhodes, Roads),      Harriot Emeline, d. Mosses and Nancy, Oct. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Aldrich

(II) Jacob, son of George Aldrich, was born in Braintree, February 28, 1653. He settled in Mendon, and was a farmer there on the homestead all his life. He died October 22, 1695. He married, November 3, 1675, Huldah Thayer. Children, born at Mendon: Jacob, May 28, 1676, mentioned elsewhere; Abel, January 27, 1677; Seth, July 6, 1699; Huldah, 1680; Rachel, 1682, died young; Sarah, 1683; David, May 23, 1685; Peter, October 17, 1686; John, November 17, 1688; Moses, April 1, 1691 ; Mercy, February 17, 1692, died same year; Rachel, December 27, 1694.