Biography of Jacob C. Garber

The efficient and capable postmaster of Grangeville, Jacob C. Garber, is a native of Rockingham County, Virginia, born near Fort Republic, January 7, 1829. The family is of Swiss origin and the ancestors of our subject crossed the Atlantic to the New World prior to the Revolutionary war. They were long residents of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and in religious faith were Dunkards. Martin Garber, the father of our subject, was born in the Old Dominion and married Miss Magdalen Mohler, a lady of German lineage and a representative of one of the old Virginian families. Fourteen children were born of … Read more

Ormsby, Irene A. Newstrom – Obituary

Irene A. Ormsby, 90, of Grass Valley died Friday [October 15, 1993] in a local medical facility. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 p.m. Thursday and entombment will take place at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland. Mrs. Ormsby was born Sept. 27, 1903, in Selma to David M. and Emma Newstrom. She lived in the Bay Area for 40 years before moving to Grass Valley one year ago. She lived in Modesto before moving to the Bay Area. She enjoyed ballroom dancing. Her family was the focus of her life. She is survived by her son Duane M. Ormsby … Read more

Ormsby, Duane Maurice – Obituary

In accordance with his wishes, no services are planned for Duane Maurice Ormsby, 69, of Grass Valley. He died Saturday, Dec. 25 [1999], at a local hospital, following a long battle with multiple sclerosis. He was born Aug. 24, 1930 in Oakland. Mr. Ormsby had been a Nevada County resident for 12 years. Mr. Ormsby was an Army veteran, serving in the Korean War. He was a former resident of the Bay Area. He was a second degree black belt in Judo, and was a Judo instructor at Albany Y. Takamoto Judo and was affiliated with the San Francisco Judo … Read more

Ham, Verdice Van Leuven Mrs. – Obituary

Verdice Ham, 83, of Nevada City, Calif., a former Baker City resident, died March 27, 2003, at her daughter’s home in Nevada City. Her funeral will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Bishop Greg Baxter, 1st Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will conduct the service. Vault interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Visitations will be from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday at the funeral home. Verdice Ham was born Dec. 16, 1919, at Weiser, Idaho, to Andrew L. and Ida Jackson Van Leuven. She was the youngest … Read more

Biography of James Edwards

After a long period of active connection with the industrial interests of northern Idaho, James Edwards is now living a retired life in Grangeville. He was born in Richmond, Chittenden county, Vermont, on the 20th of June, 1838, his parents being George and Martha Sophia (Burr) Edwards, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. The father was a farmer and a dealer in cattle and grain. He attained the age of only fifty years, but his wife lived to the ripe old age of eighty-four years. They were Universalists in religious faith, and Mr. Edwards was a man of ability, … Read more

Biography of Charles Trumbull Hayden

Charles Trumbull Hayden, whose name is linked with the early history of Arizona, was born in Windsor, Connecticut, April 4th, 1825. When eighteen years old he taught school in New Jersey, and afterwards near New Albany, Indiana, and in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1848 he loaded a wagon with merchandise, and left Independence, Missouri, for Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he marketed his goods and returned in the fall. He continued in business at Independence for some time, but when the gold excitement began in 1849, he outfitted a train of ox teams, and started over the Santa Fe Trail. … Read more

Biography of David Morey

David Morey, one of the pioneers of Redlands, was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania, in 1824. His father, Jacob Morey, moved to Delaware County, Ohio, at an early day, and took a farm out of the woods. He died there at the age of ninety years. His mother, Barbara (Jacobs) Morey, is still living, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. The subject of this sketch left home at the age of fourteen to learn the cabinet trade. He worked at this trade in Marysville, and in 1842 went to Indianapolis, where he remained until 1845. He then went to … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. R. Burbank

HON. A.R. BURBANK. – Mr. Burbank, a founder of society and business upon the Pacific coast, was born April 15, 1817, near Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the son of Major Daniel Burbank, an American officer in the war of 1812, who came with his family in an open boat down the Alleghany and Ohio rivers as early as 1814, and made a home on its northern shore near the present metropolis. The Major was from Williamstown, Massachusetts. His wife, Margeret Pinchen, was from Atica, New York. In 1818 a further move was made in the family boat down the Ohio … Read more

Biography of Hon. Jesse B. Ball

HON. JESSE B. BALL. – Twenty miles up the Skagit river, in the heart of one of the richest timber sections of Washington, is Sterling, a thriving young city, with high hopes for the future. The founder of the place is the man whose name appears at the head of this sketch. Mr. Ball is a pioneer of 1853, having crossed the plains in that year and stopped at Downieville, where he worked a short time for a company of miners, – his only work for anybody but himself on this coast. His career has had the restless activity and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Brown

No person is more responsible for San Mateo County’s highway system than William H. Brown, Supervisor from the Second Township. The scenic boulevards which lure thousands of autoists into the county every day is a realization of Brown’s dream of years ago. The second township shows Brown’s good roads mania. Practically all its paved roads and boulevards have been built during his term of office. At a cost of $10,000 he has just completed the resurfacing of the road from Beresford to Redwood City. As a member of the Board of Supervisors and chairman for one term, Brown has worked … Read more

Ingram, Thomas Fredrick “Tom” – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Thomas Fredrick “Tom” Ingram, 78, of Halfway, died Oct. 28, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His funeral was Friday at Halfway. Mr. Ingram was born on Feb. 13, 1923, to Earl and Pearl Gerberding Ingram in Eugene. He began his schooling at Burns, but finished his education in Baker County, graduating from Baker High School in 1941. In his youth, he lived in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho. After high school, Mr. Ingram worked at Yuma Army Air Base at Yuma, Ariz., during the war years. On June 25, 1945, Tom and Ann met. They didn’t see … Read more

Joshua A. Hardesty – Obituary

Obituary of Joshua A. Hardesty, age 19, a longtime Baker City, Oregon resident, who died Nov. 13, 2002, as the result of an automobile accident.

Kennedy, Dale Dee – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Dale Dee Kennedy, 40, of Baker City died Dec. 9, 2001, at his home. Disposition was by cremation. There will be a family gathering later. Dale was born at Nevada City, Calif., on Feb. 19, 1961. He lived at Grass Valley, Calif., until he was 26. Dale was known for his kind and generous heart. He never met a stranger. Dale enjoyed cruising around town with his wife, and honking at his friends. From the time he could walk he loved to go fishing. Dale also enjoyed yard sales and was a CB enthusiast. One of the … Read more

Biography of Evan Evans

Evan Evans, a successful business man of Grangeville, came to this town in 1880 and for almost twenty years has been one of her enterprising and highly valued citizens, taking a deep interest in and giving aid to every measure and movement intended to promote the general welfare. He was born in Norway, February 5, 1855, and is of Norwegian ancestry. His parents were Andrew and Mary (Olson) Evans, successful farming people and respected members of the Lutheran church. The subject of this review acquired his education in his native country, and at the age of seventeen went to England, … Read more

Ingram,Chester – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Chet Ingram Killed Under Wheels of Logging Truck Marr Flat Mishap Fatal to Logger Chester Ingram, 36, of Joseph was instantly killed about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning when a logging trailer ran over him during logging operations on Marr Flat. The truck which struck Ingram was driven by Wilbur Curry of Joseph. Curry reported that his truck had just been loaded at the jammer and Ingram was assisting him in tightening the chains and checking the load. While Curry was partly under the truck and Ingram was stepping behind the load, the truck started rolling slowly … Read more

Biography of William Ranck

WILLIAM RANCK. – This representative citizen of Clarke county was born at East Waterford, Pennsylvania, in 1829. At the age of five years his parents moved to Huntington county in the same state, one and one-half miles from Shade Gap postoffice, where he received the common-school education of that early time which consisted chiefly of the “three R’s.” At the age of seventeen he went to Shirleysburg to learn the trade of a wagon and carriage maker. After some years of employment at Germantown, and at other points in Pennsylvania and Virginia, on the 1st day of April, 1852,he left … Read more

Biography of Charles D. Armstrong

In a record of those who have been prominently identified with the development and progress of Latah county it is imperative that definite consideration be granted to the subject of this review, for not only is he a prominent representative of the agricultural interests of this favored section, but has the distinction of being one of the pioneers of the golden west, with whose fortunes he has been identified for fully forty years, concerned with varied industrial pursuits and so ordering his life as to gain and retain the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. Charles Dexter Armstrong is … Read more

Biography of Samuel P. Cox

Samuel P. Cox was born in Williamsburg, Whitley county, Kentucky, December 16, 1828. In 1839 his parents, Levi and Cynthia Cox, removed to Missouri and located in the eastern part of Daviess county, now known as Jackson township, and the subject of this sketch lived at home and worked upon the farm until 1847. In the spring of that year he enlisted in company D, Captain W. H. Rogers, Oregon Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Powell, commanding, for the war with Mexico. He served until November, 1848, when he received his honorable discharge at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Returning to the old homestead he … Read more

Biography of Belden D. Burt

The subject of this sketch is one of the pioneer merchants of Riverside, and is the senior member of the firm of B. D. Burt & Brother. This is now the oldest mercantile firm in the city, having been established in 1875, and been continuously in business since that time. The first brick block erected in Riverside was that occupied by Mr. Burt, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. For many years he conducted a general mercantile business, but in the later years, has confined his business to dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr. Burt’s partner … Read more