Will of Cornelius Beackman – 1668

CORNELIS BEACKMAN, New Utrecht. “Being sicke in his bed, disposes his estate as follows.” First, he, the said Cornelis Beackman, and his wife Marihe Cornelis “do break and anull their first Contract of Marriage,” and do declare that of all they have in this world the said wife shall have one half, and his daughter Mellitie the other half. But if his wife should die before the daughter is twelve years of age, “which God forbid,” the testator appoints Lucas Dirckse and John ye Cooper, Jr., to be tutors of said child, they being both inhabitants of New York. Dated … Read more

Will of Jean Le Telier – 1671

Whereas JEAN LE TELIER, of New Utrecht, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, did by his will leave his wife Christina sole executrix. She is confirmed as such, September 12, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 68