Gibson, Mollie Mrs. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Death Calls Cove Matron Mrs. Mollie Gibson, 79, died at the home of her grandson, Muriel Rundall, Sunday after being ill several months. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Union and burial was in Rose Ridge cemetery of Cove. Mollie Plummer was born at Baxter Springs, Mo., July 29, 1859. She was married to James Gibson at Fayette Ark., December 19, 1877. Gibson died March 23, 1936. Eight children were born. Those surviving are Mrs. Sam Richards and Mrs. Jim Rundall of Cove. Mrs. Hamilton Arthur and Jim Gibson of Baker, Miss Mabel Gibson of … Read more

Biography of Hon T. A. Sherwood

Thomas Adiel Sherwood was born at Eatonton, in Putnam county, Georgia, June 2, 1834, where he spent his early life. His father, Rev. Adiel Sherwood, D.D., was a Baptist clergyman of great learning and prominence, who was born and reared at Fort Edward, in the State of New York. The family were of English extraction. Dr. Thomas Sherwood, and Andrew, his brother, immigrated to this country during its colonial period, from Nottinghamshire, England, and settled in Connecticut. Dr. Thomas Sherwood was the grandfather of Major Adiel Sherwood, who served in the war of the Revolution under Gen. George Washington, and … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Lee

ROBERT E. LEE. Robert E. Lee, president of the J. L. Lee Lumber Company at Sparta, Christian County, Missouri, has held that position since the retirement of the first president, J. L. Lee, who is now residing at Springfield. This company was organized in 1891, and is now operating on the Chadwick & Baltimore branch and on the main line of the ‘Frisco, between Springfield and St. Louis. The vice-president is B. F. Hobert, the secretary is F. W. Fisque, and our subject acts also as general manager of the company. The business is conducted on a very large scale, … Read more

Biography of Albert F. Armstrong

Another member of the Armstrong family who is engaged in farming in Nowata County is Albert F. Armstrong, a brother of Charles F., whose sketch appears on another page of this work. A native of Kansas, he was born in Wyandotte County, on the 3d of April, 1865, a grandson of Chief Journeycake and a son of Henry Armstrong, who is now living retired in Coffeyville, Kansas. He is a nephew of J. E. Campbell of Nowata, while H. L. Campbell of the first National Bank of Nowata is a cousin. Albert F. Armstrong received his early education in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur F. Chamberlin

(See Oolootsa) Arthur Fanshaw, son of Rev. Armory N. and Eunice Dolly (Hoyt) Chamberlain, was born October 9, 185 7 in Flint District. He was educated in the public schools and Male Seminary. Married June 9, 1883, at Neosho, Missouri, Letitia, daughter of Hamilton W., and Margaret Goodykoontz, born March 18. 1861, in Newton County, Missouri. They located in Vinita, and are the parents of. Dolly Edith (Cherokee name Oo-loo-tsa) born August 19, 1887; educated in the schools of Vinita, and Henry Kendall College; married June 22, 1907, William Robinson; Catherine Brown, born December 25, 1893; educated at Vinita and … Read more

Biography of James Colyer Gordon

James Colyer Gordon, superintendent of the waterworks system of Independence, had, together with his father, who for thirty years was engineer of the waterworks, had more to do with making this public utility a splendid and effleient organ of public service than any other individual. Independence had had a system of waterworks for thirty years or more. For many years it had been a municipally owned plant and the city corporation had expended an immense amount of money in perfecting the plant and the source of supply. The new water plant is located a mile and a half northeast of … Read more

Bittenbender, Goldie Faye Farmer Marks Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Oregon Goldie Faye Bittenbender, 90, of North Powder, died Nov. 15, 2001, at home from complications associated with pneumonia. She requested there be no funeral. Her family will schedule a memorial service later. She was born Goldie Farmer in Neosho, Mo., on Sept. 20, 1911. She married Lois Marks in 1931. He died in 1943 during World War II. Goldie married Al Bittenbender in 1945. Mr. Bittenbender died in 1987. Goldie said one of her favorite things was that she and Lou never missed a Saturday night dance. She also loved to tag along with Al on his … Read more

Plummer, Van William – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Died-in Pendleton, Thursday, August 7, 1924, Van William Plummer, of La Grande. He was born July 4, 1866, in Neosho, Missouri; came to Oregon in 1888 and was married to Catherine Elizabeth Ashby May 14, 1890. He is survived by his widow, and one son-Thomas Plummer, of La Grande; three daughters-Mrs. A. O. Baird, of Baker; Mrs. Guy B. Rogers of La Grande; Mrs. C. A. Chesser of Austin; one sister-Mrs. J. L. Gibson of Cove; one brother-Carlos Plummer of La Grande; and eight grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday August 9 from Cock Bros. … Read more

Gibson, J. L. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon J. L. Gibson, Cove Pioneer, Passes Monday at Hom A pioneer of 1883, J.L. Gibson, Cove, died at his home March 23 4 a.m. after a lingering illnes five months duration. Hardened arteries causing neuraligia of the head at his advanced age caused his death which came peacefully in his sleep. James Logan Gibson was born in Nesho, Mo., July 29,1851 and had he lived until July he would have been 85 years of age. When a young man he went with his parents, to Texas and was married in 1876 to Mollie E Plummer. They, … Read more

Move to Neosho Missouri

The next year we moved to NEOSHO [Not sure about the name of this place.] Missouri. Me and Dad and my older brothers worked on a fruit farm called the SOEAKMAN farm. We stayed up there until the fruit harvest was over then we moved back to FLINT. Dad rented a place from Rich BECK the man who ran the BECK store and Post Office. We were just across the creek from the water mill. Tony BECK ran the mill. He was a brother of Rich BECK. I was big enough to go to the mill several times a day … Read more