Goehring, Lewis – Obituary

Lewis Goehring, 83, died at his home, 223 North Marion Street, Tuesday [October 22, 1935] at 7:30 p.m. after a long illness. He was a veteran grain merchant. Mr. Goehring was born in New York City, March 11, 1852, coming to this section of Iowa when he was 2 years of age. He was engaged in the grain business with Jones & Buchanan, later with the W. E. Jones Co., and with E. M. Robertson. He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and a charter member of the Modern Woodman. He was also a member of the … Read more

Will of Thomas Stevenson – 1668

Robert Coe and Daniel Denton, of Jamaica, Long Island, are appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS STEVENSON, and guardians of his children. July 9, 1668. Ri. Nicolls. LIBER 1-2, page 25 Robert Coe resigns his appointment as Administrator of estate of THOMAS STEVENSON July 9, 1668, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, is appointed in his place. August 15, 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 26

Biography of John McEwen Ames

John Moewen Ames. One of the leading business institutions of Caney, Kansas, is that operating under the name of Kan-o-Tex Refining Company, an industry which has contributed materially to the importance of this city as a center of business activity. The credit for the success of this enterprise is largely due to its president, John McEwen Ames, a man of broad experience and marked business talents, who, until coming to Caney in 1915, had been identified with large business corporations in the East. Mr. Ames was born in New York City, New York, February 12, 1867, and is a son … Read more

Along the Hudson River in New York City

Our historic journey fittingly begins at Desbrosses Street, for here, near the old River-front, extending from Desbrosses along Greenwich, stood the Revolutionary line of breastworks reaching south to the Grenadier Battery at Franklin Street. Below this were “Jersey,” “McDougall” and “Oyster” batteries and intervening earthworks to Port George, on the Battery, which stood on the site of old Fort Amsterdam, carrying us back to Knickerbocker memories of Peter Stuyvesant and Wowter Van Twiller. The view from the after-deck, before the steamer leaves the pier, gives scope for the imagination to re-picture the far-away primitive and heroic days of early New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William A Atwood

William A Atwood was one of the most prominent figures in the industrial interests of Killingly. His grandparents were Kimball and Selinda Colgrove Atwood. His father was John Atwood, who married Julia A. Battey. Their son, William Allen, was born August 4th, 1833, in Williamsville, in the town of Killingly, and received more than an elementary education. First entering the Danielsonville High School, he continued his studies at the Scituate Seminary in Rhode Island, and at Wilbraham, Mass., completing his academic education at Middleboro, Mass. He early entered the Williamsville mills, then under the superintendence of his father, and having … Read more

Will of John Williams, – 1672

JOHN WILLIAMS, New York. Leaves to Anthony Jansen Turk, “all my tools in the house of Henry Morris in New Jersey, as also whatever I have in the house of Anthony Jansen, or elsewhere.” And all my land in New Jersey according to the records of Elizabethtown, and he is to pay to Henry Morris a debt of 40 shillings and the funeral charges. Makes Henry Morris executor. Dated October 10, 1672. Witnesses, Otto Gerritse, John Sharpe. Letters of administration granted to Anthony Jansen Turk, October 15, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 98

Will of Claas Melise – 1672

“Whereas CLAAS MELISE, late an inhabitant of this city, was by an unhappy accident, returning in his sloop, from Virginia to this city, struck over-board into ye sea, by which means he is departed this natural life.” Upon request of his widow, Gretie Ancus, that John Poppers and Hendricks Van Bommell, might be appointed the administrators, they are so confirmed, July 12, 1672. Children are mentioned but not named. LIBER 1-2, page 94

Will of William Ludlum – 1655

WILLIAM LUDLAM, Southampton. Leaves to his son Anthony “all my housing and lands at the old ground,” and a £50 right of commonage in town of Southampton. Leaves to his son Joseph “my new dwelling-house with two acres of land adjoining, and thirty acres of land adjoining to the mill and mill pond, on the east side of the mill river; and a £50 right of commonage.” Leaves legacies to daughters Grace, Frances, and Mary, also to “eldest child of my son William,” “my son Henry’s child,” “my daughter Grace’s child,” and to “the eldest child of my danghter Frances.” … Read more

Will of Thomas Exton, Capt. – 1668

CAPT. THOMAS EXTON, New York. “Being sick and weak.” Appoints his loving friends Capt. Sylvester Salisbury and Mr. John Rider, Gent, executors. “I leave seven Beavers to buy wine for ye officers and Gentlemen who accompany my Corps to the Grave.” “I leave six choice Beaver skins to be paid to Capt. Thomas Breedon, of Boston, to satisfy a credit. Captain Thomas Delaval gave to Mr. Isaac Bedloe.” To Mr. Matthias Nicolls “my fine new Holland shirts which lye in my Black trunk.” To Abigail, wife of Mr. Matthias Nicolls, “my silver boat, a silver meat fork, and a silver … Read more

Biography of Andrew Roberts

ANDREW ROBERTS. – Andrew Roberts was born in Dundee, Scotland, August 12, 1822. When one year old he had lost both of his parents. He was then removed to Forfar. As soon as he was of proper age he learned the trade of a tailor, and when he had earned and saved sufficient money he left his native land for the United States. He thus states that venture: “I left my home in 1842, and on foot started to Dundee, distant fourteen miles. I took the steamer from there to Edinburgh, and traveled thence by rail to Glasgow. I then … Read more

Will of John White, – 1670

JOHN WHITE, Southampton, L. I. Leaves to only son John all houses and lands. “If he die without issue then to my daughter Elizabeth. If she die without issue then to my wife Hannah, for life, and then to the eldest son of my brother James White. If he die without issue then one half to my two nephews, John Topping and Thomas Topping. The other half to be divided amongst my four youngest sisters” [not named]. Wife to have use of property till son comes of age. Makes wife Hannah executrix, and “my loving friends, Francis and Daniel Sayre, … Read more

Biography of James McDermott, Hon.

Hon. James McDermott. The career of James McDermott, now a retired resident of the City of Winfield, has been one remarkable in many ways, and his life story contains many interesting chapters. From newsboy on the streets of New York to leading lawyer and member of the Kansas Legislature, his active career led him through many of the most important battles of the Civil war, as well as through the struggles of political life, and through it all he has maintained a reputation for courage, fidelity and absolute fearlessness. Mr. McDermott was born in New York City, New York, June … Read more

Biography of A. B. Rabbeson

A.B. RABBESON. – Mr. Rabbeson, who observes that “he was born of rich but honest parents” at New York in 1824, was devoted from his youth to the most interesting and desperate adventures. Nevertheless, he was always delivered from his perils just at the right time, and lives to-day in hale age at Olympia. His boyish adventures began not many years after the death of his father in 1833. His step-father he did not like, and consequently left home. We find him out in Canada, soon at New York City with his grandparents and attending school, but within a few … Read more

Will of Mary Gardiner – 1664

MARY GARDINER. “I, Mary Gardiner, of Maidstone, alias East Hampton, upon Long Island.” Widow of Lion Gardiner, “I give my Island, called Isle of Wight, alias Monchonock, to my son, David Gardiner, for life.” Then to his next male heire. If he die without male issue, then to the male heir of my daughter Mary. If she die without male issue, then to the heir male of my grandchild Elizabeth Howell, “and to be entailed to the heirs male of my deceased husband, Lion Gardiner, never to be sold, but to be a continuous inheritance forever.” Leaves to daughter Mary … Read more

Biography of Charles Pilla

Charles Pilla. The pages of this publication can render no better service than to record upon them the names and activities of such a man as the late Charles Pilla, who for over half a century was one of the vital factors in the prosperity and progress of the Town of Eudora. Much of what he accomplished in a business way is still in existence and carried forward by his descendants. Many other influences that went from his life and wrought themselves into community action and benefit are also still vital even after their originator had passed away. He was … Read more

Will of Cornelius Beackman – 1668

CORNELIS BEACKMAN, New Utrecht. “Being sicke in his bed, disposes his estate as follows.” First, he, the said Cornelis Beackman, and his wife Marihe Cornelis “do break and anull their first Contract of Marriage,” and do declare that of all they have in this world the said wife shall have one half, and his daughter Mellitie the other half. But if his wife should die before the daughter is twelve years of age, “which God forbid,” the testator appoints Lucas Dirckse and John ye Cooper, Jr., to be tutors of said child, they being both inhabitants of New York. Dated … Read more

Will of Elizabeth Partridge – 1669

ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, of Flushing. Leaves one fourth of estate “to all my grandchildren equally.” The rest “to all my children equally.” Makes “Mr. Elias Doughty, of Flushing,” executor. Dated May 23, 1669. Written at order of Elizabeth Partridge by me, Anthony Waters, Clerk. Proved June 9, 1669. Debts mentioned as owing to her from Robert Fecks, Francis ye Carpenter, Nicholas Davis, John Gonin. LIBER 1-2, page 38 Inventory of estate of ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, taken by Wm. Laurence and Eyrke Jacobs, overseers chosen by the Constable,” October 18, 1669. House and lot, £45. Apraisal made by John Bowne, Wm. Noble, and … Read more

Will of Roger Rugg – 1675

“Whereas ROGER RUGG, merchant, of this city, dyed lately without making any formal will, yet by a nuncupative will, before sufficient testimony, some short time before his decease, bequeathed his estate to Mr. John Rider and his wife of this city, and desiring Captain Nathaniel Davenport to be assisting unto them, and having made proof of the will before the Court of Mayor and Aldermen.” The said John Rider is made administrator, August 9, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 117

Will of Jonathan Davis – 1674

JONATHAN DAVIS, Jamaica. “Wee underwritten coming to ye house which was Jonathan Davis deceased, to make inquiry according to Law, whether he had made any will or no. Answer was made that he had made no written will, only in the hearing of Zacharias Mills and Abigail Darling bee did desire that what estate he left behinde should bee for his wife Sarah. And also in regard of his wife’s inability to manage her business herself, he desired that his brother Samuel Davis and Nehemiah Smith should be assistants to her and be her Overseers. The which two men in … Read more

Biography of Richard Jeffs

RICHARD JEFFS. – The subject of this brief sketch was born in Westchester, Westchester county, New York, December 27, 1827, where he was brought up, working on his father’s farm until he was nineteen years of age. He then went to New York City, where he remained for eighteen months. In February, 1851, he started for California by way of Panama, arriving in San Francisco in March of that year. He started almost immediately for the mines, where he remained until 1858. During the great gold excitement of 1858-59, on the Frazer river, British Columbia, when thousands of people were … Read more