1851 Newburgh Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Napanee River, in the Township of Camden and County of Addington, C. W.-distant from Kingston, 23 miles-usual stage fare, 3s. 9d.-going and returning the same day, 5s.-distant from Napanee, 61 miles. Population about 700. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. CATON, ALLAN, chemist and druggit patent medicines, paints and dye stuffs in every variety, also school and miscellaneous books, &c. Newcastle HOOPER, A. & D., general store, saw and grist mills dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c. MACEGAN, FLORENCE, dealer in dry goods, groceries, … Read more

Biography of Hugh Beverly Roney

HUGH BEVERLY RONEY, M. D., a progressive and successful physician of Pittsfield, whose preparations for his profession were made in leading educational institutions and whose success well appraises his ability, is interested in local and general progress, and in his profession he has attained an enviable position. He is a son of Gifford and Victoria (Lott) Roney, the father now deceased, the mother a resident of Pittsfield. Hugh Beverly Roney was born at Colborne, Canada, January 20, 1886. He received his early education in the public schools of his birthplace and spent two years in the high schools of Newburgh, … Read more