Slave Narrative of Sarah Woods Burke

Interviewer: James Immel Person Interviewed: Sarah Woods Burke Location: Washington County, Ohio Place of Birth: Grayson County, West Virginia Age: 85 “Yessir, I guess you all would call me an ex-slave cause I was born in Grayson County, West Virginia and on a plantation I lived for quite a spell, that is until when I was seven years old when we all moved up here to Washington county.” “My Pappy’s old Mammy was supposed to have been sold into slavery when my Pappy was one month old and some poor white people took him ter raise. We worked for them … Read more

Biography of Garrison G. Gray

To the prominent and esteemed citizen of Malheur County whose name appears above we grant a representation in the history of the County, since he is today one of the leading men domiciled here, has always labored for the up building of the County, is a man of integrity and uprightness, and receives the commendation of his fellows. Mr. Gray’s grandfather, John Gray, was said to be the last living soldier from the Revolution. He was a drummer boy at Bunker Hill and saw his father fall, then seized his sire’s musket and fought until the struggle closed. He worked … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wesley Thurlow

Wesley Thurlow was born in Morgan (now Noble) county, Ohio, June 10, 1822. His father was Silas Thurlow, of Newbury, Massachusetts. His mother’s maiden name was Susannah Swett, and she was a native of New Hampshire. Mr. Thurlow was reared in his native State and pursued the occupation of tailoring until about fifty years of age, and was then engaged in the hotel business at Olive, Ohio. He immigrated to Missouri, and has since engaged at various times and places in farming, merchandising and hotel-keeping. He came to Jamesport in April, 1880, and has conducted the Sherman House since that … Read more

Biography of Arthur Ogden Archer

Arthur Ogden Archer, who is president of the Archer Petroleum Company of St. Louis, in which city he has resided since 1912, was born in Stock township, Noble county, Ohio, and spent his youthful days upon his father’s farm. He represents one of the old and highly respected families of the Buckeye state, its men always being inspired by courage, fidelity and loyalty to duty. His grandfather, Absalom Archer, was a son of Simon Archer and was born in Stock township, where he devoted his life to agricultural pursuits. He wedded Rhoda Swainey, who belonged to one of the pioneer … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Mercer

If Kansas should be called upon, through some unfortunate circumstance, to lose at this time the services of Hon. Joseph H. Mercer, state live stock commissioner, it would still owe him a debt of gratitude for the great work he has accomplished in the eradication of the evils attending the foot-and-mouth and other diseases injurious to animals in Kansas, in the bringing about of a better understanding between the farmer and the packer, in the arrangement of freight rates, and in the protection of the interests of the farmer, and particularly of the live stock man, in various ways and … Read more

Biography of James W. Shankland, M. D.

Dr. James W. Shankland, a St. Louis surgeon who for some time was surgical chief of the Embarkation Hospital at Newport News, Virginia, during the World war and who is now practicing successfully in the metropolis of Missouri, was born in Noble county, Ohio, April 4, 1867. His father, James M. Shankland, was a native of the Buckeye state and a representative of one of its old families of Scotch-Irish descent. The founder of the family in America was Rhodes Shankland, who came to the new world from Scotland prior to the Revolutionary war and settled in Delaware, where during … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. C. George

M.C. GEORGE. – M.C. George is the third son of Presley and Mahala George. He is a gentleman of brisk mental qualities and great force, with refined popular attainments, and an honorable reputation that extends to every corner of Oregon. He was born in Noble county, Ohio, May 13, 1849. He received his education in our own state, at the Santiam Academy and at the Willamette University. He began independent life as principal of the public schools of Albany, and subsequently of the Academy at Jefferson. He was also engaged for a time in journalistic employment; but choosing the legal … Read more

Biography of Alonzo S. Brand

Alonzo S. Brand. The career of Alonzo S. Brand, whose home is in Sidney Township, on Eural Route No. 58, has been characterized by that vim and vigor of achievement which is the admiration of all purposeful men. To say that he is a self-made man is hardly doing credit to his ability at overcoming difficulties in his way to success. Mr. Brand was born in Noble County, Ohio, January 15, 1872, a son of Greenberry and Mary (Baker) Brand. His parents were also natives of the same county and his father a farmer. Alonzo was the oldest of their … Read more